Break the Ice

Chapter 6

I tapped Jemz on the shoulder to get her attention, and nodded towards the amorous pair. Her eyes widened as she saw them.

"Suzi, I'm so sorry."

"No, it's okay really. I knew he didn't like me."

Okay that was a bit of a lie all along. I didn't know that and I did want him to like me - and it took seeing him suck face with a slutty wannabe for me to realise that.

"But he...does." Jemz faltered, as even her drunk mind realised how stupid that sounded.

"Ha! He has a funny way of showing it then."

"Do you want to leave?"

Yes. More than anything in the world. I wanted to leave and never set foot in the place again. But I knew how much fun Jemz was having and I didn't want to spoil it for her.

"No...I'll be fine. Just don't let them near me, who knows what I'll say...or do."

"Sure thing hun, as long as you're sure."

I think deep down she knew I was lying about being fine, but didn't question me. I was a seasoned pro at lying about how I feel - sometimes she just couldn't guess straight away. I fixed on my best fake smile and replied:

"Yeah. How about you get me that drink you promised then?"

Get hammered. That was the only way to solve it.
♠ ♠ ♠
Just a little bit for now, blame my work for getting in the way of this.

Btw Lainey exists in real life...what a cow (don't worry, she'll never read this...)
And everything Jemz does in this is also real...she has me in stitches everytime I see her :)

I'll do more later after work

Oh yeah, thanks for the comments as well btw!