Status: Active

Give in to Love, or Live in Fear


''I'm a bloody animagus!'' Mirabelle happily informed Marcus and Adrian, who were on their way to Defense against the dark arts, which they gratefully shared.

''Congratulations!'' They cheered, smiling widely.

''Yeah, now you can sneak around for us.'' Adrian snickered mock evilly.

She laughed. ''Aw yeah!'' She rolled her eyes lightly, walking through the open door of D.A.T.D.A's.

The three sat next to each other, Mirabelle in the middle and Marcus to the left of her, Adrian sat on the end of the row, to her right.


As of today, I am a successful animagus!


She wrote to him, happily.

Her letter was returned quickly and he was more than happy for her.

Congratulations! Is there anything you can't do?!

P.S; I highly doubt it.

Mirabelle blushed for the first time in her life and she smiled.

You flatter me!


Atlas it was time for Quidditch, student and teacher alike rushed to the Quidditch pitch, settling into the stands.

Mirabelle couldn't go, her detention had started and she would unwillingly help Madam Pomfrey.

It seemed hours had passed before Madam Pomfrey was called outside of her office, someone had gotten hurt during the Quidditch match.

''Ms. Morde can handle this, I'm sure.'' She nodded in her direction, before returning to her office and shutting the door.

Mirabelle groaned, rolling her eyes.

''What's wrong with you?'' She turned around to face the injured Quidditch player.

It was Oliver Wood, of course. He always got hit with bludgers!

''Bludger.'' He simply spoke, attempting to mask the nervousness in his voice as he spoke.

She closed the large space between them. ''What hurts?'' She asked, unenthusiastic.
''M-My ribes, hand and head.'' Oliver avoided her eyes.

Mirabelle took out her wand, quietly saying; ''Vulnera Sanentur'' pointing her wand to his head, healing the blood gushing gash on his forehead.

''Don't freak out, I'm going to touch you.'' She warned, adding; ''I have to make sure you didn't break any ribs.''

He shakily nodded, his breath hitching in his throat.

Gently she pressed on individual ribs, acknowledging if or which ribs he winced at when she touched.

''It wouldn't seem so.'' She informed. ''I'll have to ask Snape to brew an elixir for your headache.''

''Give me your hand.'' Mirabelle held out her hand, shifting her weight to one foot.

His heart plundged itself against his ribcage as he slowly took her hand, shivers ceaselessly shooting up his spine.

She examined it, unaffected by their psychical contact.

''You're good.'' She dropped his hand, leaving him to ask Madam Pomfrey to ask Snape for a potion to heal his headache, they were out of stock.

Once she returned, she sighed, wishing to leave so desperately.

Oliver was awaiting the arrival of his potion as he shyly stayed in his place on one of the many beds.

A sobbing first year was carried in and Mirabelle couldn't resist the urge to roll her eyes.

She got up to tell Madam Pomfrey, who asked his symptoms, Mirabelle clenched her jaw, leaving Pomfrey's office to check for herself.

The 6th year that carried him in left, leaving the boy on a bed crying.

''Oh, stop it! You're quite alright, I'm sure. You only hurt as much as you think you do.'' She tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear, feeling his head for a fever, he had no visible signs of injury.

He quieted down, sniffling and hicking.

''You just have a common cold, and no wonder, I seen you playing outside in the rain yesterday.'' She softly scolded, leaving him and Oliver to get a pepperup potion from supply.

''Now, would you rather the cold or steam coming out of your ears for a few hours?'' Mirabelle treated the little boy as if he were grown, watching her with a child was immensely amusing to Oliver.

''S-Steam.'' The little boy sniffled, tears staining his blushed cheeks.

She pulled out the cork screw for him, handing it to him as he sat up in the bed only 7 feet from Oliver.

Atlas she got rid of him, bored and unamused, she took a seat on the edge of one of the beds, facing Oliver but not looking at him, in all honesty, she almost forgotten he was there.

''Ms. Morde.'' She recognized Snape's voice from the doorway a long ways away.

She met him there, getting Oliver's potion from him.

Once she reached him, she held it out. ''Here, Wood.''

Enchanted by her close proximity, that he nearly didn't her or see her handing it to him, atlas he took it, standing from his seat on the bed, he towered over her by just a few short inches and his heart was brutally beating within his chest.

''T-Thanks.'' He stuttered, his voice shaky despite his attempts to sound steady.

She rose a brow, moving far away from him and wishing detention to end.