Status: Secondary story.

She Makes Me So Weak


"I swear on all things profane and holy, you better have a damn good reason to be calling me this early in the fucking morning." I growl into my phone as I answer it after it rings, waking me up.

"For one, Hi, good morning to you, too." Nick's voice says, chuckling, from the other end and I squeak, my eyes going wide and mentally slapping myself for not checking to see who was calling before I answered. "For two, it isn't even morning anymore, it's one o'clock in the afternoon. And for three, I was calling because I miss you."

"Nicky?!" I squeak, sitting up quickly, quickly glancing over at the clock beside my bed. I groan quietly seeing it is after one.

"Morning sunshine," He chuckles, making me smile at the adorable sound.

"Good... Morning... Afternoon...?" I giggle, still a bit half asleep.

"I wanna see youuu!" He whines, "And Johnny has been moping around all day. He won't get out of bed to shower... Of course, that may be because he's a bit hungover. HEY FUCKER, YOU STINK, BRUH!" I laugh as Nick screams to who I assume is Johnny.

"SHUDDUP NICKEH!" I hear Johnny screech and I laugh even harder.

"Wait! No! Gimme my phone! Amb-"

"Amber? Where's Ashy! Lemme talk to muh baybehhh," Johnny says, his voice bright and chipper now that he's not yelling at Nick.

"Err, Hi Johnny. And I'll go see where she is..." I chuckle, rolling out of bed, almost thunking to the floor and get up, walking to Ashley's room. I flip on the light as the door rebounds off the wall from where I flung it open. Ashley falls over from where she had her ass in the air, sleeping and sits up quickly.

"I DIDN'T DO IT!!!" She yells.

"Err.. Someone has a guilty conscience..." I giggle, "Johnny-boy wants to talk to you. And Nicky wants you to tell him to shower 'cause he stinks." I explain, still giggling and hand her my phone, walking from the room to attempt to make myself not look like a zombie, just like every morning.

After a quick shower, straightening my hair, brushing my teeth and putting on make-up, I walk downstairs and fix myself a bowl of cereal while waiting for Ashley to come out of her room.

"THEY'RE HOME!!! THEY'RE BACK!!! AND ON THEIR WAY OVER HERE!!!" Ashley screams, running into the kitchen, her socks sliding on the tile floor so she nearly skids into the kitchen counter.

My eyes widen and I flail, "YAY!! I GET TO SEE MY NICKY BAYBEH!" I yell, hopping up and running around in circles. This time, it's my socks that slip on the floor and I fall to the ground, smacking my ass hard. "OWW!!"

Ashley busts up laughing, and pretty soon I do the same, pulling myself up doing the 'bend and snap' for effect, making us both laugh harder.

"Come on, sillybutt. We gotta get ready." Ashley says, pushing me toward the door.


"ASHLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY!" A white and black blur flashes past me and nearly takes Ashley out as Johnny runs to her and nearly tackles her. I swear the boy acts just like a little kid, and Nick looks like a little kids. Put them both together, which is usual, and you have a very fun time.

I laugh and roll my eyes, making my way over toward Nick and hugging him tight, "Hey Nicky Blake." I coo.

"Hey Ambi," He chuckles, hugging me back tight. He seems to think it's funny when I refer to him like that, which I have ever since we met a little over a weak ago.

"OH MY BAYBEH! OH HOW I MISSED YOU! IT WAS HORRENDOUS WITHOUT YOU!!!" Johnny wails theatrically, making both me and Nick busts up laughing while Ashley facepalms.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, this is probably the WORST chapter I ever wrote, and short, I know. I'm sorry, but it needed updated horribly. The story is just starting and I NEVER know what to write at the beginning. Ask Katie, AKA RonnieRadke, most of the stories we write together, she usually writes the first few chappies. >.<

Sorry Ashree, I hope you and the rest of you readers enjoy it even though it sucks. >.>