Daughter Dearest...Why Is There A Werewolf In Your Bed...?

Chapter 8 (Getting Closer...)

Normal POV

Everything was so dark. I couldn’t see anything. Well, the pain was gone, that was a plus. All I remembered before the darkness was an excruciating pain. It was too close to the last excruciating pain I had experienced, my body couldn’t take it and then...black.

I felt like I was floating, no pain, no feeling at all. Just an overwhelming sense of peace that tickled my senses. I couldn’t even tell if my eyes were closed or open. I didn’t really care all that much. I still felt the inner and outer peace no matter what.

A small pinprick shined through my peace. I stared at it for a moment. There were garbled voices invading the silence of my sanctuary. Something that I wanted to shy away from, to have it disappear and leave me in my peace.

Something began to move me. I could feel it. I shouldn’t have felt it in my sanctuary, I couldn’t feel anything there. Something was dragging me out of it and the next thing I knew I opened my eyes into the dim light that the overhead light provided.

Someone had closed the curtains. I remembered watching the sun rise before the pain came, but it hadn’t occurred to me that it was because of the sunlight. I had never had that bad of a reaction to it. I just felt like I had mono when it was the worst. No pain that shot through my nerves practically making them burn through my skin in agony.

I was able to concentrate on one point of the room as my vision became clearer. James’ face was the first thing to slid into focus. I groaned and closed my eyes again.

“No, no, Sleeping Beauty. You wake up now.” His voice shattered the last remnants of my beloved sanctuary, throwing back into the sharp contrast of the real world. I hated the real world. It was full of people who either wanted to marry me or kidnap me. Perhaps even kill me if they felt like it. Like I said: Real world? Sucks.

James made a move towards me, like he was going to pick me up, but my body reacted before my mind did. I shifted away from his hands. He looked at me for a second before Noah moved in front of him and scooped me into his arms. I held in my sigh of relief as we walked down the hallway.

Cian motioned to James to go down a certain hallway. Noah leaned in and told me that they were going to get the medicine for my condition. I looked up at him in surprise.

“You have medicine for that?” I would have thought that they would want me to suffer. Noah stared at me in surprise, it was then that James came back and gave me the shot while I was distracted.

“There ya go. Now you won’t pass out, sunshine!” I glared at James as they brought me into another room, with only one chair in the center of it.

I swallowed hard.

Third person POV

It came to him as if it had been obvious this entire time. Nate walked up to the small cottage in the middle of the woods near his castle. He knocked on the door and waited the few seconds it took for the woman to open the door.

The dirty blond haired woman looked at Nate for a few seconds before leaning on the doorframe.

“Now what did you do to make my sister angry?” Shylah sighed. Nate glared at her for a second before he held out a shard of glass with his daughter’s blood on it. He had taken it from the café when the epiphany happened.

“And what am I going to do with that?” Shylah looked at it disgusted.

“Really woman, do you ever open a newspaper?” Nate sighed. Shylah looked up at him with suspicion on her features. Nate sighed again, “Well, not a very good aunt if you don’t know that your own niece has been kidnapped, are you?”

Shylah’s eyes widened and she snatched the piece of glass from his hand. She walked back into the house and Nate followed, looking around the small cottage as he did. He saw Syd sitting on the green couch in the sitting room, reading a book.

Syd looked up as he heard more than one pair of footsteps going towards the small kitchen. Nate gave him a small nod, like all men do. The hey,-I-know-you,-but-I-don’t-want-to-talk- right-now-so-here’s-my-greeting kind of nod. You know it, we all do.

He returned it with a bewildered look on his face. You can’t blame him. He takes one day off to be with Shylah and the king walks in. It’s bizarre...you get the picture.

Nate walks into the kitchen quietly, seeing that Shylah was sitting at the kitchen table with her hands over the glass and her eyes closed. He couldn’t believe that this solution had escaped him when trying to find out where his daughter was. Really, his sister-in-law was an angel who knew all of her powers and mastered all of them too. She would be able to find someone blood related to her in a second.

“There’s more than one person’s blood on this glass.” he could see her eyes flutter under the closed lids.


“Rayne and...the rebel werewolf, James...”

Nate could feel what color was left, drain from his face.

Wait until Winry hears this...
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Sorry it's a little short. I'm running low on inspiration. But that could change if you leave comments on these updates *hinthint*