Status: Active

There Is No I In Love


Nate stood in the crowd more towards the side rather than in the middle. He didn’t want to feel suffocated, and he also didn’t want to be bumped into on accident. It wasn’t that he was short, it just so happened that most of the people that were there were taller than him. Nate had asked Tucker to come with him to the show, but Tucker politely declined.

Tucker didn’t want to go because he couldn’t stand Chase, but Nate didn’t know that. Nate thought that Tucker was babysitting his sister like he said.

Chase looked at everyone in the crowd, like musicians are supposed to do, but he made sure that his eyes always came back to Nate and stayed there for a while. Nate loved that it seemed like Chase was singing to him; for him. It made him feel special. It made him feel like Chase liked him.

The younger teen’s voice was so beautiful and the words that came out were just as beautiful as the sound. His songs were soft, slow, and meaningful. When he closed his eyes and really got into what he was singing, Nate melted. He hoped there would be more shows of Chase’s that he could go to. He liked the attention that Chase gave him at the end of the show. He always made sure that Nate wasn’t by himself; and Nate thought that was so sweet.

A lot of people liked Chase’s band The Slow Motion, and the turn out was so great that they got booked for more shows. Chase was so happy, and he was excited that Nate was willing to come to every show.

Chase always got so amped when he saw Nate singing along to his songs that he wrote himself. It showed him that Nate actually listened to his songs, and cared enough to memorize them. He wanted to thank Nate for coming; which he always did. But this time he wanted to show his appreciation in a different way.

“This next song is for someone special. You know who you are,” Chase said, and then he winked at Nate.

Nate blushed and crossed his arms, surprised and slightly embarrassed- but the feeling was welcomed. His heart started to beat fast as he realized he recognized the song. It was ‘Waste’ by Foster the People. Nate loved that song; and Chase didn’t even know it.

Chase turned his body towards Nate’s side of the crowd. His eyes sparkled in the bright lights as he sang to him. “Every day that you want to change, that you want to change, yeah, I'll help you see it through. 'Cause I just really wanna be with you…”

Nate bit his lip and started to blush. The teens had gotten pretty close over the weeks that they spent time together. Nate was always laughing and having a good time, and Chase was always so sweet and caring.

They almost kissed a few times, but for some reason Nate wouldn’t let it happen. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to kiss Chase. He did. But every time their faces got close to each other, Nate backed away. It didn’t offend Chase, he pretty much accepted it. But it didn’t stop him from presenting Nate with new opportunities. It was almost like Chase was teaching him something, but it wasn’t like that. All Chase wanted was for Nate to be comfortable, and he wouldn’t do anything do make him feel uncomfortable. The goal was to take it slow and just get to know each other, which they did.

“That song concludes our show. Again, we are The Slow Motion, thank you guys so much for coming out. Take care and we’ll see you next time!”

Chase put the mic back, hopped off the stage, and ran right to Nate. He hugged him and lifted him up a little. He always got a rush from ending a show. Nate found that adorable.

Even though his forehead was sweaty and his face was red from performing, Nate still found Chase just as attractive as always.

“Great job, Chase. My favorite show yet. I think you know why,” he laughed, and stepped aside.

Chase took Nate by the hand and led him outside. It was quite cold outside, but he wanted to get away from everyone that was inside the building. He knew a whole bunch of girls would come up to him and his band mates to ask for pictures and want to talk to them. That was fine; he liked his fans, but he wanted to be with Nate alone for a moment.

“I’m glad you liked it. But um,” Chase smiled at Nate pulling his jacket closer to his body. “I sang that song to you for a reason. I know you still don’t know me that well, and I don’t know everything about you either but…what I do know is that I like you. And I know this will sound selfish but I want you to myself. I don’t want someone else to steal your heart. I want to. I mean, I want you to give me a chance to. So what I’m trying to ask is if you’ll be my boyfriend? Officially.”

Nate blinked quickly. He couldn’t believe his ears. Not only did Chase ask him out but he asked him out in the cutest way possible. He wanted to say yes, and even if he didn’t he probably would have anyway just from the way he asked. Nate had no choice but to feel something for Chase. He was such a great guy. How could he say no?

“Yes of course. I- I don’t know why you would want to be my boyfriend but-”

Chase didn’t allow Nate to deny him this time; he just kissed him without any warning. And as shocked as Nate was…he let him. He never kissed anyone like that before, it was so new to him but it felt so right. It was kind of romantic- they were alone in a venue parking lot, the wind was blowing hard but they were warm because they were concentrated on each other and not the weather.

Chase was relieved that Nate didn’t push him away or even worse, stand still and not kiss him back. It was the perfect moment, and he was sure that nothing; no bad news could get him down at that point. He was in too much of a good mood.

The younger teen pulled the older teen closer, and he wrapped his arms around his torso. The kiss was so innocent, yet so passionate at the same time. Their mouths barely opened but it was still so nerve-wracking for Nate. He had no idea what he was doing but Chase didn't notice or seem to mind. He just kissed him back and held him.

Nate broke away from the kiss slowly, and he smiled. “Wow. Um, I have no idea what to say.”

He didn’t want to make the situation awkward by telling Chase that it was his first real kiss; that would ruin the moment. He also felt like a loser because he was 17 and never kissed anyone like that before.

“You don’t have to say anything. I’m just glad I wasn’t rejected just now. That’s all I’m thinking about.”

For some reason when the word ‘rejected’ came out of Chase’s mouth, Nate immediately thought about Tucker. Probably because he spent so much of his time thinking about Tucker rejecting him; that is, if he ever came clean about how he felt about him. But now it would never happen. He no longer worried about loving Tucker. His heart was opening for someone else now. He was accepting Chase into his life.

He wondered how Tucker would feel about them dating. Nate didn’t know what he would do if Tucker didn’t approve. He wouldn’t break up with Chase, he would have to prove to Tucker whatever it is he needed proof of so that everything would be okay. A part of him still did wish that he could be with Tucker, but the other part of him thought he was crazy for setting himself up for so long.

“Let’s go back inside. I want to tell the guys that you said yes.”

From what Nate knew, Chase’s band mates were all straight. He was pleasantly surprised that they apparently knew and accepted that Chase was going to ask him out.

“What did they say when you told them?”

Chase smiled. “Danny and Carter thought that you would say yes and Aaron was the odd one out and said you’d say no. Aaron stinks.”

Nate smirked. “I know Carter is the guitarist. But I always get Aaron and Danny confused. Aaron is the drummer right? And Danny is bass…or opposite?”

“You got it this time! I don’t know why I keep forgetting to tell you but they are cousins so I can see why you confuse them. They both kinda have the same shaped head.”

Nate nodded. “That explains a lot. But um, can we go in? I’m starting to get a little cold.”

“Oh yeah, sure come on. You first,” Chase said, and made sure he took Nate’s hand in his own before he got too far away.
♠ ♠ ♠
Tucker's reaction in the next chapter. Ohh no.
<3 love you guys. Please comment?