Status: in progress

Mary's Strength

Mary's Strength

Mary’s Strength

On a very small planet named Earth a ten year old girl sits in her little room crying holding her only doll that she got from her parents on her fifth birthday.Her parents have both died in a car crash just 2 weeks ago and the only living relative is her Aunt Sue who is known ,in her family, to be the cruelest person in her family.Aunt Sue is very rich and hates children but because it’s her sister’s daughter she is willing to take the little girl, Mary, until the children protective services can find Mary a nice home with people who will care for her.
Mary doesn’t want to go to Aunt Sue’s because she will be all alone with no one around.Mary needs a lot of attention not just because she is a child but because she misses her parents and there is no one to comfort her.Later this evening after Aunt Sue leaves work she is coming to pick little Mary up from the airport not to far from Sue’s home.
Sue is never on time and is very bossy and doesn’t care about anyone but herself.When Sue gets to the airport an hour and a half late the little girl is so tired and gets into her Aunt’s limo and falls right asleep.Mary had a very good dream even though you would think that she wouldn’t because of all the things she has been through lately. Her dream was about her and her parents on the beach just like on her eighth birthday,which was 2 years ago,putting her dad in the sand like he was a mermaid.They were laughing and running and messing around.
Mary woke up at 8 a.m. at her Aunt Sue’s mansion but she couldn’t find her Aunt.So Mary walks into the kitchen because she is really hungry when she finds this lady in there who says her name is Ana and offers to make Mary some breakfast.
Ana asks very politely What would you like for breakfast my dear?”Ana waits for the girl to say something but she doesn’t so Ana just starts to make what she thinks Mary would like. Mary just sits at the table and waits.When Ana is done she hands Mary a big helping of cinnamon french toast with eggs and sausage.As Mary is eating Ana goes up stairs and cleans Mary’s room that she will be staying in for a while.
Mary was so hungry that she could have eaten a elephant.Ana made Marry two helpings of breakfast.”Mary when was the last time you ate a good meal?”Ana asked slowly not sure if it would bring memories or her parents.When Marry was done scarfing down the meal she just got up and went upstairs without answering Ana’s question. The truth was that Mary had never ate a better breakfast than she had today because her parents were struggling to get food on the table so they ate what they had but there wasn’t that much to eat even with both parents working full time jobs.
Mary went upstairs back to her room but when she walked in she noticed everything had been cleaned but she wanted to go back to bed.She went to the California King bed and before her head hit the pillow she was sound asleep.This time when she fell asleep she didn’t have a dream all that she saw was darkness. When she woke up that night hungry and groggy from her sleep she went downstairs and found an apple to eat and started to look around the house.
The house was a three story mansion with a pool inside.The first level was underground so you thought that the house was only a two story house.When you look at the first level it had everything to deal with entertainment and swimming and having a party.The second level was the kitchen and the theater room with the grand staircase leading to the last level of the house where all the bedrooms are. Outside the house is white with black trim around the door and the windows.The decor in the house was mostly white and black with cherrywood floors.
While looking around the grand house Mary found a secret passage with nothing inside so she thought that because there was nothing there that it wasn’t discovered before by her Aunt.She didn’t want to get attached to this place where she could have fun and just have space to think and be by herself because she might be leaving because of her Aunt not wanting her.She stayed there for a few minutes just looking at what she could do with this room so she ran to her room and started grabbing things that she thought she could use in the room.When she looked at what she had in her hands it was just a book , a pencil, and a notebook for drawings and writing.
She went back to the secret room and decided she needed a secret name for it. She called it the Secret Life.Little did she know that this room was a magical room where she could go and escape the world she lives in.She put the things down on the floor and left and decided she will come back tomorrow early in the morning to decorate.She went and made herself a sandwich and ate it and then went to bed thinking about her “Secret Life Room” and what she could do to make it hers.When she woke up the next morning her Aunt was getting ready to leave for her job that she loves more then anything.Mary walked right passed her and her Aunt Sue didn’t even acknowledge that Mary was in the same universe that she was in.
When Mary got to her secret room she sat down on the floor and found her drawing book and pencil started drawing so she can decorate her new room.She loves pink but there is no pink in the house so she had to settle with blue, black ,and white.She was in the room for hours before she left because she was hungry and had to eat something or she would faint.