Manage Me, I'm A Mess

Getting Settled In

After a few hours Kenlee was settled in to what would be her house for the time being. She had taken her time to unpack her things placing them delicately where she felt they belonged.

"Hey" Marc-Andre said appearing in the doorway. Kenlee jumped, startled from his unexpected visit. Something that shouldn't have frightened her.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." He said with a smile as he shoved his hands into his front pockets. He was fresh out of the shower dressed in different clothes with his dark wet hair hanging in his face.

"It's okay" she said, weakly trying to return the smile.

"I see you've gotten everything situated." he said, casually walking in to the room, noticing all of the things that weren't there before she arrived.

She nodded "It wasn't too complicated" a comfortable silence engulfed the room as she went about, attempting to find a plug for her phone charger. He watched her intently as she thought for a moment before turning the phone off & throwing it in the top drawer of the desk.

"no phone?" he questioned curiously.

"Nope, I figured the only person I'd care to talk to at them moment was with me." she explained flashing Marc-Andre a tiny smile. He nodded with an understanding smile on his face.

"I hate to leave when you just got here & all but I kind of have practice in 30 minutes." he told her disappointment covering his face for a moment before a brilliant idea popped into his head. "would you like to come with me?" he asked an unsure tone covering his voice.

"Maybe next time." she said not bothering to think about it.

"That's right, you're probably tired." he said mentally beating himself up for even suggesting it. She didn't say a word, she just stood there in silence. "There is food in the kitchen if you're hungry & the bathroom is across the hall if you feel like showering" he explained.

"Thank you." she said looking into his brown eyes. "Thank you for letting me

He nodded. "Make yourself at home & while your at it get some rest. You look like you haven't slept in days." he said concern hanging off of every word as he retreated from the room gently closing the once open door behind him. He couldn't help but think that girl in that room wasn't the Kenlee he once knew. Something was eating away at her & he could tell in the few short hours that they had been together. He was determined to figure it out, regardless if she
wanted him to or not.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know this chapter is super short :/
I'm sorry if this one disappoints you.
It's not my favorite chapter.