Sequel: Yesterday's Feelings

I Woke Up in a Car


We flew out to the small village in Alaska. Literally, it was maybe a whole block and a half long. There was 1 grocery store, 1 coffee shop, A bar, and a few restaurants. Mountains surrounded the entire town and everything was covered in snow. No cell phone had service and the rest of the team informed us that we had to take a smaller plane to the house where we were staying. I didn't think it was possible to fit everyone and their gear into the small plane but it happened.

I had no doubt in my mind as we landed on the solid snow-covered ice runway in front of the large cabin, that my life was flashing before my eyes. My first words, school, running away, meeting Eric, essientally, everything. I. Hated. Flying. John was laughing at me and all I could do was glar at him as soon as we landed. Jerk.

Adam had informed me that there would be no service here and he gave me a little Verizon card. It was supposed to get us internet at the very least. I was amazed at this large wooden structure built literally in the middle of nowhere. It was John and I, and the pilot. John's friends came running out to greet him and I, they carried our gear in and the pilot shut down for the day. I was nervous. really.

A few days and we were all settled in. No one had really been riding. I had been trying to figure out the internet card and how it worked. Thankfully one of John's friends helped me get it started and I was able to start getting work done. Amazingly enough, Work was coming along easier. I checked in with my mom and Gene, checking on her. She said things were going ok, but, she didn't elaborate enough. She was hiding something, part of it scared me.

I also fired off an e-mail to Eric, just to let him know we were here and we were ok:

We arrived in town a few days ago. Just got the wireless card up and working. Still a little confused on how it's supposed to work. No cell service. Everyone has been so nice. Miss you. Miss hearing your voice. Still have your necklace and wear it every day. Hope Rachel isn't still screening your calls.
It's cold. The mountains here are gorgeous, no snow yet, they say it's been bad weather and it's supposed to clear out tomorrow but they said it all depends. Just been watching a lot of movies, getting to know the guys. It's wierd being the only girl on the management team. John's been a good sport about all this.
The dr. visit obviously went well or we wouldn't be here. Hope to hear from you soon.

I sent the e-mail and then closed down my computer. I couldn't help but think, in the back of my own mind, what Susan had said in the office, "Eric has to tell us that he doesn't want her to work for him." Maybe there was something there that he was not telling me, but, I had to trust him. He'd given me his necklace, clearly I meant something to him. I just don't think even I knew what I meant to him.

"What are you thinking about?" John asked, settling in across the table from me, his blue eyes light and very much like Eric's.

I jumped a little and looked at him, John's voice pulling me out of my own thoughts, which, at this point were going to be all consuming, "Just stuff." I said, smiling just slightly at the older man. I turned m attention out to the window, "It looks like it's going to be getting nice outside.." I let my voice trail off.

John nodded, "Yeah, I know. But around here daylight is limited so I think we're just going to scope out spots. Do, um, Do you want to go?" John asked, his fingers idly drumming on the table.

I shook my head, "Nah, It's okay. Maybe another time you know." I said with a slight shrug. "I don't need to go. I hate planes." I paused, 'In case you forgot."

John smirked at me, "Oh, good, cause we're not flying, we're going to take the chopper." John said, "I really think you should go." I rubbed the back of my neck with a slight sigh watching John's face turn into a pout, "Puh-lease?" He begged.

I hated that John and Eric both had that puppy-dog pout down. What irked me even more is that I let them get away with it working on me. Lord only knew why. "Fine. I'll go." Awesome. I just let John talk me in to riding in a mechanical vehicle that was smaller than the plane we flew in with.

I headed to the room John and I were sharing and started to gear up, dressing warm. It may have been a chopper but that didn't mean it was going to be warm. Still, I dressed head to toe in warm clothes, using the Burton gear I had picked up in Denver and making sure to layer as John had told me to do.

Everyone met out at the chopper in twenty minutes' time. Daylight was fading and fast. I swore the sun had just been overhead at noon-time. We all climbed in to the heli and up we went. I was so terrified, my gloved hand was holding on to John's, my head on his shoulder and my eyes clamped shut tightly. I was the world's biggest baby.

John was laughing. "Open your eyes. Come on." John said into the headset mics. We had to wear them to help protect our hearing and so that we could hear each other over the loud chopper blades.

I resisted. I could hear the others talking about lines they wanted to hit. Begrudgingly I opened my eyes to see us flying in and out of these large mountain peaks all covered in snow. I looked up at John to was smiling as he pointed out the window at a peak, "Cool huh?"

I looked over out the window and tried not to think about how high in the air we were, "Yeah." I said, my voice sounding shaky in the headset. I really thought all the large mountains were sort of pretty. I couldn't help but think about just how many eyes had seen these peaks and to be able to count myself among them, I felt lucky. Even luckier when I realized I was getting PAID to do this.

John just put his arm around me as I looked out the side of the chopper, which had turned around and was heading back the other way. The rest of the ride was pretty quiet in the headset. I just snuggled against John, comfortable, like he was going to be able to save me if this thing went down in flaming spectacular glory.

Days at the cabin turned in to weeks. E-mail correspondence with Eric was spotty and sometimes it would be hours or days before I would hear anything. Rachel was still screening his calls but I guess he seemed to be used to it by now. The e-mails seemed to be shorter and shorter. Like he almost had nothing to say to me anymore. Maybe he just didn't know what to say.

I kept busy by managing John and making sure things were going to be all set-up for whenever we were done here. Everything would be just a phone call away when we were ready but, ready would come in due time. We made busy by doing the most insane things. They skimmed, which, I learned was where they had essientally a skateboard without the wheels and trucks and went across a portion of the unfrozen water next to the cabin. They shot.. I don't know what exactly it was. It looked like propane tanks but it caused a large fireball in the sky and, well, was rather fun to watch. Several nights were also filled with bonfires and drinking.

Weeks turned to a month. John and I were growing ever closer as friends would. Awkwardness subsided and we were soon joking around with each other and I could handle some of the razzing the guys would dish me though John sometimes felt the need to sort of 'Step in' if he thought the pranks were over the top. The guys were finally getting clearer days, time to go film which left me alone in the cabin a lot of days.

A lot of days were spent cleaning, which, seemed like nothing was ever accomplished when you're living with a crew of all guys who just come in and throw everything everywhere. I never seemed to be able to keep on top of it. I missed Eric, I hadn't heard from him in a while. I wondered what he was up to. I still had trust in him, I had to. I didn't have a choice.

Soon one month turned in to two and I was starting to go a little stir crazy. I ventured outside a time or two and putzed around with the guys. John showed me how to shoot a gun, shooting at the old propane tanks. I was amazingly good. Then again, it was a propane tank, a little hard to miss. He said I was a natural. We went snomobiling arund together. He showed me various things here and there, they even talked me in to skimming.

By the third month in, I was joining them out on their filming trips. I still wasn't a great flyer but they had taught me how to use the rescue beacon and while I didn't take my board or anything, I felt included. I felt like I could really let my guard down. I was just another one of the guys.. even if I wasn't exactly a guy.

John and I were closer than ever, like the best of friends. I couldn't remember being this close to someone in a long time. Not since school. Not before I left home. It was perfect and amazing. He was so funny and he had this sense of wonder and amazement. He was smart about the wilderness and he wasn't afraid to get too crazy in doing anything and everything. I guess that was the kind of person you had to be to ride the monstrous mountains that surrounded us.

After three months, they decided to wrap it up. I was partial to staying but, we gathered everyone's things and headed back to the small town where we had gone off and on over the last three months. Everyone in the crew was going hard and having a good time, celebrating the shots and hits that were made. I even had a few drinks, despite still being underage here, apparently it was terribly common for underage drinking and people just looked the other way. I guess when you ran with a bunch of guys in their 30s no one questioned it.

John and I carried our bags in to the house laughing with each other but thankful to be back at his home. Grateful for not having to fight over a hot shower. Both of us, however, were rather surprised when John and Eric's dogs all came running and barking from the back door. "Gwennie. Shut it." I heard a familiar voice call as Eric came walking in to the house.

I squealed and ran to Eric, practically pouncing on the younger Jackson. I hadn't seen him since I left and I missed him so terribly. Eric's arms wrapped around me and he carried me, "I didn't know you'd be here." I said, grinning as I pressed a kiss to Eric's lips.

Eric himself was smiling, "I could say the same for you." Eric said, "But I'm glad you're back." he said, holding on to me and returning the kiss. It was soft and mellow and damn. I had missed him.

Having Eric be there when we got home was a total and complete surprise, but it was one I was grateful for. It made all the time away really worth it and I knew that I really liked Eric and I missed him. While being with John and his friends was fun, Eric was where my heart was.

I was glad to be with him no matter how temporary the visit.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title Credit: Meant to Die by The Used

Can you hear the bomb ticking away? Soon, I promise. Thanks for hanging in there and reading along. Trying to push this along. Sorry if the chapters have been sucking lately.