Daughter Dearest...Why Is There A Werewolf In Your Bed...?

Chapter 7 (Current State)

I stared at the alpha. The one who had started the Two Thousand Year War. The one who had died over a decade ago. This was the werewolf who had tossed the world into chaos for two millennia?

Cian turned my head from side to side, taking in my face. I couldn’t move, I couldn’t turn my head away in disgust. I was too weak to even spit at him.

“So...Winry and Nate had a child?” His voice sent shivers down my spine. He didn’t sound evil, which made it worse.

James looked up, “No, they had two. A boy, Blaise, and Rayne here.”

I looked back at Cian as his eyes studied me.

“Rayne...” It was as if he was trying to get a good taste of the word. He smiled wider and leaned forward, near my ear, “We are going to have so much fun.”

I started as he untied the bindings around my wrists. I fell forward into his arms. I wanted to push him away, to run, to do something. All I could do was let him carry me over to Noah and place me in his arms. Noah carried me out of the basement and we exited the room, I blinked a few times in the sunlight streaming through the windows around the room.

I squinted as he carried me up the stairs and down a hallway. From my peripheral vision I noticed that he looked down at me a few times then quickly looked away. The dimly lit hallway provided me with the ability to see clearly again. I looked at the dark pine green walls and the dark hard wood floors covered by a dark red runner with deep gold tracings around the sides.

My eyes stayed on the floor until we stopped in front of a door. He shifted me in his arms and turned the knob, pushing the door inwards.

My mind reeled as I saw the bed in the middle of the room. Thoughts of what could happen do me in my weakened state raced through my mind, unpleasant images causing me to cringe slightly. He walked slowly to the bed and set me down onto the sheets. His hands pulled the sheets from under me to drape them over me before turning and leaving the room.

The door closed and locked, I let out the breath I had been holding in. My head turned to the window on my right. How long would I be here? How long would I have to tense whenever a sound was heard outside my door? As the night dragged on I was able to regain movement in my limbs and watched the sun rise, still in the stiff, bloodstained clothes I had arrived in.

(Third Person POV)

Cian had been briefed on the current state of the world as he walked into his own room and changed into a pair of jeans and a plain dark green t-shirt.

He learned of the other kingdoms sending representatives for the treaty he became enraged to discover his own brother had betrayed him, and all he had worked for in their pack, to the king bloodsucker and naive queen.

“My own brother...” His whole form shook with fury as he sat on his bed. He glared out of the window as he fell back onto his bed and watched the sun creep slowly over the horizon. The next thing he knew, it was morning and James had told him everything about the politics in the kingdom. In the seventeen years he had been gone, things had gotten more complicated than he had thought. A complication, but not a big one. He had expected that something like this would happen. It would only take a day to revamp, no pun intended, his plans.

“So what are you going to do with the girl?” Cian looked up at Noah who had, just a minute ago, been standing silently by his door while James talked.

He pondered the thought for a moment turning it over in his mind as he sat up. “Why don’t we find out how much she knows about the castle.”

James smiled, “I’ve missed your way of thinking...”

Cian strode out into the hallway, his bare feet barely brushing the carpet in his graceful strides. He opened the door and welcomed the warm sunlight that filled the room.

Winry would not stop pacing in her soul mate’s study. He would watch her pacing for about an hour before sweeping her up in his arms and telling her to rest. That everything was under control.

But everything was far from controlled and he knew it.

They had no leads. No suspects. No witnesses.

They had the broken window at the café the townspeople had seen her go into. But they hadn’t seen her come out. Some say that she vanished to escape the people’s prying eyes. But the broken window next to where she had sat was too suspicious. Nate had even gone down to the café and looked.

The glass that had stayed in the frame was smudged with blood and the trace of a cloaking spell were still fresh on the entire street the café was on. Someone had hidden her from everyone’s eyes and there must have been a struggle.

Nate didn’t want to tell Winry this. She was worried enough as it was, but something in him told him that he shouldn’t withhold information from her, from his past experience he knew that well enough.

So he continued to watch his wife have a fitful sleep as he walked back to his study to follow more dead end leads. It was all they had for now.

“Holy shit...” James whispered as their eyes quickly adjusted to the light streaming through the windows.

Cian stared for a little while, shocked, before jumping into action.

They had walked into her room, but Rayne’s eyes had rolled into the back of her head, only the whites showing and she was convulsing fiercely. Cian quickly pulled the curtains closed, strangling the sunlight from the room, as Noah and James restrained her before she fell off the bed and bit her tongue off. The gasping breaths she tried to take unnerved Noah, but once the curtains were closed her convulsions lost their severity and her breaths became a little more even.

But she was still unconscious and twitching.