Status: Active

Give in to Love, or Live in Fear


She rushed back to the great hall, her stomach growling vigorously as she took a seat in front of Adrian.

''I'm so very hungry.'' She stated, glancing over at Marcus, who was walking their way.

She slowly began eating, tired as well as starved.

''Practice tonight.'' Marcus reminded his friends and fellow Quidditch members.

Mirabelle's eyes widened. ''I forgot! I'm so tired.'' She lay her head on Marcus's shoulder, briefly closing her eyes.

Adrian mischeviously grinned, taking up a goblet of water and throwing it at her face.

Mirabelle was shocked, and her eyes were wider than would be considered normal, she leaped across the table, tackling him to the stone floor beneath them.

''Children!'' Professor McGonagall's surprised, shaky voice rushed to their side, pulling Mirabelle away from Adrian, despite her best efforts.

Adrian laughed, shaking his head at how pathetic it was that someone older and shorter than her could restrain her.

''I will crush you.'' Mirabelle whispered to him once Mcgonagall decided it was safe to let her go.

Quietly Mirabelle laughed, shaking her head as she smacked Adrian lightly, she was far from tired now.


After a dreadful and elongate practice, Mirabelle was happy to simply lie in her big warm bed, yet another letter awaiting her arrival.

She took it up, her fingers slow and exhausted as she opened it.

Dear Mirabelle

I'm well, thanks.

The owl's name is Agate.

P.S; She hates me.

Mirabelle smiled lightly, getting up from the comfort of her bed to scribble a reply.
Well, I think you're awesome! Don't mind the mean old birdy!

She drew her infamous playful smiley face, it's tongue poking out from it's smiling mouth in a teasing manner.

Quickly she sent it on it's way, collapsing onto her bed once again, only this time she stood not a chance against her pressing sleepiness.


The next early morning was the day of the game, Hufflepuff and Slytherin.

Mirabelle awoke, rested and ready, but far from happy, mornings were not all kind to her.

Quickly she joined Marcus and Adrian in the common room, walking with them to the Great hall for breakfast.

''Needless to say, we're going to win this match.'' Marcus spoke, taking a vigorous bit from his nearly burnt toast.

Mirabelle smiled, taking a sip of water, it was never good to eat a lot before a game.


Lee Jordan settled into his seat in the stands, joined by Professor McGanagall and Professor Septima.

Atlas the two teams zoomed out into the open air, their house colors flashing past and going almost unseen.

''Maxine O'flaherty knocks out Slytherin chaser Adrian Pucey!'' Jordan shouted enthusiastically, unable to sit still in his seat.

He groaned in sympathy, adding: ''Mirabelle Morde takes out O'flaherty, no doubt as revenge for Pucey.''

McGanagall cast him a strict glance, his inability to remain neutral was stunning.

Swiftly Mirabelle moved through the air, defending her team and managing to take out a few Hufflepuffs.

''Hufflepuff! Do your stuff!'' The Hufflepuff lot of the stands shouted, but their shouts were drowned out by the Slytherin's constant cheering and shouting.

''Slytherin Captian Marcus Flint passing the Quaffle to chaser Graham Montague!'' Lee commented, his voice unbearably loud.

''And Slytherin scores!'' He added, causing a loud uproar from the Slytherin students in the crowd.

''Draco Malfoy has spotted the snitch!''

Mirabelle laughed, it would be an honest miracle if that boy actually caught it.

''Miles Bletchley easily blocking the goals, no score for Hufflepuff.''

A few more goals and a bit more wounds and atlas Lee Jordan announced that Draco had in fact caught the snitch.

''Hell just froze over.'' Mirabelle whispered to Marcus, who was smiling like a fool from her side.

He laughed loudly, nearly falling from his broomstick.


Congratulations on your victory!

Mirabelle read the letter, smiling lightly.

Thank you, kind sir!

Were you in the stands?


Mirabelle went straight to the hospital wing, to check up on Adrian.

''Why you damsel in distress!'' She teased, plopping down on the bed he sat on.

Adrian glared playfully, fixing the bandage on his arm.

''What did Madam Pomfrey say?'' She asked, helping him with the bloody bandage.

Adrian shrugged. ''Just a minor scratch, I have a bit of a headache, shes brewing up a potion for that now.'' He explained to her.

She nodded, ruffling his hair teasingly.

''Wheres Marcus?'' He asked after he playfully stuck his tongue out at her.

Mirabelle sighed. ''Well, you see, he just doesn't care about you.'' She teased.

''I feared as much. I suppose I'll have to dispose of him, I can't have my minions being disloyal to me.'' He played along, shaking his head lightly.

She giggled softly, the cuteness was priceless.



I was! You play well, often you knock me out, I fear you hate me in reality.

She had broken two of his brooms in one year.

That was hardly a clue as to who he was, she had knocked plenty of people out.