Status: Secondary story.

She Makes Me So Weak

"Gettin' ladies naked already, Johnny boy?"

Amber and I were currently making our way to Get Scared's bus, so Johnny could do my tattoo. Out of nowhere, Amber just starts laughing, confirming that she really is the psycho I've thought she's always been.

"Err...are you okay, Ambi?" I giggled.

"Yeah, I was just thinking about when you wouldn't let me grab Nicky..." I laughed as she pouted.

"Aw, shut it, Ambi." I grin at her, tugging her towards the bus as it comes closer into view.

"Watch out, or I'll 'accidentally' fall onto Johnny while he's doing your tattoo so he'll stab you with that needle." My eyes go wide as she threatens me, an evil grin on her face. She starts laughing at me. "Ashree, you know I wouldn't actually do that....or would I?"

I glare and whack her upside the head playfully, a girly squeak coming out of her mouth as she rubs her now-sore head. I keep playfully glaring at her as I reach up to knock on the door of the tour bus. I feel that it isn't the metal of the door I just knocked on, and when I turn around I see none other than Nick, who shrieks and clutches his...erm, package, crumbling to the floor. I gasp and slap my hands over my mouth, realizing what I just did.

"What the fuck?" I hear what I think is Johnny yell from inside the bus.

"OH MY GOD! Nick, I am so sorry! I wasn't looking!" I rush, feeling awful. I just punched my favorite singer of my favorite band right in the balls. Yeah, great job, Ash! Keep up your fine work!

I look over at Amber as she busts up laughing, clutching her sides. "This isn't funny!" I hissed, but she only laughed harder in response.

"Nick are you oka- oh heyyy." I snapped my head over to look at Johnny, standing in the doorway of the bus. "You're the girls I talked to earlier. I'm tattooing you, right?" He smiles at me. I laughed and nod. "Right this way, muh ladeh," Johnny grins, waving me over to get onto the bus. I carefully step onto the little steps leading into the area, trying not to trip and make a complete ass out of myself. Johnny grabs my hand, tugging me around the still-in-pain, crumpled-on-the-floor Nick. I find a slight blush creeping onto my cheeks as he's still holding my hand when we reach a table where his tattooing supplies was all set out.

"What's your name again? Sorry, I'm bad with remembering them." He grinned back at me, letting go of my hand and sitting down.

"Ashley." I laughed, doing the same. He nodded, smiling. "So what'd you want done? Leopard quarter sleeve?" I nodded. "On my right arm." I said, patting where I wanted it. He nodded. "Okay, not trying to sound like a pervert, but take your shirt off." I busted up laughing and he only grinned at me in a goofy manner.

"Moving quick here, aren't we?" I teased, pulling my tank top over my head. I wore a bikini top under it, knowing it'd be easier than a bra, since the strap on it would probably get in the way too.

"Hey, that's how I roll." He joked, putting on his gloves and starting to clean my arm. I glanced over at Amber, seeing Nick pull her into a hug. I aww'd quietly and smiled, turning back to Johnny, who was glancing over to them too.

"I think my lead singer might have a crush on your friend." He chuckled.

"She'd flip out if she heard you say that." I laughed. "You want me to just freehand this? I've done leopard a bunch of times before," He shrugged. "It's easy."

"Whatever works for you." I smiled. He nodded and grinned at me, yet again. "Cool." Lloyd, Dan, and TJ walked onto the bus, smiling at me. "Guys, this is Ashley. Ashley, that's Lloyd, TJ, and Dan." I waved to them and they all said hello to me.

"Gettin' ladies naked already, Johnny boy?" TJ laughed.

"Shut up, man." Johnny shook his head as he got all of his inks and tattoo gun ready, still grinning. "Alright, I'll start you off with a little prick, so you can see how it feels."

"...I have a few other tattoos, Johnny." I laughed. He blinked. "Well I don't see them!" He huffed, putting his hands on his hips.

"That's because one's on my thigh and the other's on the back of my neck." I teased. He mocked me, making me laugh.

"Well fine! I'll just dig the needle into you then!" He teased right back at me, starting to tattoo. I laughed again; he was hilarious, which is what I expected.

I finally noticed Nick and Amber in the room, sitting on the couch and talking a little. I shot Amber a look, smirking a little, and she discreetly flipped me off, making me giggle.

"What, it tickles?" Johnny joked.

"Yes. Because getting a needle stabbed into your skin tickles." I laughed, rolling my eyes.

"So where're you from, girl?" TJ asked me.

"Detroit." I smiled.

"ROCK CITAYYY!" Johnny exclaimed, taking a break from his tattooing to high-five me. "Fuck yeah! Love it there!"

"Why'd you move to shitty Utah?" Lloyd asked, laughing slightly.

"I dunno, I always liked it," I shrugged. "Thought it was pretty. So i stole Amber away from Mississippi and we moved here a couple months ago." I smiled.

"You like it?" Johnny smiled, continuing tattooing me. I nodded. "Yeah, it's's nice to get away from a city for a while." He nodded. "Yeah, after touring for a while it's nice to come back home and relax for a couple weeks. Then I start getting cabin fever and wanna get back out on the road again." I laughed and nodded.

All while doing my tattoo I talked with Johnny, and a little here and there with Lloyd, Dan, and TJ. Johnny and I mainly just talked about music and tattoos. What else do you talk about when you get a tattoo, anyways?

"Alright, little laydayyy," He said with a ghetto accent, wiping the excess ink off of my arm while he snapped his fingers with the other. "you're all done, gurlfrand!"

"AND WHAT!" I snapped too, and we both laughed. I looked down at my new leopard print quarter sleeve, and grinned. "Squee!!" I squealed, clapping my hands together. "I love it!"

"Yay! Now give me my $150!!" He copied my girly voice and clapped his hands also, laughing. I rolled my eyes and smirked, digging in my bag for the money, plus tip.

" don't have to give me that much for a tip." He said, looking a little surprised as I handed him another 50 dollar bill, after I'd paid him for just the tattoo.

"You deserve it." I smiled. He gave me a tight hug, making sure not to touch my arm or anything, since it was swollen and hurting right now. "Thank youuu, I appreciate it." He smiled as we pulled away again and he started to wrap the tattoo.

"You're welcomeee." I mocked him, giggling.

After he'd finished and put away all of his tattooing supplies, we all just sat around on the bus and talked. Time seemed to fly by, and before we knew it was already 1:30 in the morning, and the guys had to get some sleep.

"Thank you so much for the tattoo and letting us hang out, I had a blast." I said as I hugged Johnny for the millionth time tonight. He squeezed his arms around my waist, picking me up a little, making me screech and cling to him for dear life.

"I had fun too! Don't leave!" He whined, laughing a little at the end. He put me down and we pulled away, smiling at each other like idiots. "Lemme see your phone." He demanded.

"Sheesh, alright, hold on..." I joked, digging around in my bag for my cell phone. I handed it to him and he was, I'm assuming anyways, putting in his number. "Tour ends in like a week, so when we come back give me a call or text me, and we can all hang out again." I nodded and smiled, trying to appear calm, when on the inside my heart was beating so fast I was sure it was going to burst out of my chest, and I was screaming inside my head.

"For sure, we can go get something to eat or whatever." He nodded and smiled again. "Alright, we better let you guys get some rest." I said, giving him another hug. "It was fun hanging out!" I exclaimed.

"Yes it was!" He swayed us side to side a little, making me laugh. We pulled away for the 2756837758 time, and I cooed when I saw Nick hugging Amber as tight as he possibly could, it seemed.

"They're so cute!" I whispered to Johnny, giggling.

"Oh snap, they be all huggin' and errthang..." He whispered in his ghetto black girl voice we both had been using all night. I chuckled and nodded. I gave the rest of the guys hugs, including Nick, and we all said goodbye to each other.

"Don't leave!" Johnny sobbed dramatically, hugging my waist.

"I'll text you tomorrow!" I giggled, petting his bleach blonde head. "I promise!"

"You better!" He joked. We said goodbye one last time and finally started making our way to the car, after the most amazing night we've ever had.
♠ ♠ ♠
Just so you guys know, yes, this is a little slow and boring at first...all fanfics/stories are...BUT IT'S GONNA GET BETTER, DAMMIT! SO JUST SIT THERE AND WAIT! >_< XD

Thankies to Nicholas Matthews, Death Do Us Part, and Bones Crew for commenting last chapter! <333

AND I LOVE YOU AMBI!!! <3333333333