Shallow Life

This story is based on the song "Shallow Life" written by Lacuna Coil
It is comprised of entries written by myself during one of the hardest times of my life. It is an in depth look of one of the most emotional, suicidal, depressing and overall saddest time of my life.[/Blue]

For all legal purposes, I do NOT own the band Lacuna Coil nor do I own the song "Shallow Life" but I do own everything else in this story.
  1. The Begenning
    The Beginning
  2. Chapter 2
    This is a "Kid-Napping"
  3. April 12th 2009
    I'm a theif
  4. May 26th 2009
    Death In The Family
  5. Throw back my pills and take a sip of my drink.
    Journal Entry
  6. How did I get here?