

Androids of the night surround the obscurity dangling though the layers of the air, taking away my breaths as I struggle to draw the oxygen that seemed to lessen, every second I strive to retrieve my regular sequence of movement.

When did the air become so heavy?

I take one painful breath, just to realize that the action of exhaling or inhaling are both useless.

No air could reach my lungs, it just refused to stay within my body. What's going on?
I look down to my chest to see the wide-spread red stain on my pink cotton T-Shirt .. Right in the center where the printed picture of a rose used to be before ...

The roar of the crowd behind me parished the moment where I seeked to re-collect my thoughts or even rest.

To think all of this started with a stupid senctence ... More like stupid three words in fact..

Now none of that mattered as I collapsed on the wet ground mud blemishing my white skirt and tired knees.
They're coming for me.
The sound of footsteps is getting nearer as it matched thunder upon it's striking..

Unsourced wetness coated my face as I viewed several dark spots start forming at the corner of my eye, countless black dots united to form one big growing stain on the glass-like transparent cover with which I see the world.

I was losing my eye sight... Blind during my last moments..

A most fitting ending.

Again my lungs wouldn't keep the air which I have developed the greatest craving for now. Then in the bitterness and helplessness of my current situation I realized that my lung was punctured. Like the souls of the people I've hurt and torn ..

My lower lip rose up to meet up with my other like long lost sisters embrace and belong to each other, bearing up a bit of dirt as it brushed against the attenuated mire merged soil.

Sweet, sweet air. I plead you not to abandon me as I abandoned so many people before, like I abandoned my loved ones.

I clenched at my bloody chest as my breathing tapered and the shadows of the people I've been running away from encased the space I'm laid upon.

Darkness engulfed the world as I only heard their voices and hushed tones, I have finally lost my sight. My portal to the world. I've lost my actual sight way before that..
The moment I've stopped believing
When gave up on recognizing my sins
When my lips refused to say the words that tossed me in this tangled mess
And rejected them for the sake of this
The lie of immortality
The lie of not loving any one other than you and only you.

I gave up on love.

The three words were: I will love.

The hushed voices finally came to a halt as I looked at them arguing about the limp pile of flesh that was me.

"She doesn't deserve the luxury of rest .." A female voice flowed through the air as a blonde woman kneeled down next to my previous body and placed a hand on the black and red laced hole in the middle of my T-Shirt.


I floated around her in a feeble attempt to cease her ,but as my ghostly unmaterialistic hands kept going through her I knew that this wasn't over yet. I wasn't gonna make it after all.

"Rest is given to the ones who's debts were paid and done for whilst the ones who run away are the weakest of them all, the worst of condemned. And her debts are yet to be paid."


Unnoticed unvaluable tears ran down my face as she began murmuring words I know so well and by heart, the words that'll draw me in to this circle again.

I watched agape as my limbs began to twitch and make slight movements on their own, then I stared down at my hands in my current state of ghost-like matter to see them fading away. They were being drawn away as wisps of colored smoke. A pretty sight to be truthful, beautifully metaphorical.

I am fading away as breaths of colored smoke.

The tips of my fingers vanished first, the colors of my navy blue painted fingernails emerged with the milky tone of my skin forming an unspoiled shade of baby blue as they returned to my body, the body I wanted to get away from so desperately.

At the end I felt the familiar heat colliding with the cold as I possessed the ex-corpse , I was material once more. The heavy weight of my newly owned old body affected my balance as I sat up.

I looked at the faces of the people I've known for the past unspecified period of time as my brain malfunctioned in that area. Because if I did care about that I'd probably never be able to tell, I'd go insane if I knew how long have I stayed here.
As I glanced at them, the androids of the night, I cradled my head in my hands and cried.
And this time I felt them.

Tears ran hot on my face as I kept setting them free.

Not again ...
Not again ...

The air was still heavy, as I've always remembered it ..