Status: Comment for updates please :)

Being Dakotah Seward.

The Party

Hey guys :D I had this idea the other night and I know the whole sister of the band thing is kinda old but hopefully I can make it new. Jimmy will be alive for some of it, plus Leana may make a few appearance's.:)
Oh by the way present day stuffs is going to be in a normal font and flashbacks in italics. Enjoy and comment :D !!

As I packed away my work files away in my office I glanced over at the picture of me, my brother and his band in the frame on my desk next to the brand new Appple mac laptop Johnny had sent me to replace the last one. He'd come over for the weekend a month ago and managed to fill my computer with beer and had taken the whole month to send it over. I looked at the six of us in the photo standing in a line outside Johnny's house, it went Matt, Johnny, Zacky, me, Brian and Jimmy. All of the guys had their arms over eachothers shoulders including Zacky over mine but Brian didn't and I remembered well enough where his hand was when they took it. Matt's wife Valary had taken one with Brian having his arm over my shoulder then made a fuss that his hair was wrong so he made her take another and put his hand right on one side of my butt and giving it a good squeeze while the camera flashed. No-one knew but us two and everytime it made me smile, of course Johnny would go nuts if he knew and did when he caught us making out at a party a good few years back. He didn't know that Brian had the biggest crush on me, I may sound cocky but he didn't exactly keep it well hidden.
I worked in a crappy office in London for some small newspaper and on the opposite street was the glorious Kerrang office, my dream job and who I'd hoped to work for when I moved here to the busy West End of London from the glorious and sunny Huntington Beach, California. It was a crazy choice I know but I felt so bad always scrounging money from my baby brother plus our parents constantly bitching at me for not being settled down, it was funny how they doted on Johnny. I wasn't a planned child and they told me that regularly too, turns out both mom and dad wanted two sons so you can imagine just how much they loved me? So anyway to get out of my scrounging habit I moved out of my brother's house and to London to get a job and make my own living.

I kicked my high heels off into the footwell of the passenger seat in Johnnys car and streched my hands out above my head feeling the California wind rushing through my straight purple hair.

"If your feet smell I'm going to make you wash my car mind sis." I rolled my eyes over at my baby brother and turned on his car radio, why I don't know because we were going to be in Brians really soon as all the guys lived about five minutes away from eachother. A few moments later we pulled up outside Brians and I jumped out Johnnys car and fixed my outfit pulling up my ripped denim shorts and I found that my white vest top with a huge black and white picture of John Lennon had gone down so you could see the rim of my bra. I pulled it back up and heard a familiar deep voice say,

"Dak I've got to tell you I prefered it the other way" I looked up to see Brian standing there with a smirk on his gorgeous face so I smirked and looked down as I walked up to stand directly infront of him,

"Well Bri I've told you that I'd prefer your clothes on my bedroom floor but that hasn't happened either." I finished with a half frown and patted him gently on the chest then walked off into his house smirking. Johnny yelled from behind me,

"His clothes will be nowhere near your floor Dakotah!" I rolled my eyes still smirking and walked through Brian's house into the full garden and yelled out,

"Hello!!" They all turned round and the first face I recognised was Michelle, ew. She absolutley loved Brian and hated how we always flirted back and forth, jealous bitch. I fakely smiled at her and waved then got jumped on by a huge black haired man also known as Jimmy. He jumped into me so hard that I fell back on the floor and landed on my ass while he landed ontop of me, he propped himself on his elbows and looked down at me and grinned.

"Hey Dak!" I smiled up at him and said,

"Jimbob!" I leant up and went to kiss him on the cheek but at the last second he moved his face so I kissed his lips, I yelled out,

"Jimmy! What the hell?!" I heard a loud cough coming from above us and looked up to see Brian standing over us with an eyebrow perfectly arched.

"See dude! I told you I could get her to kiss me! You owe me twenty dollars." I glanced up at Jimmy who was still lying on top of me with a leg on either side of my body and he looked down and realised I was confused. He smiled and said,

"I bet Brian that I could get you to kiss me without me forcing you, he thought I couldn't." I smirked up at him and said,

"Jimbob, you know you're the love of my life. Of course I'd kiss you voluntarily!" I glanced up just in time to see Brian fold his huge arms over his broad chest and smirked. Then I wrapped my arms tightly around Jimmy's neck and leant up whispering in his ear,

"Play along." I felt his smirk on my neck and lifted my up cupping my ass and kissed my neck, he turned me around and I grinned at Brian who was looking suitably pissed by now. Jimmy carried me over to Johnny, Matt, Zacky, Valary and her twin the ever charming Michelle. He plonked me down inbetwee him and Johnny and leant his arm on my shoulder casually, Michelle just sneered at me and said,

"Classy as ever Dakotah." I smiled up at her, being only five foot two I had to look up on everyone, and replied.

"At least I don't have to pester guys to get them." I paused and glanced her own trashy outfit up and down and added, "Chelle." She rolled her eyes at me and turned away, a few moments later I felt a large hand on my lower back and another slide around my waist holding a bottle until it was directly infront of me. I felt Brian's lips brush against my ear and took the bottle from his hand so the hand that had been holding it slid back to my waist.

"You know you're my girl right?" I tilted my head to the side so I could whisper back,

"You're going to have to work harder than that Mr. Haner." I felt his smirk against my skin and his hand squeezed my waist tight before walking away and standing next to Michelle opposite me.