He Was Clad in Green

the prologue

Through out the history of Hyrule, there has always been one hero who will stop at nothing to put evil to an end and save the fair princess. One hero who has always ventured across the land, lending his hand to anyone in need. One hero who has never given up on his quest for peace to reign over Hyrule.

When the first Link saved Hyrule, its citizens thought that the King of Evil had been defeated for good, but that was not the case. The hero was reincarnated and rose to defeat the King of Evil for a second time. And so the pattern began; the boy being reborn into a new vessel and raising against the intimate doom of Hyrule.

Now-a-days, the boys of Hyrule are given their name, but when they reach an appropriate age they are given a test. This test shall determine whether or not the are the reincarnate hero or not. If they are, they take his name, and start their journey. Fortunately, the last Link has put evil into a deep slumber. It's now centuries after our hero's death and peace has still remained in the land.

Though, there are a few Hyruleans still worried about the prophecy that the last Link left behind.

Fate decided by a new soul,
One who's family is valiant and truthful,
The kingdom shall fall by a tiny hand,
And a courageous hero's final stand.

The boy in green will race to the fight,
But the battle he sees has no end in sight,
A spirit reborn will be corrupt,
Hyrule's end shall be aburpt.

Everything still seems peaceful, but I can tell there's something horrifying making it's way into our world. It's time for a new hero. A new Link.

This is his story.
♠ ♠ ♠
The story will be much better, I promise.
This is not intended to be funny, but I promise there will be some slight humor.
Also, this doesn't necessarily follow any of the games.
Also, I will be bringing back some of your favorite races like the Koriki and the Zora, with a few ones of my own imagination as well! Please enjoy!

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