Status: complete.

The Oldest Cliché in the Book

pain, make your way to me

Taylor Varnes had a way with being overly blunt and honest all the time. Even at the young age of seven, she was bold about her distaste for the move her parents were forcing her into. She promptly reminded everyone how she hated England and how she desperately wanted to go home to Chicago. No one paid her much mind as she kicked dirt and pebbles around the new front yard. No one except for a small boy.

Matthew Smith had wandered out of his house in curiosity over his new neighbor. When he saw the small girl about his own height, his eyes widened with excitement. He bounded over to her with a wide grin. “Hi!” His energy bubbled out. “I’m Matt! What’s your name?”

“Tay.” She mumbled and then scrunched her nose up as she examined him. “You look like a troll.” She wasn’t a mean spirited girl by any means. She just didn’t know how to control her mouth.

However, the young boy in front of her didn’t know the difference either. He frowned and then, like any eight year old, he retaliated. “Yeah? Well, you look like an ugly stupid troll.” He then stuck his tongue out and ran back into his house, leaving the small girl with tears in her eyes.


Taylor never quite understood what happened during their first meeting. She never got why Matthew was always so hostile around her. But she learned how to return all the hateful remarks with even more venom. By the time the two reached high school, it was all like second nature.

“Oh look, it’s the poor American lass who can’t even keep her legs closed.” Matthew smirked as he tilted his head toward Taylor. School was over and so was her tolerance for his sly comments. She rolled her eyes before taking a stance in her front yard.

“Oh look, it’s Matt Smith! The arrogant prick who doesn’t have a real personality.” She smiled sweetly as he glared. She had managed to mock and insult him all at once. “Where are your ugly clones? I figured they would follow you since, you know, they can’t think for themselves and can’t find their own way home.”

“And what friends do you have, Tay?” She rolled her eyes again as he internally cringed.

“That was weak, even for you Matt.” She hitched her bag up on her shoulder more and turned to go toward the door. “Maybe you should stop letting your clones make your comebacks. They’re really not all that bright.” She called over her shoulder and grinned to herself.

“At least they’re pretty.” It was a last try but Matt really wished he had just kept his mouth shut. It was a petty comment and it just sounded stupid. It hurt her nonetheless. Taylor turned on her heel just before she reached the door, staring at him in almost disbelief. He thought she was going to tease him about being shallow, but what he got was worse. Her eyes watered as her mouth fell into one of the saddest frowns he’d ever seen. She ran into the house before the tears could fall and he could see just how hurt she was.


Their mothers thought and hoped that the two would get past it as they got older, but that wasn’t so. Taylor and Matthew couldn’t be in the same room for more than a few minutes without some kind of screaming match ensuing, except for Christmas. That was the one exception.

They were both grown now, living at their own places, but they always came back home for Christmas. Their families were still close as ever so Christmases were always spent together. Matthew and Taylor learned to fake smiles and only make their rude comments under their breath. Christmas of 2009 was no different, or so everyone thought.

Taylor had just arrived at her parent’s house. She was greeted warmly by her mother at the door and then led into the front room. “Look who finally stumbled in.” Taylor gritted her teeth at the introduction her mother gave as she quickly scanned the faces.

“Oh, you look absolutely stunning, Tay!” Joan greeted her just like her own mother had. They hugged and kissed each other’s cheeks. Taylor even got a warm hug from Timothy and a father like ruffle of her hair. Then her eyes met Matthew’s and they sort of nodded toward each other.

“So, where’s dad?”Taylor raised her eyebrows as she looked at her mother expectantly.

“He’s round back, fiddling with the tree again.” Her mother rolled her eyes and led the way to the back porch. Joan and Timothy followed her, but of course Matthew stayed where he was so Taylor would have to walk past him.

“Happy Christmas Tay.” He muttered once she got close enough. She scrunched her nose at the sarcasm in his comment.

“Same to you, Matt.” She narrowed her eyes at him. “Where’s your precious airheaded Daisy?” She normally wouldn’t dare with this kind of subject, but she felt their parents were at a safe distance away for now.

Matthew flushed and instantly dropped his vision to the floor. It wasn’t quite the reaction she was expecting or wanting. “She, uh, she left me.” Guilt settled in her stomach at his vulnerable expression.

“Sorry.” She mumbled. She felt uncomfortable and uneasy. This was territory she was not used to and frankly, she didn’t like.

He recovered quickly, pushing his hands into his pockets and smirking as he stepped closer to her. “Come on now, Tay. Let’s not start apologizing now.” His amused grin made her anger rekindle. She couldn’t believe she’d let him trick her like that.

“You bloody twat.” She hissed and then stomped off toward the back where their parents were admiring the Christmas tree set up on the back porch. As much as everyone hoped and dreamed, no one really thought Matthew and Taylor would ever be able to not hate each other.
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I'm not sure yet if this will have two or three chapters.
But I am really excited about it.
I absolutely love Doctor Who and I truly love Matt Smith.
I'm even thinking about writing a little something about the eleventh doctor too ; )
Let me know what you think?
gorgeous gorgeous