Status: Working on it...

In a Wizard's Shoes

A Day In the Grand Swan

"Lightning Bats!" I cried out.

There was a slight yelp from Lizzie Dragonwhisper as she stumbled to steady a tower of plates. "What in the name of Bartle-"

"Lizzie! It's, the Queen!"

Lizzie's umber eyes weaved through the crowd towards the herd of bodies stampeding through the door. She let out a long, slow groan. Accompanying the Queen was her son Prince Storm and his friends: Cat, Allie, Atmos, Hailer, Talisha and Cessa.

Like the Queen, these kids, teens I should say, greatly disliked the peasants, the lowest social class in the Queen's recently arranged Three-Class Plan; Aristocrats the highest, Commoners in the middle and Peasants... that's us.

"Oh, look," Lizzie fumed, "those herd of Helephants have already started war."

Sure enough, Cessa was already bickering with our friend Dylan Sandcloud about the seating. Atmos nearly squashed a poor 10yr old waiter as he made a charge for his seat. The Prince and the Queen certainly didn't help by scowling at the other diners staring at them.

"Get me Drake Lytiry's daughter," demanded the Queen, pointing in my direction.

Uh oh. Dylan emerged from the ocean of young waiters with a face that made me anxious.

"Good luck, Luna," Lizzie and Dylan said, melting away.

A billion questions burst in my head, but each of them vanished before they were even comprehended. My already empty stomach tightened even more. I crossed my fingers and prayed the Queen wouldn't throw me into prison. Surely she couldn't put a peasant in prison if they followed her rules...