Break the Ice

Chapter 2

I spotted Jemz and Teddy as soon as I got off the bus. I quickly grabbed my luggage from the ground just beside the bus and ran over to them, jumping onto Jemz's back once I got there.

I laughed as Jemz screamed loudly, causing the entire building to look over in our direction.

"Guess who? Biatch!" I Yelled.

"Suzi! You bitch! You...woah..."

She paused her insult as she glanced down at my possibly over-sized suitcase.

"You...legend! How much stuff have you got in that thing?"

"Says the person who emptied their room to go away to Aberdeen for 3 days last summer."

It's true...she had an insane amount of stuff for that trip, and Aberdeen is only 2 hours away, her parents got worried that she was trying to run away.

"Shut up"

"Love you too dear"

"Of course you do, anyway...drum roll please...This is Teddy."

I looked him up and down to give him the once over. First impressions were important to me. He was tallish, about 6 foot? Guessing people's heights was never my strong point. Brown hair, slightly messy. Brown eyes. Not too shabby really, he did seem nice enough and not at all freaked out by my slightly mad appearance. He was smiling at least so I put out my hand for him to shake.

"Nice to finally meet you."

"You too."

"The way Jemz goes on about you, I'm expecting you to be a Prince Charming type here, so you better watch your step."

"Well I've heard a lot about you too, so I'm not worried, scared etc about what you think of me."

Touché - I think I like him already - not that I was going to let onto either of them that I thought that.

"Whatever you say Mr Loverboy. Come on Mrs Loverboy, lets go back to yours. If we're going out tonight, I need to get ready."

I was so lucky to have a friend that chose to live in a flat right next to the bus station...even if you had to go up a slightly steep hill with a heavy suitcase, it was worth it as you got to sit down just after going up it.

After struggling to fit my suitcase through the unnaturally small door to the flat, I realised that Teddy was no longer with us and I asked Jemz where he'd gone.

"Oh, he has a couple of friends up from York - where he's from - and he left them wandering round the Castle somewhere, so he's gone to fetch them and we'll meet them outside The Globe when we're ready."

I shrugged to let her know that was fine and started to plan in my head what I was going to wear. My hair and make-up were fine, which surprised me after suffering 4 hours on a bus.

I finally decided on a grey and black patterned top, denim shorts, black tights and grey ballet flats, which really only took me 10 minutes to decide on and change into, but we only ended up leaving after another 20 had passed, because someone had trouble deciding how they wanted their hair...and went for how they had it in the first place. I'm really glad I'm a patient person.

The 5 minute walk to The Globe passed really quickly, as I told Jemz what I thought of Teddy so far, soon we were walking along the narrow pavement that led to the busy pub. Seeing Teddy waiting outside with two guys of similar age to him, Jemz ran over to hug him, leaving me to try and catch up. Once I reached the door I heard Teddy start to talk

"Guys, this is Jemz's best mate Suzi."

I smiled politely and waved.

"Suzi this is Alex,"

He smiled and said hi.

"...and this is Ed."

He also smiled and waved. And at that very moment my whole world stopped, he was gorgeous...