‹ Prequel: Desires Of The Unknown
Status: Give me a few.

His Fairytale, My Folklore


Dear Guinevere Fairytale,
I love you, but how dare you! Why in bloody hell would keep a child from me?! I thought we told each other things. You had many chances, and yet I still had to figure out that I had a child growing inside of you after he was dead. I'm not sure if the doctor told you that, but it was a boy. Oh, and my father knew? My father knew, yet you couldn't even tell me, the other person who contributed half of his chromosomes?! You're a selfish bitch who thinks of nothing but herself. Were you just going to abort it without even talking to me? Is that what you were going to do?
Or, were you just going to pretend you weren't pregnant and hope that I never noticed? 'Oh, hi sweetie. Oh, that kid? A stray I got off the side of the road.' Obviously you never loved me, you were just doing a way better job than I did at being a spy. I guess I'm not cut out to be a spy. I should have just stuck to being an assassin. The assassin. Yeah, I'm confirming it, I am the greatest assassin, I'm a fairytale, well, more of a folklore. How odd right? The folklore fell in love with the fairytale, yet the fairytale felt nothing back, hurting the folklore a lot more than it should have.
I love you, God, do I love you, but I could never forget about what you did! We shall talk more when I get back, or I will send you another letter, if I cannot get away. Yes, I am angry with you, very angry, but we still need to talk about this. And please, please, remember that I love you very much.
Love too much,
Your Folklore

PS- Please, please make sure the kids know that I'll be back and that I love them.

Dear Folklore,
I do love you, I really, really do. Never think otherwise. I tried multiple times to tell you about Snuffy, that's what I named the fetus, but something always got in the way....
The kids already know that you love them, and they know you're coming back. Just... I didn't lie to them, did I? It's almost August and I have heard nothing about anything you're in, I just hope that you're okay! Your father said he would get this to you. He's worried about you too. We have no idea where you are or what you're doing. Just tell me your safe, or I'll search for you myself and castrate you for worrying me so much.
When you get back, we really need to talk. And you better get your ass back here or you won't like what I'll do. And none of it would be for me, it would all be the children, because they would be heartbroken. Terance cries for you, Charlie asks when you're coming home, they all want you back. If not for me, than them. Oh, and Terance has moved on from Heart, he has another name for you. I just want you to know that I miss you. We all miss you, even Johnathan, even though he doesn't show his emotions since I was shot. I'm fine though, in case you were wondering. Though I highly doubt you even care about me because you haven't even contacted me in over two months!
Your Fairytale.....

Dear Fairytale,
OF COURSE I LOVE YOU! How could you insinuate that I don't?! You are far more trouble than I wanted, but I haven't given up on you, have I? I would never lie to about my love for you. It is there, even if I don't want to sometimes. I think I love you too much.
He has a new nickname for me? Really? Will I like it, or did he learn it from you? If he learned it from you, I don't think I would appreciate it anymore than having you get shot. There, I said it, I admit that I wasn't there in time to save you. I really wish I could have, I really wish she didn't shoot you. But, wishes are for fairytales, and I'm only a folklore.
Is Charlie okay? Is Terence? Wait, why am I asking these things, I'll be home back in about three weeks. And I'm afraid I have to apologize in advance for the thing I will have to do. I can't go into detail, but I promise, we will talk fully when we get together, no matter what.
I don't know what to do anymore.
Your Folklore....

Dear Folklore,
There really isn't much I can say. I love you, that's about it. I just want you safe.
Come back safe, or I'll kill you,
Your Fairytale.....

Dear Fairytale,
I promise. I love you too.
I'll come back safe,
Your Folklore....
♠ ♠ ♠
Ta-Da! =D Not sure how often I will be updating this story, or my other one, I have too much shit, but I can sure as hell try. =]