Status: Secondary story.

She Makes Me So Weak

He'll Stab You With That Needle

By the time the show ends, by throat hurts from screaming and my hair is completely messed up. A one point during Whore, Nick was right in front of us and I tried to grab his ass, but Ashley grabbed my hand and wouldn't let me. I laugh to myself at it and she looks over at me like I'm psycho.

"Err... Are you okay Ambi?" She asks with a giggle, the two of us weaving and fighting through the crowd to get to Get Scared's tour bus where Johnny is going to give Ashley her tattoo.

"Yeah, I was just thinking about when you wouldn't let me grab Nicky..." I tease with a pout.

"Aww, shut it, Ambi." She says with a laugh as she rolls her eyes.

"Watch out, or I'll 'accidentally' fall onto Johnny while he's doing your tattoo so he'll stab you with that needle." I warn with an evil grin. Her eyes go wide and I bust up laughing, "Ashree, you know I wouldn't actually do that....or would I?"

I squeak and rub the back of my head when she Gibbs-slaps me and reaches up to knock on the door of the tour bus. She's looking at me as she goes to knock, but as she is doing so, the door swings open and she manages to hit Nick in his balls.

When Ashy feels that it isn't the metal of the door, she turns around and gasps, seeing what just happened. Nick gives a very manly shriek and clutches himself, crumbling to the floor.

"What the fuck?" A voice says from inside the bus.

"OH MY GOD! Nick, I am so sorry! I wasn't looking!" Ashley rushes, her hands still over her mouth. I can't hold it in anymore and I bust up laughing, clutching my sides.

"Nick are you oka- oh heyyy. You're the girls I talked to earlier. I'm tattooing you, right? Right this way, muh ladeh," Johnny grins, waving Ashley to get onto the bus. He grabs her hand and tugs her around the laid-out, pouting Nick. I stare for a second, but realize they are both so into each other that they don't even remember the poor guy.

"Dude, are you okay?" I ask Nick, kneeling down and frowning, looking him over.

"Yeah I'm fine, thanks!" Nick smiles, sitting up quickly. "I was just trying to make Johnny feel bad because he punched me earlier, but he didn't even notice."

I giggle, "Yah. I think they were kinda into each other." I say, then hold out my hand, "I'm Amber."

"Nicholas." He says, shaking my hand but pulling me into a hug. "So, are you getting tattooed, too?"

"Nah. Ashley is. We came to the show together so I'm just gonna wait here for her." I smile, explaining.

"Oh, well that's cool. Let's get on inside the bus before some fangirls come and try to attack us." He chuckles, pushing himself up from the ground, holding his hand out for me and helping me up.

My heart pounds when he doesn't let go of my hand, tugging me carefully into the back lounge area of the bus. "Have a seat," He says, waving his hand to the couch, smiling.

"How many groupies have been naked here?" I ask, with a small scowl.

He chuckles, "Honestly, none. We actually aren't a bunch of whores..." He says, a bit defensive, which is completely understandable.

"I believe you..." I say quietly, my momentary pang of jealousy gone. He plops down on the couch beside me, and the buzzing of a needle makes us turn our attention to the other side, for once realizing Johnny and Ashley there.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm soooooo sorry for making you wait Ashree. and that this chapter sucks.. I just never know what to write at the beginning of a story like this... D'x

It'll get better, I promise!! O_O LOVE YOU ASHREE!! Can't wait for your update! 8D