Death Day

Chapter One

The sun shined brightly as an angrily determined girl stomped her way along the side walk. Her body was decked out in completely black apparel and her worn out combat boots clunked against the pavement. A cold breeze swept her wildly colored hair off of her shoulders, making them stiffen and her fists clench.

This was no normal day for her. Today she had a bone to pick with a certain skinhead. On the streets he was known as Switch, but she preferred to call him Dumb Ass.

Her destination finally appeared in front of her eyes. A weathered blue condo. The faded paint was scabbed with tiny pieces that had begun to peel off. She couldn't blame them -- If she was paint, she wouldn't wanna be on that house either.

The strange looking girl straightened her shoulders and slowed her breathing before attempting to casually walk up the mossy stairs to man's house. She knocked twice before entering.

"Hey, Dumb Ass!" she called, coolly. Voice concealing her true feelings.

A bald head peeked out from behind a dirty white wall and smiled. "Hey, Noelle. What's up?"

The leather clad boy would generally be intimidating to a majority of people, but not her. What reason did she have to be afraid? It's not like anything bad could happen to her.

She smirked darkly before answering, "I'll tell you what's up. You fucked me over. And now you owe me."

Switch came out from behind the wall of the archway and walked up to Noelle, stopping inches from her face. "I fucked you over? Really?"

The skinhead probably had a good 5 inches on the girl. She wasn't very tall. 5'4, but Noelle always rounded it to 5'5. Said it made her feel better. Regardless of the height difference, the small girl squared her shoulders and glared fiercely up at the man that she used to call a companion.

"Really.You actually think I wouldn't notice 500 fucking dollars missing from the spot that only YOU knows exist? That was my get away cash!"

The punk's eyes widened in what appeared to be surprise. "I did NOT take that money, Noelle. Fuck off. You know I wouldn't do that to you. Sure, I don't have the best reputation, but I'm not a bad guy."

"Who else could have taken my money then, Dumb Ass? The tooth fairy? Cough up the money or face the consequences."

Switch blinked a few times before bursting out laughing right in Noelle's face. "Consequences? What're you gonna do, you tiny little skank. Try something, I dare--"

He didn't get to finish his sentence. Noelle's petite hands whipped out of her dark trench coat and thrust a blade into the man's stomach. A breath of agony escaped his mouth as he doubled over in pain. While his body fell to the ground, the girl twisted the blade in his stomach.

"Just cause you can't die, doesn't mean you can't feel pain," Noelle laughed. She rifled around in Switch's pockets before pulling out five one-hundred dollar bills.

That'll teach him.
