Status: Active. Comment Please :)

Love in Separate Ways

Chapter 2


Logan was finishing up his math work, when Andrew came by him.

“What’s up?” Logan asked.

“Not much,” he said quietly. Logan could tell something was up.

“Cut the shit, what is it?” Logan hated when people beat around the bush.

“I, um, I heard that Leah was going out with Jean Carlo,” Logan froze, a lump formed in his throat. “Did you hear me?” Andrew probed.

“I heard you,” he spat. Andrew got the hint and backed off. Logan knew he shouldn’t have responded that way with him, but he didn’t really feel like talking. The heart in his adolescent chest raced, his palms perspired as his temper ascended. No logical reason was present for his anger, except jealousy. He didn’t want to be angry with her but he felt it was out of his control. His feelings for her had overpowered him and all he could do now was sit, alone and angry.

By fifth period, everyone knew about Leah’s date with Jean Carlo, which really annoyed Logan who didn’t want to hear about it. But the truth was that almost every guy in their school wanted Leah. She was beautiful, smart and funny. She was never rude to anyone. And though Logan didn’t want to disrespect her in any way she way, she had one of the most developed body’s in there grade. Most guys just liked her for her voluptuous backside.

“Leah,” Stan shouted across the room. Logan’s eyes darted towards her. “You going out with J.C?” he shouted over the noise of the bustling students. Stan was one of the popular guys in school; he was always with Jean Carlo and a few other guys who believed they owned the school. Logan was friends with them but he preferred to be with Andrew who didn’t become a bother, as much as they did. Stan’s most noticeable feature was his hazelnut eyes that complimented his light brown skin. He had a strong build for a fourteen year old. Logan and he often had competitions for who was strongest but Logan wasn’t much of an athlete.

“Why?” Leah smirked. Stan would always try to flirt with Leah, it has constantly pissed Logan off, but he continually remained quiet.

“I thought we were going out, man,” Stan claimed. Logan watched Leah laugh, god she was so stunning, that it hurt.

“I didn’t hear about that,” she joked and took the seat next to Logan. He looked for something to concentrate on, so he was forced to look at her, but all he had was a blank sheet of paper. “What’s up?” Leah asked casually.

“Nothing,” Logan starred at his blank piece of paper and began to doodle on it, refusing to glance at her.

“What’s wrong?” she nudged his shoulder. He flinched at her warm touch.

“Nothing, just a bad day,” he quietly answered. He felt guilty for not being nice to her, but he was afraid of what he might do.

After a successful interview, that afternoon, Logan went home. He wondered if he should still go to Leah’s house later that night. He wasn’t that upset anymore, but still hurt. Telling her how he felt would have changed things, he was sure of it, but it was too late now. She had a date with Jean Carlo, and he had nothing, but a broken heart. The rain began to pound on his roof, as he imagined himself with her. Kissing her soft lips, lips he only dreamed about touching, then it hit him like a bullet. Leah wasn’t serious with Jean Carlo; he still had a chance of being with her. By the time the skies cleared, Logan had made up his mind.


Leah analyzed her wardrobe in the mirror. Jeans fitting skin tight to her thick legs and her low-cut dress shirt made her feel older than she really was. When her father was around he never let her wear anything remotely revealing. Her memories were interrupted by a knock on the window. She raised it up, and Logan crawled through. She locked the door, not wanting anyone to run in and see Logan on her bed.

“Whoa, what are you wearing?” he chuckled. She was relieved that he wasn’t moody anymore, but embarrassed that she had forgotten she had asked him over.

“Er, I’m going out with my mom,” she said quietly, while applying lip gloss.

“Oh, well I can’t stay long, I just wanted to talk for a bit,” he lied. He could have stayed all night but he didn’t want her to feel bad. “Where are you going, anyway?” he inquired.

“To the club,” she raised an eyebrow coolly.

“The club?!” Logan’s volume rose. “You’re only fourteen!” he bellowed.

“Shh!” She got up from the bed and put her ear to the door, then returned to her spot on the bed. “Lower your voice,” her tone serious. “My mom’s going to get me in. What’s it to you?” she interrogated. His lids lowered to the floor.

“Nothing, it’s just weird. You’re going out with Jean Carlo,” more of a statement that a question.

“Yeah, why?” she looked to him.

“No reason. Why are you going?” he asked. She scoffed at the question.

“I want to,” her tone catching an attitude. “I happen to like him,” Logan stayed quiet.

“I have to go home now,” he swiftly jumped out the way he came.


Logan ran home after Leah’s house, the rain had returned, and soaked his clothes. His adrenaline was pumping so hard, he barely noticed the rain. He hated getting his shoes wet but could use the run to ware himself out. As soon as he got home he jumped into the shower and let the steaming water press into his back, he wanted to occupy his time so he wouldn’t think of her, but she continuously managed to creep up on him. That was it, nothing he could do now. She liked Jean Carlo, not him. How many times had he been there for her? How many times did he hold her while she cired? Logan was always there when she needed him to be. And she still managed to walk all over him. He sat there and imagined how different things would be if she saw him for who he was.

He dried off and lay on the bed in his towel, while trying to force the thoughts out of his mind. Friday night and he had nothing to do. He had no intention of staying home, with every passing minute his heart grew heavier. Andrew, sure, he could go out with him, but that wasn’t a big enough distraction. What time was it? Nine o’clock, he still had time. He picked up the phone.

“Are you busy?”
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