Status: I'm going to try to add a chapter every week.

Believe Beyond


A scream broke what had once been a calm, cool, and rainy night. He stood off to the side, hidden in trees, as he watched the flames leap to the sky. The flames flickered and danced across the building, lighting up the night. The rain agitated the fire, adding an angry his to the roar of the flames.
A slight smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he watched the blaze slowly consume the school. The windows became blacked out by smoke, the air becoming unbearably hot.
The shattering of glass drew his attention to the back. His stomach dropped and he bared his teeth in disgust, a flash of white against the shadows. He watched her climb out of the window and scramble away. She collapsed to the ground in a spasm of coughs, her blonde, almost white hair blocking her face from view.
His happy daze shattered, he realized that the scream that he had heard had not been her single scream, but a chorus of sceams. She hadn't been alone, and she had escaped.
With an angry snarl, he drifted farther back into the shadows while the unknowing girl struggled to breathe fresh air.