Saving Darcy


She pushed open the door expecting a blow in the face or something being shouted at her. But she got nothing, which obviously meant he wasn't home, he had gone on one of his weekend 'trips' aka, he went away with some whore to spend all the money that should be spend on food and water.

At least she could have a weekend of piece. She figured she could have a bath and then come downstairs and watch a movie with some junk food to try and get what had happened with her teacher off her mind. Running her bath she heard the doorbell ring. Immediately she new it wasn't her father, he would of barged in and screamed something, not politely ring the doorbell.

She quickly ran down the stairs and pulled open the door, not expecting what she saw at all. Mr Haner stood dripping wet on her doorstep, his hands in his pockets.

Her mouth fell open, “W-What are you...”

“I came to apologise. Is your father in?” He asked.

She shook her head and let him in, feeling uneasy about the smell of men cologne and cigarettes filling up the living room. She gestured to a seat and he sat down on the sofa, his eyes wondering around the room. She sat on the sofa opposite him and folded her arms, waiting to listen to what he was going to say.

“The principle told me to come over and speak to your dad, but I guess he's not in.”

Darcy cringed, “Why?”

“Because the school have left hundreds of messages asking if he could come in on his cell and mailed him a bunch of letters.”

“He doesn't care, so there's no point.” She spat turning her head away from him.

He cleared his throat, “He should.”

“Well, he doesn't. And if that's all you wanted to come around for I suggest you leave because it's past school hours.” She barked turning to face him again.

“I wanted to say sorry to, for loosing it earlier.” He stated looking right at her, “That was out of line.”

She shrugged, “Whatever. I don't care.”

“You almost started crying...”

“Get out. Get out right now.” She snapped stepping up from the seat and walking over to the front door. She pulled it open and waited for him to rise from his seat and walk out. But he didn't, he only turned his head over the sofa to look at her.

“Darcy you do realise if I report this to the school then your father could get into serious shit.”

She was shocked that he cussed, although it didn't bother her, “And then come after me. Just leave things as it is, I don't want to upset him, he'll go ape shit if he finds you here and then I'll pay for it.”

“He needs to realise-”

“Mr. Haner please.” She interrupted pulling the door open more, “I can't talk about this tonight.”

He sighed, defeated and heaved himself up from the sofa rubbing a hand on the back of his neck as he walked over to her and stood out on the porch, “See ya.”

She nodded and closed the door, turning all the locks and leaning against it to catch her breath. She couldn't believe a teacher could just turn up at her house, it just wasn't right.

She decided to go upstairs and lay down in the bath with bubbles and boiling hot water taking away all her worries. It was times like these that she loved, when her father would disappear for a couple of a weeks leaving her in piece and quiet, letting her do whatever she wanted without being attacked or yelled at afterwards.

But then Zacky sprung into her mind and she found herself feeling nervous. For some reason all she could remember was his eyes, she didn't know if that was because of her bad memory or because that was all she could focus on when she looked at him. He was by far the kindest guy she had ever met, and probably topped her teacher on the handsome side of things to.
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Short but whatever :3