Status: Complete

As Long As No One Finds Out

As Long As No One Finds Out

"Morgan...wake up." My mother said, shaking my shoulder. I opened my eyes. I was sitting in an uncomfortable seat, my head laying against a cold window. Dazed and confused, I looked around at my surroundings. Then I remembered, I was on a train. I wiped the fog away from the window so I could see out. The train had stopped moving, and we were sitting at a train station. "We're here." My mother said again. I finally looked over at her. She was standing next to me, her book in her hand. My father and brother were nowhere to be found.

I stood up as well, picking my bag up from the floor, and followed my mother off the train. When I walked down the stairs, I saw my father and my older brother, Travis, standing to the side with our suitcases. I shivered and pulled my jacket tighter around me. Alabama wasn't a cold state by far, but at 6 o'clock in the morning it wasn't exactly toasty.

"Jeff! Lauren!" I heard a voice yell. We turned to see a man waving at us from their car. I squinted my eyes to try to see through the fog, but that was hopeless. I reached into my jacket pocket and put on my glasses, which made it a little better, but not by much. The man started walking towards us. I smiled when I recognized the familiar face of my favorite uncle.

"Hey guys, I'm glad you finally got here!" He exclaimed, helping my father with our bags. We all picked up some luggage and walked towards Uncle Matt's SUV. We put our stuff in the back, then piled in the car.

I smiled when we finally pulled up to their beautiful house. We got our things and walked inside.

"Where will we be staying?" My mother asked.

"Well, you and Jeff can stay in the guest room downstairs. Travis can stay in Seth's room, and Morgan in Sterling's."

I brought my bag into my 17 year old cousin, Sterling's, room, just relieved I didn't have to share a room with Travis. I dropped my bag in the corner of the room, then sat on the bed. I was definately not a fan of being awake at 6 in the morning.

"Hey there." I heard a voice say from the door. I turned around to see Sterling standing there, smiling at me. He was definately cute, with his muscular body and cute curly dark brown hair. He was tall, like maybe 6'1", with very tan skin and brown eyes. I hadn't seen him for awhile - we live really far away.

"Hey Sterling." I smiled back at him. He walked over and sat on the bed next to me.

Okay, so, I wasn't exactly excited about sleeping in Sterling's room. That was just trouble. To be honest, I've had feelings for him for years. But it would never work. Obviously, because he's my cousin, and he's also a bit older than me - I'm only 14.

"How was your trip?" he asked.

"Awful. I hate train rides, especially when they're 16 hours long."

"Yeah. That must have sucked."

"Oh, it did." I sighed, laying back on the bed. Boy was I glad to be laying still. I don't get sick easily, but nonstop moving for 16 hours isn't too great.

"Do you want me to leave you alone so you can sleep?" he asked.

"Yeah. That would be great." I said, laughing, not opening my eyes.

"Okay, I'll see ya later, Morgan."

I was asleep in seconds.


"OH MY GOD STERLING, WATCH OUT FOR THAT TREE!!!!!" I screamed, holding onto the side of the golf cart for dear life. Sterling turned the steering wheel as hard as he could, barely missing the tree and nearly flipping the golf cart over. Luckily it didn't, but my 12 year old cousin Seth, who was sitting on the back, fell off.

"Ow, Sterling!!!!!!!" Seth screamed. Sterling and I were laughing so hard we were nearly crying. Seth pulled himself up from the pavement and got back on his seat. "When do I get to drive?"

"Never." Sterling and I said together.

We loved Uncle Matt's golf cart. I didn't really know why he had one, since he didn't even know how to play golf, but it was a ton of fun to ride around the neighborhood and through the woods.

Sterling's phone started ringing. He pulled it from his pocket and answered it.

"Hello? ....Okay, we'll be home in a few." He hung up and put his phone back in his pocket. "We gotta go home, dinners ready."

After dinner, I went back into Sterling's room. I was really tired, so I turned on the TV and changed into my shorts and tank top. A few minutes later, Sterling walked in, closing the bedroom door behind him. He smirked and eyed me up and down.

"What do you want?" I asked, laughing. He walked over and sat next to me. He looked down and sighed, before finally looking up at me. I raised my eyebrow at him, then he crashed his lips onto mine. I was shocked at first, before giving in and kissing back. I layed down on the bed and he crawled on top of me.

"Sterling, this is wrong..." I wispered.

Sterling shushed me then leaned close to me. He rested his forehead on mine, his lips inches away. "As long as no one finds out." he whispered.