Sequel: Yesterday's Feelings

I Woke Up in a Car


I felt so immediately transported back to where I used to be that I forgot all about the present, all about where I was, that no one was coming for me to actively try to hurt me. I had forgotten all about the fact that this was merely an accident, a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

I was jarred from my thoughts, the sounds that I thought I was hearing by a voice, so very different from Genes. “Ari, it's me, it's Eric.” The voice on the other side, though perhaps a little drunk, was soft. It wasn't the echoing scream of Gene that I thought I was hearing, “Can I come in, please?”

I tip-toed to the door and opened it an inch, just enough to peer out at Eric, “I'm fine. You can go away.” I said, looking up at the older man and then trying to close the door.

Eric was good though and bright enough that as I tried to close the door, his foot actually kept it from closing. “Hey, You okay?” He asked, looking over my face.

No Eric, I wasn't okay. I was having flashbacks to a life I thought I'd left behind, except the memories were still so fresh in my mind that it was like it was yesterday, “Y-Yeah.” My voice cracked.

“Bullshit.” Eric's voice and tone was firm. He asked a brunette girl that was passing by to grab him a damp, wet cloth from the bathroom and to bring it back to him. He turned his attention back to me, “Come on Ari, I'm not going to hurt you, I promise.” He said.

Reluctantly I opened the door farther as the young woman returned. She frowned at me a little as I looked up at Eric. “What?” I asked, looking up at him, confused.

Eric closed the door slowly and took my arm gently as he sat me on the bed. He was facing me and looking at me, “You seriously don't feel that?” He asked.

I raised an eyebrow and then winced in pain when he touched the cool cloth to my brow. “Are you fucking joking, the same spot..” I muttered under my breath. “Thanks.”

Eric smiled a little as he dabbed at the cut on my brow, “You're welcome.” He said, leaning in close to look at the cut, “You have a scar there already.” He said, “I didn't notice that before.”

I nodded a little, taking the cloth from Eric and turning it to a clean section as I wiped at my face, hoping to get any blood off my skin. “Yeah, I've had that for a while.” I said.

Begrudgingly I let Eric take the cloth from me and dab at my cut, “Do you want to talk about it?” He asked, his blue eyes, soft and warm, like John's, looking at me.

I blinked, I wasn't sure I was ready to explain it to him, wholly. I was sure he felt bad enough about what happened, I didn't want the rest of his sympathy. I was relieved though when my door opened and a friend of Eric's with Curly brown hair tucked under a straw hat's face appeared, “Yo man, is she okay?”

Eric smiled a little, “She's fine I think but can you grab the first aid kit and bring it here Squid?” He asked. The boy disappeared and then returned with a small red kit. Eric opened it and fished out a band-aid. He gave another wipe at my brow and then dabbed it dry before applying the band-aid, “See, good as new.”

I nodded some, though I was still breathing heavy, waiting for Gene to charge in the door at any moment and start yelling at me for having a boy in my room (though, I'd never really had one in my room until recently). “Y-yeah.”

Eric nodded a little at me, using his finger under my chin to nudge my head up, “You want to go back to the party?” He asked, eyes searching over my face for an answer.

I shook my head, my red hair falling in to my face, “No.”

Eric put an arm around my shoulders, “Come on, you can stay by my side tonight. I promise nothing bad will happen to you tonight.” Eric paused, “Besides, I need a good marshmallow roaster.” Eric added, shaking me a little.

I blushed some, “Fine.” I said, looking down a little. In all this, I felt so little, and there Eric was being a good friend, a good boss, a good housemate.

We got up and slowly headed back out to join the party. The broken glass had been cleaned up and some of Eric's friends cheered as we entered the kitchen. I looked at them all sheepishly. I was slightly embarrassed at my freak out. It wasn't intentional, but at the same time, I don't think I could have stopped it if I had tried.

We headed out to the bonfire where I found an empty chair close to the fire and took a seat. The fire was nice and toasty warm, so warm and nice feeling. Eric stayed relatively close by, just keeping an eye on me. I was tired and not much in the mood for partying but I stayed up anyways, as revelers started to pass out and the bonfire began to burn out, I started to head for my room.

Eric, who was still barely awake himself, came over to walk me in, I glanced over at him, “You don't have to.” I said, my voice quiet, heavily laced with sleep.

Eric had large bags under his eyes, “I want to.” he said, his hand moving to the small of my back as we walked in, him behind me.

The walk was quiet as we surveyed the stragglers and a few people settling in to sleep. It was so quiet compared to the loud raging party it had been a few hours before. We trudged up the stairs together, a yawn escaping my own lips. “Thanks.” I said.

“For what?” Eric asked as we stopped at my door, he looked rather puzzled.

“For being there.” I said, my voice quiet. “Tonight, a lot of things,” I paused, my voice already beginning to crack as my eyes darted to the ground, everywhere but Eric's face. “A lot of things, hit close to home, so to speak.” I paused again, this time looking up at Eric. I leaned up to press a kiss to his bearded cheek (itchy!), “So thank you, for being there. I needed that.”

With that I turned and headed into my room, leaving Eric standing outside the door looking rather confused. I was still rather confused as to how to fully explain everything. I didn't know where to begin or how to start. How do you tell someone about the most painful memory you have when it sends you into panic mode?

I was so scared to tell him exactly why I ran away. I had a feeling that from this point on though, the blanket explanation of "my step-dad" wouldn't be enough anymore. At some point he was going to want the full story, but, the question was when, and, would I be ready to tell it?
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Title Credit: Earthquake by The Used

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