Status: Secondary story.

She Makes Me So Weak


I was awoken by my bedroom door slamming into the wall, making me flip over and sit up. "I DIDN'T DO IT!!!" I yell, looking around the room with wide eyes. I stare at Amber as she stands in the doorway, her face resembling the "o_o" smiley.

"Err...someone has a guilty conscience..." She giggles, shaking her head and walking over to me, handing me her cell phone. "Johnny-boy wants to talk to you. And Nicky wants you to tell him to shower 'cause he stinks." She laughed before walking out. My still half-asleep brain took a few seconds to process what she told me, and I squealed silently when I got the "Johnny-boy wants to talk to you" part through my head.

"Hello?" I laughed tiredly, flopping back onto my pillow.

"ASHLEYYY!" I pulled the phone away from my ear sharply as Johnny screeched happily. "Mornin', baybayyy!" I giggled and looked at the digital clock on my nightstand. "It's one in the afternoon, Johnny."

"Well someone's sleepy ass was still in bed, so technically for you it's morning." He teased.

"Yeah yeah, whaddaya want?" I grinned.

"I NEED YOUUUUU..." I winced and pulled the phone away from my ear again, Johnny's usual obnoxiousness coming through the earpiece loud and clear. " give me directions to your place."

I blinked. "Why?" He stayed silent, and it only took me a second to figure out why he was asking me that question. "OH MY GOSH YOU GUYS ARE HOME!!!" I squealed. "Yay!" He laughed and I rattled off the directions to mine and Amber's apartment.

"OOH THAT'S NOT FAR AWAY FROM MY CONDO!" Johnny exclaimed. "That means you'll be seeing a lot of me when we're not touring!"

"I can't decide if that's a good or bad thing..." I joked. He gasped dramatically.

"I AM HURT!" I laughed, grinning like a fool still. "So when's a good time to come over? Preferably, when do you two take your showers so I can see you both naked?" I started cracking up, making him laugh too. "You are such a pervert." I chuckled. "And like, 2:30's good, I guess."

"Alright, Nick and I will be there at 2:30!"

"TELL JOHNNY HE NEEDS TO SHOWER, ASHLEY!" I heard Nick yell in the background. I giggled when Johnny yelled at him to shut up. "HE STINKS!" Nick added.

"Johnny, take a shower or I'm not coming near you when you come over. Meaning, no hugs." He pretended to cry and I shook my head, chuckling.


I heard what sounded to be like the phone being thrown to someone else, and Nick's voice came through the speaker. "So, 2:30?" He laughed.

"Yep!" We exchanged goodbyes and I squealed as soon as we hung up, kicking and bouncing like a complete moron. I struggled to remove the covers from my body, but as soon as I did I ran out of my room and to the kitchen to see Amber making herself a bowl of cereal.

'THEY'RE HOME!!! THEY'RE BACK!!! AND ON THEIR WAY OVER HERE!!!" I scream, sliding into the kitchen counter since I was wearing socks. Her eyes widen and she flails her arms wildly.

"YAY!! I GET TO SEE MY NICKY BAYBEH!" She screeches before hopping up and running around in circles. But in her act of spazzing out, her socks cause her to slip on the floor and fall straight on her ass. "OWW!!"

I bust up laughing, her doing the same. She pulls herself up, doing the 'bend and snap' for effect, making us both laugh harder.

"Come on, sillybutt. We gotta get ready." I grin, grabbing her bowl of cereal for her before pushing her towards her room.


So after taking around 10 hours to get ready just a little bit to get ready for the boys, it's already 2:30, and the doorbell is being rung repeatedly. Probably by Johnny, if I had to take a wild guess.

"Go answer it!" I squeal, shoving Amber towards the door. She rubs her shoulder and fake-glares at me before doing so.

ASHLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY!" It took no longer than 3 seconds for Johnny to burst through the doorway, and to practically tackle me onto the ground in a bear hug.

"Johnny....I c-can't....breathe...." I squeak as his arms tighten even more around my shoulders.

"OH MY BAYBEH! OH HOW I MISSED YOU! IT WAS HORRENDOUS WITHOUT YOU!!!" Johnny wails theatrically, burying his face in my hair. I facepalm, trying not to start going into hysterical laughter, almost like Nick and Amber are doing.

"It's been a week." I say in a bored tone. He pulls away and nods quickly. "I know! Far too long!" I shake my head and smile at him, giggling as he grins back at me.

"So how was the rest of the tour?" I ask the two, motioning for them to sit down on the couch. I plop down next to Johnny and look up at him.

"It was good, went out with a bang." Nick laughed. He wrapped an arm around Amber's shoulders as soon as she sat down next to him, making me smile.

"Woulda been funner if you two were there!" Johnny stated. I looked at him before busting up laughing.

"Funner isn't a word, idiot!" Nick laughed.

"Yeah it is!" Johnny argued. "There's fun, funner, and funnest!"

"Funnest isn't a word either!" Amber laughed.

" it?" I ask. Suddenly we all got quiet, and I snickered a few seconds later. "I'm kidding, I know it isn't. BUT YOU DUMMIES THOUGHT IT WAS FOR A SECOND, SO HA!" I grinned. Amber stuck her tongue out at me, and I did the same back to her.

"IT IS!" Johnny exclaimed.

"Okie doke, Johnny-boy." I grin. He rolls his eyes and smiles before getting up and walking towards the kitchen, to our fridge. "You've been here for like, 5 minutes, and you're already trying to take our food." I chuckle, getting up and following him.

"Well you weren't being a very good hostess, so I had to get MYSELF a drink." He stated in a very matter-o'-factly tone, grabbing two cans of coke.

"I am a good hostess! I let you two into my apartment, that's good enough!" I huffed. He raised his eyebrow at me. "And what is that supposed to mean, missy?" I laughed as he put a hand on his hip, looking very serious.

"Whatever you want it to mean." I grin, walking back to the small living room. Johnny followed me, throwing a can of pop at Nick before plopping down next to Amber.

"You almost took my eye out, dude!" He whined.

"It hit your chest, Nick." Amber giggled. He jokingly told her to shush and she giggled even more.

"Blegh." Johnny whispered in my ear, referring to Nick and Amber bein' all cutesy with each other.

"It's cute." I whispered back. He poked his tongue out in mock-disgust and I rolled my eyes, smiling.

"So what're we doin' today, ladies?" Johnny asked, leaning back and wrapping his arms around me and Amber. "Ladies including you, Nick."

"Fuck off." He chuckled, flipping Johnny off.

"Well...what do you wanna do?" I asked. He smiled down at me.

"It might be a little too early for us to do what I want to do together."

"BOW-CHICKA-WOW-WOWWW!" Amber screamed. She started thrusting her hips, making Nick's eyes widen, and I started cracking up again.

"You're such a pervert!!" I laughed. He grinned down at me. "We already established that over the phone today, remember?" I nodded, still laughing. "But seriously. We should all go somewhere."

"THE MALL!" Nick screamed 0.01 seconds after I made the suggestion we go out. I blinked at him and he smiled cutely, shrugging. "Haven't been to a mall in a while..."

"O...kie dokie," I nodded, chuckling. "The mall it is."

"WOO LET'S GO!" I screamed when Johnny stood up and picked me up, putting me over his shoulder.

"PUT ME DOWN, BRADDOCK!!!" I screeched, punching his back, which seemed to have no effect on him whatsoever. I started laughing when I saw Nick trying to pick Amber up, but she was squealing at him to stop and playfully kicking at him.

I thanked Johnny when he finally set me down on the ground, and ran off to my bedroom and Amber's bedroom to grab our purses and phones. When I came out of Amber's room, I smacked straight into Johnny's chest, both of us making an "oof" sound.

"Watch it, buster." I smirked, walking past him to grab my purse now. He followed me and sat down on my bed, looking around the room as I grabbed my necessities and shoes.

"So when will I be in here every night?" He smirked. I laughed and turned my head to hide the blush that was quickly creeping onto my cheeks.

"Never, that's when!" He laughed at me and we walked out, catching Nick cooing to Amber and hugging her.

"Quit being so cute all the time!" I huffed, shoving Amber's purse to her chest. I smirked at her to let her know I was joking, and she mouthed "fuck you" to me, grinning. "Johnny asked when he's going to be in my room with me every night." Nick and Amber laughed, and I smirked. "But I think the real question is, is when Nick's going to be in Amber's room every night." Now it was mine and Johnny's turn to laugh as Amber blushed heavily, and Nick chuckled, glancing at her.

"BOW-CHICKA-WOW-WOWWW!" Johnny yelled right in Amber's face, mocking her from eariler. She pushed him and laughed. "Shut up, you two!!"

"I wouldn't wanna be here when you two are going at it, sheesh...can you imagine?" I turned to Johnny. He laughed. "Nick's pretty loud, from what I've heard before..."

"YOU TWO CAN SHUT UP NOW!" They both yelled at the same time, blushing like mad. We laughed again and Johnny high-fived me. "Let's roll, cutey-mc-mushy lovebirds!" He exclaimed, marching towards the door and flinging it open. I heard Nick mutter something to Amber, something that sounded like, "I'm gonna kill him later."

"WE'RE GOING IN OUR CAR!" Nick exclaimed a minute later, jingling the keys in the air as we walked down the hallway of the apartment complex and down to the parking lot.

"You mean my car." Johnny chuckled.

"Well, we both came here in it, together, therefore it is OURS." Nick nodded.

"...It's still my car." Johnny blinked. I laughed, asking him which one it was. When he pointed it out to me, I yelled "SHOTGUN!" and ran towards the passenger seat. I whined at Nick to unlock it as I tugged on the handle repeatedly.

"Don't rip the damn thing off!" Johnny laughed. Nick unlocked the car and we all got in.

"SON OF A BITCH!" I jumped and yelled in shock when the radio suddenly came blasting on as Johnny started the car. He fumbled around for a second before practically smashing the power button on the radio.

"Way to scare the bajesus out of me!" I groaned, putting my hand over my now-rapidly-beating heart.

"Sorry," He said sheepishly, backing out of his parking spot. I giggled and leaned back into my seat, preparing for what I was sure to be a very eventful day.
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8DDD HOPE YOU ENJOY, READERS AND AMBI! And thankies to Diiggeeh! for commenting last chapter! <3

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