Status: Completed; being re-written?

Memories Remain


The life of a roadie, they all soon found out, was one of absolute hell. Victor had headed straight back to the bus as soon as everything had been packed away, grumbling about how he missed his own bed, even though they all knew he had the time of his life. He was just odd like that. Everyone else decided that a party was in order to celebrate the new additions to the crew. A club was found and the VIP section was reserved.

“Dude, I plan on getting drunk off my ass and having you guys carry me to the bus. Someone better stay sober,” Matt grinned as they entered the pulsating club. Johnny and Jimmy were suckered into doing it. They kindly offered to get the girls their drinks as the boys headed to the bar. They said something about being gentleman, but really the girls knew they just wanted to sneak something for themselves. They didn’t blame them.

A waiter named Marty came up and tried to be suave with his introduction. There were only waiters in the VIP section apparently. He seemed greasy and untrustworthy to Ace and Olivia, but they let him stand there and try to talk them up, simply because it was amusing how he thought he was getting somewhere.

“Can I get you lovely ladies anything?” Marty asked, smiling as if he were trying to be seductive and leaning into ‘Livia.

“Some Coke would be just fine thanks,” Ace replied for them. He smiled even wider and ran off, returning a few minutes later with a bag of white powder and a razor, sorting through his wallet for some dollar bills.

”Not that kind of coke dumbfuck!” Ace burst out laughing boisterously. By this time the guys had come back, and were absolutely enraged at what they saw. Jimmy, in a surprise move, took Marty by surprise and threw the first punch. Having been hooked on coke before, he was not fond of people trying to give it to two girls he already thought of as sisters. He, Brian, and Johnny, took Marty out back to have a little ‘talk’ with him, while Matt went off in search of management, muttering curses under his breath. Olivia felt sorry for whatever poor fool would have to deal with him.

She knew Marty would be worse than fired when Matt was through yelling at whoever was in charge, but really she was more nervous about whether he would be upset with her when he came back, than satisfied that the scumbag was being thoroughly punished.

Zacky sat protectively by Ace, handing her her drink from the many that had been promptly abandoned on the table. She gave him a little smile, taking a sip, and put her head on his shoulder, yawning. Apparently Victor was the only one who was worn out. Zacky gently ran his fingers through her hair, which was far more bold than Olivia expected of him. Ace rested her legs in his lap and took another sip of her wonderfully alcoholic beverage. They were so fucking cute, Olivia almost let out an ‘aww’.
Matt had returned by now, still looking upset. He wrapped his arm around Olz and kissed her head softly. She snuggled into his muscular form and sighed contently.

“Shots all around!” Brian screamed as he carried a tray of hard liqueur to the table. Ace sat up immediately, passing her fruity drink to her friend and downing three shots in a matter of seconds. The boys all looked at her in amazement.

“Did I never tell you that Ace likes everything hard?” Olivia questioned, not realizing the implications in her words until they all started laughing. “It’s true though. She loves hard liqueur, violent mosh pits..."

“Where as Olz is more of a softy, crowd surfing and drinking wine coolers and such,” Ace finished, downing a shot between each word.

“Whoa there, okay, slow the fuck down girl!” Zack captured her arms at her sides, his eyes wide. “Ever heard of alcohol poisoning?”

“Yes, but I never let that stop me before.” Ace smiled brightly.

“No more shots for a while, got it?” He smiled sweetly at her, not really being overbearing.

“But Zacky,” She dragged out his name, and gave him a pout that melted his heart to a puddle of indistinguishable syrup. When he didn’t respond, she just turned away from him, back to the table and began swigging her way through a Guinness. This way they would both be happy.

Jimmy and Johnny decided to call it a night before anyone got so drunk they passed out on their way to the hotel. Considering the sher number of people they had to accommodate, everyone decided to double up. They decided to do so each time they stopped, as it was more convenient. Ace was with Zacky and Olivia was obviously with Matt. Victor and Johnny, who were now getting along quite famously decided to share a room, while Brian and Jimmy took another. Even the crew was doubling up.
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The last one should be out soon. :]