Break the Ice

Chapter 4

I ran after Jemz, to try and stop her from telling Teddy I liked Ed. I don't know why I didn't want him to know, it was probably just my damn insecurities. I don't think I could handle definitely knowing that Ed doesn't like me. I know there's a possibility he does like me...but I wasn't willing to take that chance - even my increasing drunkenness wasn't going to change that - sometimes I'm just too sensible for my own good.

I finally got outside, only to see Jemz already across the road, whispering something into Teddy's ear. Shit. Too late.

"You okay?"

I looked to my right to see Ed now standing next to me

"Yeah...why wouldn't I be?"

"Well, you're kind of burning holes into Jemz over there."

"Oh...well she just deserted me in there, nothing major."

"Awww, well if I were you, I would just stick with me and Alex...Teddy isn't likely to stick around with us either. So they're happy, and welcome, to go off on their own."

I never realised how for down the road this next pub was. It was a damn long road as well, downhill though. I laughed as Ed jumped onto Alex's back and demanded a piggyback ride down the hill. We managed to catch Jemz and Teddy up outside the bar, out of breath and laughing.

"Guys, I'll meet you inside, I need a smoke." said Alex.

"We'll wait out with you. Ed...I need to talk to you."

Teddy winked at me as he said that.

Jemz quickly dragged me inside.

♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's short, I'm off to Glasgow tomorrow (seeing Panic at the Disco woo!!) and need to pack.

Gonna write more on the bus (4 hour journey each way :| ) so hopefully I'll post loads when I get home on Friday night