Little Did I Know

And That's When She Saw Him

I was carrying my books to my car when I saw him. At first, I thought I was imagining it. As I got closer, I realized that it was truly him. When I reached my car, I dumped my books in the backseat, and frantically jumped in the driver’s seat. I jammed my keys into the ignition, but I didn’t start the car. I put my elbows on the wheel, and stared at him through the window of a convenient store. He entered the store with a group of guys; they were obviously all close friends. I didn’t know any of the people he was with. What was I going to do? I could fell my stomach sinking lower, and lower. The last time I saw him, he was.. he was.. well it’s hard to explain. I am getting ahead of myself. This chapter of my life begins two years earlier. In Cancun.

Two YEARS Earlier

The blistering sun beat down upon my dark colored hair. I pulled my phone out of my back pocket to discover that it was already seven o’clock in the evening. I had been reluctantly chauffeuring my older sister and her best friend around since about noon. I shoved my phone back into my pocket and grunted.

“Sspencer, why are you shwearing jeanss, it’s like a billion degreeess out here?,” the brown haired girl laughing hysterically at my side loudly slurred. I had an urge to hit her for being so obnoxious, but I resisted the urge due to fear that I would ruined her overly paid for sequenced shirt.

“Because I like them,” I replied, annoyed. When actually, I was beginning to feel as if I would pass out.

The brown haired girl pouted and glared at me. She left my side and attached herself to the person walking behind me.

“Why are you sso mean?,” the yelled in unison. They started laughing hysterically at the sound of their own voices.

I sighed. “I’m not mean, you two are just drunk,” I bluntly stated after rolling my eyes.

The sad truth is that I am acquainted with these girls. Slightly taller than the other, is my fun loving blonde haired blue eyed step-sister Milly. My dad married her mom. When someone mentions step-sister, I think of a rude, snobby, psycho teenager who is constantly popping her game and complaining. On the contrary, my sister is the exact opposite. She is easy to talk to, and very understanding. She is a bit rebellious, but that just makes her fun to be around. We get in small argument sometimes but, I’m lucky to have her. Weirdly enough, she is exactly two years younger than I am.

Milly was asked to go on vacation with her psychotic, best friend Lexi. Lexi strikes as the model type with her dirty blonde hair, bright green eyes, high cheek bones, and those Angelina Jolie lips that most girls would kill for. No, she’s never has any plastic surgery although her family could surely afford it. Her father owns a soda company that has been passed down for three generations.

At first, my parents went along with the idea of the vacation, until they discovered that Lexi’s parents would not be attending the trip.

My sister isn’t exactly a problem child, but our parents were not about to let her spend an entire summer in Mexico alone. Unsurprisingly, the first thing that my sister did was suggest I accompany her to ensure that she wouldn’t have too much fun. So here I am, not having “too much fun,” while Milly and Lexi stumble across Cancun in shorts that were way to short.

Currently we are "bar hopping”. To begin with, the hopping part only included scoping the place for hot guys, then they were offered drinks on the house. You can figure out what happened after that. Now they're involved with the bar part, and I'm involved with the “make sure their asses don't get killed part."

For one reason and one reason only was I tolerating their crap: Both of them had promised me that if I went with them to a few bars today then we could go to Musa, the Underwater Museum of Cancun.

We crossed a street where vendors were set up. Milly and Lexi surprisingly maneuvered their way through the street without causing a catastrophe. I spotted a unique looking booth that sold handmade bracelets and necklaces. I have always been a fan of creatively knotted jewelry. I spotted a dark brown necklace that was studded with a blue jewel in the middle. I quickly paid for it and slipped it around my neck before Milly and Lexi were out of my site. I ran to catch up to them and realized that we were heading back into the wealthier part of town. Luckily our hotel was only about a 10 minute walk from here. Unluckily, the wealthier part of town meant more hot spot bars that Milly and Lexi could invade.

We took a left when we reached a crossroad and as soon as I noticed the bar we would be approaching I attempted to veer off in another direction.

“Hey Mills, look, a vintage shop!” I said as enthusiastically as possible.

My plan failed, for as my fears had suggested, both Milly and Lexi had already seen the place. Milly started to hoot about how she was actually going to find a decent guy in this one. Lexi just rolled her eyes and leaned up against Milly for support. I followed behind them, extremely surprised that both of them were still able to walk.

"Spencer this one is good!” Milly yelled into my ear. Lexi nodded her head in agreement as she made her way past the mile of people waiting in line. A large man in a tight white t-shirt was standing in front of the entrance with a list of names in his hands. As Milly and Lexi approached him I attempted to change there minds again.

“Guys, let’s go back to the hotel. Both of you are plastered enough.” I replied genuinely concerned.

“One more! This is the last time, promise” Milly begged.

What the hell. I rolled my eyes and stepped through the door after the man in the white shirt stepped out of the way. It’s summer vacation, I just finished my senior year, and I’m in Mexico, might as well enjoy it.

The inside of the bar shielded me from the heat, and I gladly took the escape. It was extremely loud, but I soon found my body rocking to the beat of the song that was being played. The interior design of the bar was incredible. The neon paint almost seemed to float against the wall. As I was awing over the decor Milly was, again, scoping the place for approachable guys. She had her eye on one. Lexi, on the other hand, was gaining very much wanted attention as always. Girls from every direction where identifying Lexi as the enemy; each of them clutching their man to show ownership. Lexi picked a guy to stare at, but not before making sure that he had a girlfriend. She smiled, twirled her hair, looked at the girl and rolled her eyes. She began to strut off in the direction of the couple. I quickly began to follow her; Milly tagging along. Hoping she wouldn’t cause any trouble I quickly began to search the room for a distraction, any distraction. The dance floor was on a platform in the center of the bar. It was surrounded by a metal ring that was covered in glitter paint. To reach the dance floor you had to take a ramp. Even though it was crowded with people, I suddenly wanted to go dance. What can I say? I am a sucker for a good beat.

“Guys, wanna dance?” I asked them.

Lexi turned towards me, cut her eyes in the direction of the couple, grabbed my hand and began to lead me to the dance floor, “Now we’re having fun!” she yelled throwing her hands up in the hair and hitting me in the hip with her hip. She turned around to drag Milly to the dance floor and slurred, “See, I told you Spensher knew how to have fun. You just have to get her in the mood.” Relieved that her attention was elsewhere I wondered if I was actually going to enjoy myself. I was a little bothered however that Milly had been talking about me behind my back. She is quite a gossip girl, but I am her sister for crying out loud. Whatever. I shrugged it off, determined to relax and party the night away.

We slowly made our way to the crowd. By that time, the song that had been playing had already ended, but another one had started to play. And we danced. The DJ had a surprisingly excellent taste in music. Coming from a critique such as myself that is a hard to come by compliment. I change my taste in music; switch clothing styles; and even hairstyles quite frequently. I am very picky when it comes to how I like to spend my free time.

After about two hours or so, when I began to feel thirsty, I suggested that the three of us make our way to the bar. Of course the girls were up for that. When we reached the bar I spotted a empty booth. I quickly ushered Milly and Lexi into it before it was occupied by someone else. I slid into the end seat. For a second or two I locked eyes with a tall tan blue-eyed guy at the bar. My face began to feel hot and I knew I was blushing. I looked down and began to fidget with the seem of my jeans. I am pretty sure that I saw him smiling out of the corner of his eye. I looked back his way and noticed that he wasn’t even looking at me. A tall blonde woman walked by our booth and right up to him, grabbing his hand and dragging him away from the bar. I was so embarrassed. The only thing more embarrassing than doing something in front of someone, is when you make a fool out of yourself and they don’t even know it.

Lexi and Milly ordered a couple of shots; I politely asked for a Sprite. Afterwards, Milly wondered off and Lexi thought that she had spotted that couple from earlier so when she got up to confront them I grabbed her hand and once more forced her to accompany me to the dance floor. We settled for a slightly smaller and less crowded dance floor near the bar. Lexi began to twirl in circles. I was almost positive she was going to get sick all over the crowd of people.

“Do you have to twirl around like an insomniac just to have fun, be normal and dance” I said teasingly.

“Yeshh yeshh I do” She slurred as she shimmed her shoulder towards a guy.

I grabbed her shoulder. “Stop that, you are going to give him the wrong impression.”

“Good. Come on, loosen up,” she bargained.

“Pffttt I am loose, what are you talking about.” I looked away.

“Whatever, have some fun, flirt with a guy, what is it going to take for you to chill?” She asked. She sounded like she was trying to convince a nun to sleep with a homeless man. I laughed at the thought. She rolled her eyes and began to twirl in circles again.

“Probably the hottest guy in Cancun,” I yelled believing I had made a suggestion that was impossible. Little did I know, it wasn’t.

I grabbed Lexi's shoulders and planted them squarely proportionately with her feet. Her back was facing me. ‘You really call this fun?” I asked, just waiting to see what her defense for this nonsense was.

Lexi turned back around and said in a promiscuous tone “Yes, I do and talking about fun, I bet you could have aaa lot of funn with that guy.” She nodded towards an extremely attractive blonde haired guy at the bar.

The man at the bar proceeded to turned his head, look in my direction, and smile. I blushed when I noticed that it was the same guy from before. I looked behind me to make sure he wasn’t smiling at someone else again. “Go talk to him!” she urged.

“I would just prefer to dance” I said sheepishly.

Lexi laughed loudly, causing a few heads to turn. “Okay doll face, lissten up. You wanna be a machine biologisht right?”

I chucked softly “Yes, I want to be a Marine Biologist.”

“Well,” she looked at me seriously, “If you go over there and get that guy to take you out on a date, I will fund you’re little trip to the Galapashmos Islands.”

My mouth fell open in shock. Shock from the fact that she was actually listening when I told her that and from the fact that she was dangling my dream in front of me. “Lexus Brigitte Porte are you joking?” Hopefully using her full name would get her to see the seriousness of her offer.

“Noooope, but, there’s a catch!” she laughed hysterically while, again, twirling in circles on the dance floor. All the while, Milly had been shut up in the bathroom throwing up the last five drinks she’d consumed. I quickly caught up to Lexi, wishing she would stop making a fool out of herself.

“What is it?” I asked quickly, hoping it wouldn’t be ridiculous.

“Are you ssure you wanna know!?” she taunted while moving further into the center of the massive crowd. I followed her, dodging and squeezing in between countless numbers of drunk, dancing, under aged teenagers. Lexi stopped suddenly, causing me to crash into her. I knitted my eye brows in frustration, why won’t she just tell me already!?

“You, Spencer Hensley, have to get that man,” she pointed with her freshly manicured finger to the bar once more, “to say he loves you, by the end of thiss trip.”

My eyes widened, “But tha-” she cut me off.

“If you do that, I shwear, I will pay for everything on your little expedishhhion.”

“Lexi! That means I only have three weeks before we go to Acapulco! It’s not enough time, and it’s wrong! I would neve-”

“Ohh please honey, three weeks iss plenty of time. I have accomplished more in much less. But if you’re worried, better start now!”

She pushed me towards the bar and disappeared into the crowd, leaving me completely alone.

I stumbled around uselessly as the crowd pushed and shoved me further towards the bar, further towards where HE was sitting. His tan, toned, arms were resting on the bar. The bartender was pouring a drink from him. He put his fingers on the top of the glass. He seemed to be contemplating whether or not he should consume the drink. How old is he? Not more the twenty-one, or twenty two, I think. I realized I was staring at him. I blushed and quickly looked away hoping no one had seen me. The crowd of dancing bodies pushed me all the way against the counter where I attempted to maneuver around the bar stools, some occupied, some not. I let out a deep breathe once finally escaping the clutches of the drunken summer blinded teenagers.

There he was, no more than five feet away from me. He hadn’t even taken a sip of his drink yet. I could tell he was tall and he was muscular, oh so muscular, but not overly so. My mind quickly calculated my options.

A. I could walk pass him and forget this bet ever happened.

But the expedition to the Galapagos was a mere dream an hour ago, and now it’s so tangible I can almost taste it.

B. I could go up to him and start a conversation, just to see what happens.

I’m not exactly the small talk type, actually my bluntness and over analyzed thinking has gotten me into quite a bit of trouble.

C. I could..ask him

Milly did force me to attend her dance classes, and I had picked up a few things. Hmm...maybe this could...

I never got to finish my thought, before I knew it a model-type looking woman, who made Lexi look like a homeless bald widow, walked right up to him. I slammed my palm to my forehead, probably harder than I meant to. The girl flipped her hair and I could tell that it was the girl who had led him to the dance floor earlier. I put my elbows on the bar and propped my chin on them, hoping I didn’t miss my chance. I quickly turned around in the stool, so that I was facing them. I flipped my phone out and began to act as if I was using it. The scene began to unfold before me.

The overly-tanned blond girl tousled his hair and ran her nails up and down his arms, I cringed just thinking about the sound of her long fake nails scratching his bronzed skin. He smiled, and my stomach fell, why am I freaking out about this? He’s just a guy. I don’t even know his name. I sat my phone down on the bar and stood up to make sure my shirt wasn’t ruffled.

The woman whispered something in his ear and began to pull him up from his seat. I knew this all too well...

Skinny blond girl at bar + hot guy with no date = What happens in Mexico, stays in Mexico.

I shook my head and started to turn away. I was disappointed yes, but only after I thought that did I began to assure myself that a guy like that would have no interest in me. I remembered that I had sat my phone down on the bar. I turned around to grab it and expected to see them all over each other. The blonde was still whispering to him. But wait, he was standing his ground. He mouthed something to her. In my mind I imagined that he said something a long the lines of “I am not a piece of meat, besides I shouldn’t be wasting my time with you when I could be over there with that girl.” I also imagine that he pointed to me. I know, I know. daydreams are pointless. But hey give me a break. They talked back and forth. The girl was getting terribly upset. I could tell she was yelling, but I couldn’t hear her over this stupid music.

Her gestures became wild and he put his hands up in hopes she would calm down. She pointed her finger towards the door and he rolled his eyes. The woman look offended. I felt like I was watching a teenage break-up scene from a movie. The man stood up acting like he was going to walk away. The blonde grabbed his hand and must have said something reassuring because he sat down and began to nod. She again began to whisper to him. He shoved he neck of of her shoulder and yelled something else. She must have said something terribly upsetting to him because as I watched him mouth the words “Just leave me alone you horrible thing you,’ she grabbed his drink and walked into the crowd with it, an angry expression clear on her face. As she passed the bar stool I was standing beside of I heard her yell “Hell if I care you jerk.” Bad break-up or what?

I walked over to his side and took the seat next to him. Something over came me, I don’t know what, but I’m sure that later....I’ll regret it.
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PLEEEEEEASE leave comments. I'm new to Mibba && I really want to know what you guys think. Sub if you like, that would be great.. THANKS!!!