Moors of Mist

Life Lesson

You couldn’t paint that kind of beauty in a picture; you could only get this kind of beauty from the real nature. No interference from man just left for millions of years to form.
That was in the day, at night it turned into something that was more likely to occur in a horror film, than real life itself. Mist sunk down upon the high moors, coating it in a blanket of the un-seeing. Regular noises appeared to echo, twigs broke and leaves rustled for no apparent reason, the water in the gorge deep below a loud trickle.
It was just the perfect place, trees and hills for miles around, the cars that passed through only absorbing the breath-taking views, not the rare unusual activity that seemed to occur.

The mist was thick all around, even the light that shone from the cars only helped the driver’s see a foot in front of them, perfect weather conditions for one man that went by the name of; Gareth ‘Snoz’ Lawrence . A torch was held in one hand, a shaky beam of light drifting over the surrounding earth, just about enabling him to lead his companion over the strewn branches and leaves. Never once had she thought to ask why he happened to be taking her here, she’d simply believed the fact that he had something ‘amazing’ to show her.
Amazing it would have been, in the day. At night it was nothing more than a smothering coat, a death trap, one stumble and you could tumble down that hill and into the swirling water and jagged rocks that waited beneath. Ready to swallow up a victim that they had long been deprived of.
Though why would it be unsafe with him? He was so trusting, so caring, so much fun, he couldn’t possibly have a dark side.
People have shells.
It’s a life lesson that came too late for her, the strong hands that surrounded her throat, clutching and squeezing, so much so that the tiny frame of the female stopped writhing and struggling, she would never have been able to fight his towering figure off.
It was all so clean, no clothes needed to be discarded, no weapon needed to be planted, no blood covered his skin and no claw marks dug deep within his flesh. Her arms had been pinned by his knees, the pure force of him shaking her so that her weak kicks got thrown in all directions.

Emma Louise Anderson.
Missing – 6th October
Age – 19
No known grudges or enemies, just your average teenager.
♠ ♠ ♠
I would have a pic, if my scanner wasn't broken.
the place is honestly gorgeous, chapter's a bit weird, didn't know how to start really.

xoxox <3