One More Piece of the Puzzle...

Chapter Four

Her office was nice, spacious and hers, only hers. Leon Stellar looked around, prying trying desperately to get to know the woman. She had a family, two boys and a husband, probably the boys step father if the photo was accurate. The man was about thirty, the boys looked to be aged ten and thirteen, he guessed from their height, but it was arguable. He looked over the notes his boss had given him, he recalled the words mentioned at the crime scene, he picked up on everything trying hard to work out what they had been talking about. His mind had repetitively gone over the spitting incident. First rule, he hated spitting, it didn’t look good and don’t get him started as to how many germs are passed in one's saliva, it made him shudder. No, the problem was the man had done it at a crime scene, probably contaminating the whole area making it useless. Leon Stellar was far from a crime scene enthusiast, further from an expert. Yet he acknowledged the information they gave. That asshole had spat on the floor for nothing more than proving a point. The he called himself professional.
He sat on the chair behind the woman’s desk and picked up the phone, he dialled a number, anything to get someone through. He requested a member os staff working on the case, one came quickly. A young woman, light blond hair entered the room, she was dressed in a slightly crumpled uniform which she adjusted quickly when she saw his suit and a surprised look plastered on his face. Sure he didn’t care for how she looked, his eyes had indeed barely looked over her uniform. Instead he had been busy looking over her flawless skin, her beautiful face and eyes which would have drawn in a blind man. She coughed lightly gaining his attention, she blushed slightly, embarrassed she had thought he had been bothered about the state of her uniform.
“Hi, I don’t think we met, anyway you called me said you wanted to see someone on the murder case, yano the big one. So many reporters on that one, calling up all day, hadn’t thought any of them would get in. I'm Officer Harper, I didn't catch your name.”
He offered a coy smile. “Special Agent Leon Stellar.”
She gave him a sceptical look, one she removed quickly when he flashed his badge. She took more effort to straighten her uniform. “I'm sorry sir, I'd heard you were coming, thought you'd have-”
“No worries.” he used a hand to indicate to the chair before the desk. She sat and smiled sweetly before she looked up.
“How can I help you sir?”
“I need the information you have.”
“I don’t have-”
“The can you get?”
“I could, if Spins wouldn't be on my ass-”
“Done, get me the records.”
She sighed and stood turning to the agent she sighed and looked back. “I might lose my job.”
“If you do, you can get one with me.”
“So cool.” With that she was gone, Leon looked through his emails, scanning them on his BlackBerry, messaging Taylor typing quickly on his quirky keypad. He barely even looked up and thanked the woman as she put the folder down on the desk, she waited for him to dismiss her something he took a few minutes in doing. He looked through the documents reading all the write ups which the detective had made in a handwriting shabbier than his beard. Nothing this man could do was near. Sigh.


Helen Dulnhelm worked hard, she'd cleaned the house yesterday, she cleaned it again today. Her husband was away at work, he worked seven days a week, he came home three nights. Sure he made enough money to support her and her daughter, he didn't complain about doing it when he was home he was happy, he was tidy and he didn’t mess the house up, not deliberately anyway. Her daughter on the other hand was different, she moped in her bedroom all day on that stupid computer they had bought her, an apple something, they'd spent three thousand dollars on the thing , three thousand well spent if one got their value for money based on the gross total of minutes spent on the thing. The miracle then was when one combined twenty or so hours a week at school, twenty or so hours a week sleeping and the rest on her computer it was a complete miracle the girl managed to mess up the house but by god, she did.
They'd argued this morning, before Lilly had left for school. She had told her mother that she didn’t want to go to school, said she was upset, far too upset for study, she wanted to be home and on her computer. Something about the boy who had been killed had been from her school. That girl would try anything to get a day off school, including say that she knew the last victim. So doubtful.
It was far more likely to be the case that the girl had sneaked out last night, through her bedroom window as she always did and out into the dark night of New York. She had thought of speaking to the girl about it a million times, her husband had say not to, it wasn't worth it and all they would do would be encourage the girl to go out more and at this time with all going on as it was doing, that was far from what they wanted.
She sighed as the phone rung, she turned off the vac and answered. “Dulnhelms how can I help?”
“Mrs Dulnhelm, its reception at Hill-”
“Let me guess Lilly wants to come home?”
“She's ill Mrs Dulnhelm, and well the incidents, they do seem to be affecting her.”
“Then she can come home, but she's making her own way.”
“I'll relay the message miss.”
She hung up sighing working towards finishing her long list of domestic chores before her daughter returned home and ruined everything she had spent the day working toward.