Status: Secondary story.

She Makes Me So Weak

"Calm your pants down!"

"Ashreeeee, hurry uppp!!" I laughed as my best friend Amber whined from outside of the bathroom I was currently getting ready in. "We gotta GO!"

"Calm your pants down!" I opened the door and she was, not surprisingly, jumping up and down excitedly. "We gotta get there early! That way we can see if we can find Johnny so he knows you're the girl on Twitter he's been talking to about getting your tattoo done from him tonight!" I stared at her, wondering how she got all of that out in less than 10 seconds. "AND I WANNA MEET NICKY BLAKE!"

"Ambi; CALM. DOWN." I laughed, putting my hands on her shoulders to keep her from jumping up and down. "We will leave in a few." I put away all of my hair and makeup junk, grabbing my lip balm and eyeliner to shove into my bag. I grabbed the bag of junk food and candy we got for the guys, and told Amber to grab the carton of cigarettes Johnny had asked us to get him on Twitter.

"Alright, do we have everything?" I asked, looking around my bedroom. She nodded and grabbed her car keys off of my dresser. "Then let's go!" She squealed as I said this, running out of the room and through my apartment. I giggled at my crazy best friend, that I loved, nonetheless, and followed her out to her car.

I looked at the clock; 6:30 pm. The drive to place that the show was at was only 20 minutes away, and they went on at 7:30, so we had plenty of time to get there.

"So are you gonna pass out when you see Nick?" I teased as she put in their CD, "Best Kind Of Mess", the song "Scream" coming through the speakers.

"Shut up. You're probably gonna get all nervous around Johnny B." She teased right back. I shook my head. "Nah, probably not." I turned my head quickly to grin at her, and she stuck her tongue out at me.

The drive was filled with music and our endless chattering about what we think's gonna happen at the show, and after, and when we meet the band, and yada yada ya. We finally arrived at the place, which was actually some sort of a cafe type thing where bands come to play a lot. Small, but that was fine by me; I liked smaller shows way better than huge ones.

"Are they here?" Amber squeaked, looking around as she got out of the car. I laughed, grabbing my bag, the bag of food, and the other bag with the carton of cigarettes in it. "I would hope so, or else they're really, really late."

We walked up to the door, Amber fishing the tickets we bought in advance out of my purse. She gave them to the guy at the door, and he checked them before handing them back. "You're all set." We both smiled and nodded at him, walking past him as he let us in.

"Where are they?!" She whispered, looking around the cafe that already had a decent amount of people in it.

"Probably out back behind this place." I laughed. "Come on, I'm not gonna carry this crap around during the whole show." I said, holding up the bags. I walked up to the little bar thing they had in there, one of the workers smiling at me. "Are the bands out back? We gotta give one of them their stuff." I laughed, holding up the bags again.

"Yeah, they're getting ready to come in and set up, so you better hurry." I nodded, and quickly walked to the door we had came in just minutes before, Amber right next to me. We walked around to the back, and I already saw Johnny by the RV. Amber grabbed my arm and squealed silently in my ear when Johnny saw us coming towards him and smiled at us, making me laugh.

"Hi Johnny!" I smiled as we walked up to him. He grinned and walked over. "I'm the girl on twitter that asked you if you could do the leopard print tattoo for me."

"Oh, I remember you!" He exclaimed. "Here's your cigarettes, and here's some junk food and other crap." I said as I handed him the bags.

"Ooh! Gimme!" He said like a little kid, snatching them out of my hands. I laughed, a bit surprised when he leaned in and wrapped his free arm around me in a hug. "Thank you so much!"

"You're welcome." I smiled at him when he pulled away. "I'm Ashley, by the way, and this is Amber," I said, nodding my head over to my best friend.

"Hi!" He smiled, giving her a hug too. I tried to keep my giggles down at the shocked look on her face. "So, how do you want to do this whole tattoo thing after the show?" I asked when they pulled away from each other.

"We're gonna be out here after the show, so just come over here again, and I'll do your tattoo on the RV." I nodded. "I'm gonna go put this in the RV and get in there to set up, so I'll see you guys after the show!"

"You'll see us at the show, silly." Amber giggled.

"Well...yeah! Whatever! That too!" He grinned, waving at us as he walked towards their RV. We waved back before going back inside the cafe/club.

"How were you not nervous?!" She exclaimed. I shrugged and laughed. "I dunno. He's just...easy to be around. Even if it's my first time meeting him," I grabbed her hand and drug her over to the bar area. "Come on, I'm thirsty and hungwyyy!"

"I'm too excited to eat!" She almost yelled. I laughed and shook my head at her. I got us two bottles of water and a small plate of nachos to split. After we finished eating, the show was about to start. We stayed towards the back of the crowd when Girl On Fire played, but we started to move up to the middle when Dr. Acula was on next. Towards the end of their set, though, we somehow managed to get pretty close to the front of the stage.

"I'm so freakin' excited!!" I squealed, finally letting the fangirl in me out a little. Amber nodded excitedly, grabbing onto my hand. "Me too!"

After everything had been set up for Get Scared, their intro started and we all screamed as the band walked out on stage. Johnny saw us and smiled, so I waved quickly, grinning. I looked over at Amber as I felt her squeeze my hand very, very tightly, and I laughed, realizing Nick was right in front of us.

"WHAT'S UP, UTAH?!" Nick yelled, causing us all to scream, "We are...GET SCARED!"
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I can't wait for Ambi's chapter!!

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