Those Who Wait

Chapter 1

"And so the pompous jack ass calmly seated himself upon the throne and sighed. This is what he had killed for. This was the ending of yet another ruler and the beginning of the next. This was the way the war ended"

The class clapped as one of their fellow class mates read from the history book. Resighting what had been told day in and day out. A history told to every generation throughout Warrenkai. The History of Senra. The noises died down and a quick sigh was heard from within the back row of the class room. A boy with shaggy dulled red hair turns his head, towards the window beside him having lost interest in the other voices, and the text itself.

Outside that exact window, another boy sat on the lowest branch within a maple tree. His White hair hung in spikes in front and around his face, though a pony tail, tied at the base of his neck hung loosely behind his head. His head rested against the thick tree trunk, one knee propped up with his arm, resting lazily atop it while his other arm and leg hung freely down his side.

"Oi, Yuu"
"Huh? Wah? Ahhhhhh"
"Oi bro, you alright?"

The boy who once as asleep in a tree was now dusting himself off, having fallen from the tree at the sudden wakeup call from below. With a colourful array of curses, the boy known as Yuu stood and turned his golden eyes to glare directed at the intruder. Said intruder giggles causing Yuu to cross his arms in frustration and annoyance.

"Oh come on Yuu, it was funny"
The intruder threw their arms around Yuu's neck, a pout on their lips as if upset about not getting a proper response from the boy. A mumble, barely above a whisper escaped Yuu's lips, as he moved his arms it push the intruder away, a faint blush covering his cheeks. A laugh was heard from the intruder, having enjoyed messing with the small boy.

"Jay, what do you want?"
"Hmmm, well now that you mention it, I am here for a reason"

The intruder, Jay stood up straight, standing at his full height, easily towering over Yuu. His Blond hair fanned out in every which way. His face serious, yet the small bright blue nose stud stood out among his dark tan skin, making him look less fierce. His green eyes shined with determination. A blush quickly turned the once pale cheeks bright red. Jay's green eyes glistened with myth, having gotten such a reaction from the smaller, younger male.

"Yuu, go ou-"

A bell signalled the end of yet another day, but being a Friday, it signified the end of the week for all the students that attend Hafnium academy. The blush that once made pale cheeks a bright red, disappeared as a small crooked smile creped to the pale boy's lips. Jay having been watching Yuu, could feel a blush cover is own face at the graceful smile that now occupied the boys face. With a soft sigh Jay stared at Yuu, his eyes full of love and admiration, however his expression soon becomes grave at the words that come out of Yuu's mouth.

"Looks like schools out jay, have fun with Nina and Jasmine"
"Huh? Aren't you- wait, Yuu?"

Before Jay could respond with a full sentence, Yuu had left, having run off in the direction of the school dorms that stood around the outsides of the school grounds. With a small smile, Jay hung his head, letting his blond hair cover his eyes from any ones view and turned. With one final glance behind his shoulder, the boy sighed and walked off. Walking towards the limo bay that covered the left side of Hafnium Academy.


With a smile that seemed to only get bigger the closer to his destination he got, Yuu made his way towards the school dorms. The grey coloured building stood between and before trees of different seed and origin types, standing out among the now yellowed and orange coloured trees. A chilling breeze swept past him, giving him a cold shiver that ran down his spine reminding Yuu that it was no longer summer but autumn.

The dorms are scattered around the outsides of the school. Boys dorms coloured from grey, maroon and green to represent house colours. The girl’s dorms surrounded their own part of the academy, having both the girls and boys separated from each other and schooled in different buildings and areas. The boys are situated to the north nearing into the woods that surrounded the school from the west side to the north east while the girls are in the south closer towards the city. The city only being a half hour walk away. Both academy’s are beautiful, and being separated by a man made river that ran between the two schools is highly recommended for both gifted students and the rich.


Yuu stumbles hearing the voice coming from the dorm entrance now in front of him. With a sheepish smile and a hand behind his head Yuu gives the caller a wave. The caller stops running coming to a holt in front of him, bending over to catch his breath, his long brown hair falling in front, covering his sweaty face.

"Hey Fuji, what’s up?"
"Hah, gasp, Yuu you, hah, shouldn't go to your, haaah, dorm something’s going on, gasp, there’s noises, through, through the door, haah, we can hear them"

Yuu looked at Fuji, his eyes widening as realization came crashing down. His room was giving off noises. People can hear them, and Yuu wasn't in there. With a quick shake of his head, a nod and Yuu was off and darting for the stairs, as Fuji falls to the ground. Having a room on the third floor Yuu had to climb.


"Hello Fuji, what’s wrong?"

The boy known as Fuji looked up towards the voice. Standing not too far away from him and come slowly closer was a boy about 6'1 his hair shined as a pure blood red instead of its usual dulled colour, sat in a messy style that would make anyone wonder what he'd just been up to. As he got closer, Fuji noticed that hand that was now out and directed at him, to help him up.

"Thank you Kazumi"
"No worries but please do explain why you were on the ground"

The boy know known as Kazumi stood, an amused smirk occupying his lips while his sunglass covered eyes shone with laughter, however unknown by Fuji. The hand used to help Fuji was now inside one of the boys black jeans, while his other carried books, and art materials.

"Ah, well you see, Yuu, um just finished his classes today and, and there were noi, noises..."

A bright red blush covered Fuji’s once pale face, at the mention of noises being heard outside a room. With a shake of his head Fuji gave a tired smile. The boy Kazumi smiled back, though lifting a pierced eyebrow in amusement seeing the bright red blush covering Fuji’s face.

"Hey Kazumi, now that I think about it your last class is still in session, isn't it?"

A frown quickly took over the boy in questions face. The eyebrow now lowered, as if offended by the question. Upon seeing a change in the boy Fuji fidgeted, nervousness taking over his small frame.

"Ah, you, you don't have to answer i was just wondering"
"No, that’s ok Fuji, the teacher was to interested in his student daughter to care about the rest of us in his class, so we all just left, not like he was going to teach anything we already know"

With a small smile Fuji looked at the boy once more before deciding to head off in the direction Kazumi came from, deciding now would be a good time to go to class and show them how amazing it is to show up fashionably late. With one last glance a quick wave and the boy was off, running towards the school class rooms.

"Heh, so noises can be heard aye?"

With a shake of his head and a low laugh, Kazumi headed towards the doom building with only one thought in mind. 'Better go save that idiot'.
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thank you