Status: in progress

The Game

Chapter 1 The Great Idea

It all started at school one day when I got a really good idea. An online role paly game (RPG) for both teens and adults. All I knew was that it was going to be a dream world for most people.

My friends Uxie Spear and Aura Umizaki are in high school with me. They usually call me Alex but my actual name is Alexander Rider. They even agreed with me that the RPG was a really good idea. Uxie, which is a really smart person, gave me the idea of adding some of the most popular anime TV shows in to the game. Later on that night in my room, which is a really a big mess most of the time, I started to research for the most popular anime shows and came across three that caught my eye. Bleach was the first one that caught it because it has fighting and the fact of being a soul reaper would be really cool, but only high class swordsmen can become soul reapers later on in the game. The second anime that caught my eye was Dot Hack. Dot Hack is alike the game that I would be creating and it gave more classes that I could add to list of the type of character that anyone could become. The last and final anime was One Piece because the idea of finding devil’s fruit and by eating it would give you special abilities that you would keep throughout the entire game.

The next day I went up to Uxie’s locker and told her that I looked up the list and picked three off of there and added them to the game, which has not been created yet, and said thank you to her for the idea. Both Uxie and I went up to Aura’s lock at the usual time but she was not there. We waited for about five minutes when she finally came. Uxie and I told Aura everything that I said to Uxie. After reaching the cafeteria Aura said that she was thinking about the idea of the game and that she had an idea that could make it really interesting. The idea that she had was to add more class to the list that you could become. She suggested that you could become a demons, vampires, werewolves, and a cross breed of a dragon and a human. She just had to add vampires to the list because she was interested in death.

Later on in the day we started to talk more about the game, which we still don’t have a name for it yet, and what we might need to make and play in the game. Uxie told Aura and I that there should be a headset that we can see, speak, hear, and feel like we are in the game. After we heard that, Aura suggested that there should be a controller so that we don’t have to use the keyboard and the mouse. She also said that the keyboard could be used to send messages to other players in the game or in your party. Once she said that, I said why not use it for chatting also, but then Uxie reminded me that the head set would have a microphone in it. After being reminded about the microphone we all actually like that idea, but then Aura said that what if it’s really late and everyone would be sleeping. She also said that we should be able to disable the microphone and enable the keyboard for talking to people.

At the end of school we all said our goodbyes to each other and headed home. I walk home every day while Aura and Uxie ride the bus home. When I got home, I immediately went to my room and got onto my laptop. I started to type down every idea that my friends and I came up with about the game into a Microsoft Word Document. After I did all the typing of the game, I emailed the document along with rules for the game to Aura and Uxie. Once I was done with all of the emailing I went onto the internet and started to research on how much it would cost and on how to make an online RPG.

Well I found out on how much it would cost to make the game, but before I could click yes to buying the program that could make it my friend Jason called me. He called to see what was up and then we talked for bit when I accrued to me to ask him if he knew how to make an online RPG. He answered back saying yes and that he would give me the software for a low flat fee of twenty-five dollars. When he said that I knew I could not turn him down on that offer. His offer was about five hundred and seventy-five dollars difference.