Status: one shot

I Loved You First


"I know it's kinda weird, Janie, but Frank was years ago. You have Justin now, so please, for me, just be civil."
Janie gave her best friend, Colleen, a smile and nodded.
"Of course I'll be civil, Coll. It'll just be a bit awkward, is all. But, it's a happy occasion. You're marrying Ray, and that's all I'll be focusing on for the next few months."
Colleen smiled and hugged her friend as they walked up the stairs to Ray's house to celebrate the engagement. Janie hugged her knit sweater to her body as the chilly New Jersey air lived up to the fall season. She could hear voices talking and laughing inside and she got a bit excited to see her old friends after three years.
The door opened and she was greeted by cigarette smoke and cheers. The first person she saw was Gerard, whom had a beer in one hand and a cigarette in the other. His bright smile lit up the room and his laugh was contagious.
The black haired boy turned and smiled at Colleen, but froze when he saw Janie.
Janie smiled and shrugged.
"Hey, Gee. Long time, no see."
He smiled wider, and placed his two drugs of choice down as he enveloped her in a hug that was long over due.
"Where have you been, angel?"
His whisper in her ear made her grin and she could only rub his back, thankful that he wasn't angry.
"Just had to get away. I'm so happy to see you."
Gerard smiled into her shoulder, happy to have his close friend back home.
"I wasn't expecting you. We would've gotten a keg so you could perform one of your famous stands."
Janie laughed at the memories of parties that ran through her head. Those grand memories of her child/teen hood were the best she's ever had. They wouldn't be memories without the boys.
The boys.
She looked around and saw him. He had a red cup in his hand. His hair was cut. She was fascinated. He got a bit taller. He wore a white tee shirt. He had tattoos. He still smoked. His nails were black. He still had his piercings.
It was almost too much for her.
Her thoughts were interrupted when a hug came from behind her. She turned and almost shrieked with joy when she saw Mikey. She gave him a proper hug and laughed into his shoulder.
"Where have you been?!"
"Just needed to explore a bit, but here I am."
Ray looked up and saw Janie, and he gave the same reaction. He hugged his fiancee's best friend, and they chatted for a while. Colleen put her arm around his midsection as his went around her shoulders. Janie was thrilled to see her best friends together.
She looked behind her and saw Frank again. He was still talking to his friend that she didn't recognize. She had been there for almost thirty minutes when she patted her pocket.
"I'll be right back, guys."
The boys and Colleen nodded as she walked away to the back door. The porch was vacant as she planted herself on the top of the three stairs leading to the grass and the old swing set that she had spent so many summers on.
She lit up a cigarette and let out a sigh. She ran a hand through her natural blonde hair, and held her sweater to her body, the wind blowing lightly again.
She heard a door shut behind her and footsteps approach her from behind. Figuring it was Colleen, she took a drag from her cigarette and waited to start talking. She heard a sigh coming from the stranger and was shocked when it was Frank. He lit up a cigarette, as well, and sat beside her.
"Hey, Janie."
She gave him a thin smile.
"Hello, Frank."
He took a drag of his cigarette and exhaled, the smoke swirling around their heads and disappearing just as fast as it had arrived.
"It's been a long time. How've you been?"
Janie shrugged and looked down at her worn out shoes.
"Fine. Just fine. What about you?"
She didn't know what to say or think? Was she awkward? Did he think this was awkward?
"I've been good. Still here."
He sounded aggravated. She knew why.
Before she left, she had verbally destroyed him. Told him awful things, not because they were true, but because she wanted to hurt him, which she was successful with. She regretted it the second she had said it, but it was too late for a sorry now, which was why she didn't try.
"Yeah. I see."
Frank let out a tasteless chuckle, taking another drag, as did she.
"Where've you been? I know you've heard that since you've been here."
She smiled, and looked at her shoes again.
"Well, what I mean is, what happened?"
Again, she looked at her shoes. Giving him a shrug, Frank waited.
"I grew up, Frank. That's all I know."
Frank didn't move. His face was emotionless. She could still read him.
"You do look different."
Janie looked down at her clothes and sighed. She did look different. She dressed differently, she wore her makeup and hair differently, and her music taste was different. She looked at Frank whom was already looking at her. She took the time to seem a bit friendly.
"Your hair used to be longer."
Frank smiled and ran his free hand through his now dark, but very short hair.
"Yeah. I think I like this, but tomorrow I'll probably hate it."
"Yeah, and it'll be a different color."
Frank looked at her and nodded, and searched her eyes.
"You never complained."
Janie's smiled slowly faded and stomped out her cigarette after taking a last drag.
"How's everything where you moved?"
She ran a hand through her hair, and debated on whether telling him about Justin or not. She could, because she was happy with him. But then, she knew Frank would be bothered, and she would hate to ruin the smoothness that was happening right now.
"Pretty good. I work at an office building as a receptionist and I bought an apartment."
Frank chuckled, his laugh still as contagious and as sweet as it always was.
"I would've never pictured you in a fuckin' office building."
Janie nodded, surprised, as well.
"Jeez, Janie King really grew up."
She smiled and nudged him.
"What about you, Frank? Tell me."
Frank ran a hand on the back of his neck.
"Still playing, just trying to find the right sound."
Janie grinned in approval. Before she moved, she had told him he would be a failure at it. He was ambitious, and she respected that.
"You still playing?"
Janie shrugged. She used to play the piano flawlessly when she was younger, and she would perform for the boys all of the time. She had a piano in her apartment; she played it from time to time, but Justin was always bringing his work home, so she hardly got a chance, except for when he was at his office.
"I try to. It's been difficult since I've been busy."
Frank nodded. Inside, he was relieved that they had been so civil so far. She was expecting her to give him the cold shoulder; he was actually surprised at himself that he was treating her so well. She deserved to be ignored and to be treated poorly, especially by him. However, his feelings never changed for her. Even when he screamed at him, even when she left, and even when she returned three years later. He couldn't stop looking at her. She had changed a lot, but she was still beautiful. He was hoping she was single, but wouldn't be surprised if she wasn't.
Their time was interrupted by Colleen peeking out, mid-sentence. She stopped when she saw the two, and smiled politely.
"Hey, you two. Whatcha doin' out here?"
Frank and Janie looked at each other, laughing sheepishly.
"Catching up, Coll. What's up?"
She looked at Frank whom nodded in agreement, and giggled.
"Uh, we're about to have a toast now that everyone's here, and your presence is appreciated."
Janie smiled and Frank stood up, lending Janie a hand which she took with a thankful nod. The two walked in the house and saw their friends holding their cups up as Gerard, Ray's best man, began to speak.
"I want to thank everyone for showing up in support of my two best friends getting married. Colleen and Ray, I love ya both and I wish you the best future, and I especially cannot wait to walk down the aisle with the beautiful Janie, whom is here to stay. For a while, anyway."
Janie smiled and held her cup up as Frank did the same beside her. They toasted their cups together and took a sip, everyone cheering in excitement.

"Ready to go, Jane?"
Colleen nudged her best friend, whom nodded beside Mikey on the couch.
"Yeah, whenever you are."
She was to stay with Colleen for the time being; well, until the wedding was over. She knew she would have a blast.
"Okay. Let me just see Ray, and we'll go."
Janie nodded and stood up, giving the Way brothers a goodbye hug and collecting her purse.
She turned and saw Frank approaching her.
"Yeah. I'm staying at Colleen's until the wedding."
Frank smiled, relieved that she'd be here for a while.
"That's great. Uh, I was wondering..."
Janie lifted her eyebrows with a small smile.
"If you weren't doing anything tomorrow, if you wanted to hang out or something."
Frank trailed off, leaving the decision to her. She was grateful he was being so nice, and she didn't want to pass up catching up with him.
"Sure. That'd be great."
"Great. Here's my number."
Frank gave her his cell phone number, and she did the same with him. They gave each other a friendly hug just as Colleen came down the stairs.
"I'll send you a text tomorrow."
Janie smiled and waved goodbye as she followed her best friend outside.
"Smooth, Frankie."
Frank looked at Gerard and shrugged.
"She'll be here a while, so might as well be friendly."
"Yeah, yeah. That's exactly what you want."
Frank looked out the bay window and saw her get in Colleen's mustang and smile at something she had said. She was beautiful, and she was back home. He had to fix things.
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