Status: Working on it...

In a Wizard's Shoes

The Queen's Birthday

Nature City Plaza was a sea of people when we arrived. Streamers and flags commemorating the Queen's 37th birthday waved to us high from above. Confetti guns stood on either side of the stage where the Queen was to be seated. Hundreds and thousands of chairs, about a hundred in each row, spread into the surrounding streets and parks. Frost-giant sized TV screens flashed on the sides of skyscrapers.

"Luna Lytiry! Over here nooooowwwww!!"

"Have fun," Cynder smiled.

Squeezing my way through the crowds, Lizzie's crimson red hair stood out like a flame. "Luuunnnaaaa!! You're here!!!"

Lizzie, my wizardly classmates and other wizards were partying with joy, despite being at their horrible leader's birthday bash.

Another Grand Swan colleague and one of the members of Lizzie's wizard youth club, Zachary, jumped in with a grin. "Hi guys, guess who's here?"

"Well hello, wizards!" cried Professor Balestrom. He produced a large, flat box. "Pizza?"

"Lady Judgement's blessing!" Lizzie's shriek of amazement caught the attention of several commoners.

"Thanks, sir for the pizza," I say slowly, "but we're forbidden-"

"Who cares?!?" Zach and Hunter stuffed a slice into their mouths.

I was startled by the blaring of horns and trumpets. "Oh ho!" whispered Balestrom, "The fun's going to begin!"

"Ladies and Gentlemen, Commoners and Aristocrats of Avalon. I proudly present to the 37th birthday of my dear mother Queen Ravauvia of Avalon!"

"Ravauvia? Ha ha ha!"

"Alex Mythgem! Shhhhh!!!"

"Sorry, Alura."

Prince Storm glared in our direction for a bit before he resumed with his speech. "Before we commence the birthday celebrations, we are going to present to you the events that turned our country into a proud, beautiful country.

"Stupid guy," muttered Dylan. Many others groaned in agreement.

"Oi! You Grand Swan kids! Get over 'ere now!"

"Bye Professor," I quickly say as we headed over to an old man.

"You rats, listen to me. My boys are gonna be putting down the cake very shortly. Now you are the ones who are gonna carry that white plate from 'ere to the Queen. Don't you dare drop it, the Queen told me to give yeh all a good hiding..."

He cracked his whip and several employees jumped.

"Heh heh, I can see the terror in yeh eyes. That'll teach ya. Ah, now, 'ere it comes."

A package the size a small house was lowered onto a ceramic white plate that could hold hundreds underneath it. Gasps rose out of the mouths of many astounded employees.

"Now move it, yeh grubs. Hurry up! Get to work!"

Grand Swan employees grunted and groaned as we heaved up the Queen's birthday load. Please don't let this explode... Don't explode...

"It's not going to explode, guys," Alura panted, "Professor will utter a spell when he thinks its OK."

"Let's hope Balestrom doesn't decide to play some sort of joke on us!" Zach laughed, weakly.

"Move! Move!"

Slowly, the cake inched its way towards the stage.

"This is like carrying the entire Death Classroom!" Zach hissed in my ear. "Without magic!"

"Can't believe that there's 200 of us and it feels like a Helephant!"

"Oh, seriously, the Queen must have the stomach of a Humungfrog!"

Thousands and thousands of Commoners gaped at us with hanging jaws and eyes that were about to pop out...


A hundred metres left... My arms burned like fire... My sight spiralled down, down, down...

"Luna!" I awoke to a fierce shake from Fallon. She thrusted something cold into my mouth. "Suck on this. My big sis Kestrel made it. She's giving everyone one."

Cool, refreshing droplets on my tongue... Instantly, my senses were switched back on. "Thanks, Fallon! Also, thank your sis- she's a lifesaver!"

The Queen's hungry eyes grew into two icy knives while her Birthday Cake inched closer and closer. The cake was also now travelling at a faster rate. Probably thanks to Kestrel's life-saving ice cubes, made by her very own wand.

Finally, finally, the plate and cake were slid onto the stage by a helpful, little crane arm. "Woohoo!" The Commoners began to applaud. "Well done, children!" "They did it! I could never carry that..." "Amazing!"

Hi-fiving each other, we staggered to the back of the audience. Professor's wide mouth hung open in shock. "Great Tritons! Making you wizards carrying a cake the size of a Helephant! What in the name of Bartleby was that Queen of your thinking?!?"

"We're fine, Balestrom," panted Fallon. She gave the frog a hug.

"Anyway, you are about to witness something extraordinary and wonderful in the next few seconds- no actually, how about you wizards decide when I should set it off!"

Lizzie kept watch of the Queen tucking into her cake on stage. "How about when the Aristocrat's get back to their seats with their cake? Ok, now!"

Professor Balestrom pointed his wand towards the Not-Leaning Tower of Cake. "Atra Explosia!"

A bolt of blue lightning shot through the air and into the cake.

Then we waited.

And waited.

And waited.

"Are you sure it's working?" I nervously ask.

"Of course, Lunara! It's just taking its time... that's all."