Moors of Mist

The Worst Time Of All

Morning always was going to be the worst time to wait for, it was the time that the police would be alerted due to the fact she hadn’t come home that night, due to the fact that no one knew where she was. It was the only time when people would spill that he’d been spotted with her.
Had he been spotted with her?
No guilt flooded his mind, by his reaction to the news no one would ever imagine that he even knew who the missing was. She was just another stranger, another story that was equally upsetting as shocking as the rest, but not deeply and personally so. As far as everyone else was concerned he had no idea who she was, as far as everyone else was concerned on that fateful night he’d been curled up in bed, safely in the hotel that they’d managed to secure.

Ruth Katherine Grayson

“Bloody awful isn’t it?” The first words that rung round the breakfast table that morning, uttered by the one and only Gavin Butler.
Murmurs of yeah and nods of agreement came as the only reply, the entire table seemed to be lost in a wallow of thought, dreams, almost a little bit of shame. Most were captivated by how close the missing female had happened to be to them, how they just happened to be in the area and how they must bring bad luck.
Gareth on the other hand, no he was thinking about if he left any finger prints behind, just in case the body was finally found. Then again didn’t you have to have a criminal record for all that jazz? Oh he was as clean as a whistle, not one single scratch against his name.
The silence that hung over the crowd seemed to be deafening, anyone would have been grateful for even a terrified scream to break the silence, sirens anything it was just too tense, but no one had the guts to break it at all. It just seemed dis-respectful.

12th January

She was the only one or so it seemed, maybe it had been her choice to flee the country or maybe it was just a one off. The searching had pretty much ended for Emma, everyone apart from friends and family had got back into the swing of life and nothing seemed to be getting in the way of The Blackout’s lives. Touring was going amazingly well, the people that came to see them were as enthusiastic as ever and not one of them had, had any major upsets in their lives since October 6th.

The body of Emma Louise Anderson was found early this morning by a local walking their dog in the moors. There appears to have been no struggle, which makes police believe that her attacker was stronger and more over-powering. However it is believed that she willingly made her way up to the moors with her murderer.

“Woah...” That was the single stunned word that slipped into the room, the TV being the only other sound, but it was just like a hollow background noise. Everyone had suspected that she would be dead by now, but to have her body so close to her home didn’t seem real at all.

Ruth Katherine Grayson.
Missing 12th January
Age – 19
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