Heartless Killings

chapter 7

Ellen smirked at her cruel game. Seducing the boys with confusing thoughts would just make the situation even more awkward. She slowly changed back in to her human form. Her long black hair going white and her eyes changed from a crimson red to grayish blue again. Her fangs protruded and her strong craving for blood disappeared. Calmly she walked out of the room. She walked to the closet Tom was still in and opened the door. “Mr. Kaulitz what are you doing here?” she asked with slight amusement. He stared at her his mouth slightly agape. When he came to his senses he quickly closed it.
“I was just….just looking for my coat, I’m going out for a bit” he mumbled grabbing a heavy Phat Farms hoody. She nodded a small evil glint in her eyes.
“Oh yes Gustav called” she mentioned smirking.
He looked at her strangely “who?”
“No one just a small nuisance you got rid of, just like Georg” she said smiling brightly as she straightened up the closet. He stared at her for a minute. The confusion showed plainly on his face. He shook his head and turned around to leave. “You might want to get rid of your fangs before you leave Mr. Kaulitz.” She remarked before he was about to step out of the house.
“What, how do you know about them” he asked curiously. She shrugged and smirked at him. He stared strangely again at her but then concentrated on getting rid of his fangs. They quickly hid themselves, which surprised Tom when his color came back to his face and his features returned back to normal.
She looked at him for a minute and frowned “it doesn’t last for long. Only about 3 days before your hunger takes over. Savor it for now; feeding is horrible for the first hundred times.” Her voice showed deep pity and depression. His face fell even more as he left the house. As soon as the door shut she sank to the floor and started sobbing. Her crimson tears fell thickly down her cheeks. Everything was a bloody mess, her vampire features took over her body again as she made herself vulnerable to the world. Someone knelt beside her and put their hand on her shoulder. She looked up to see Bill kneeling beside her. He gasped at her bloody face and backed away a bit. Her frown became deeper as she stared at his horror-stricken face. She sighed trying to wipe her face of the mess. He stared before getting up and disappearing in to the kitchen.
When he came back out he had a wet hand towel with him. He sat beside her and slowly wiped her cheeks. Ellen sat there numbly, letting him stroke away at her cheeks. Her thirst for blood was rising but she kept it down. Killing such an innocent soul would be a sin no mortal or immortal should commit.