Don't Leave Me

Don't Leave Me!

Tom quickly opened the note, not even caring about the blood that started to stain the paper slowly.
Dear Tom,
You may think I'm not real, but what you think of me doesn't matter right now! Bill needs you and you don't have time to think about believing or not! Go to the Broken Boulvard Graveyard. That was where I was killed. Where my body laid, is the tomestone that is not real. Underneath the black roses there is a switch that you pull and it will open the door to where your brother is. Please Hurry!
Emily Ingram
Tom shoved the note in his pocket and grabbed the keys. He ran to his car and drove to the graveyard, not even caring about the speed limit. When Tom reached the grave yard, he looked for the one that had black roses on it. He soon found it, and started moving the flowers, searching franticly for the switch. To his surprise, he found it and pulled it. The tomestone moved away like Emily had said. Tom stared down into the darkness of a long stairway that lead down in the ground. He took out a flash light from his pocket and walked down the stairway. Tom about gave up hope when he spotted a small light coming from one of the many rooms at the end of the stairway. Tom started running, wanting to hold Bill in his arms. Tom stopped when he heard a gunshot. Right when he saw Bill, a gunshot had went off and went into Bill. Bill fell to the floor, Tom reacting so fast now, as he slammed the psycho into the wall. He slew the gun away from the man so he couldn't shoot anymore, and knocked the guy out. Tom ran to Bill, and pulled him into his arms. Bill's eyes were closed, his chest wasn't moving at all. Tears formed in Tom's eyes just by looking at how bad Bill was. From all the cuts and bruises and now the gunshot wound that was in his chest, the blood flowing fast. Tom appiled pressure onto the wound, so the blood wouldn't flow out. Tom couldn't help Bill, all he could do was cry.
"Please! He's all I have! Don't leave me, Bill!" Tom cried.
Tom felt a sudden hand on his shoulder that seemed to help calm him. He heared a whisper that he never found out if it was his imagination or just the wind.
"Everything will be okay, Tom! Bill will never leave you!"
With that, Tom heard Bill coughing. Tom couldn't help but smile as his twin was breathing again and was now staring up into his eyes. Bill smiled back, even though he was in pain.
"Emily told me that you would rescue me! She told me that you would never leave me!" Bill cried.
Tom nodded. People started rushing in. It was the ambulance. Tom never remembered calling 911 but he was glad that they were there. They got Bill on the strecher and started to head out. Tom never let go of Bill's hand as they loaded into the ambulance.
"He's gonna be alright, don't you worry!" one of the ambulance people stated.

Two weeks later....
"So, are you gonna tell them that that psychopath is finally in jail?" one of the fbi agents asked.
The other nodded and walked to the room where there was a sliding door in the door so you could see in. He slid it to the side, his face blushing at the sight. He slid the door shut and walked back to the agent, smiling.
"Let's leave them be for right now, I don't want to spoil the love scene,"
♠ ♠ ♠
The END!