Status: Active

There Is No I In Love


Tucker wasn’t mad at Nate for going to the party, he just wanted to go with him. But he knew he couldn’t follow Nate around and be with him all the time. That would be annoying and unfair to Nate. Tucker hoped that Nate didn’t think he was annoying to be around. These thoughts messed with his head a lot.

Nate wouldn’t be friends with him if he didn’t want to be.

Nate had the choice to stop being friends with Tucker and he hadn’t made any moves to do so. That made Tucker happy, because the day he stopped being friends with Nate would be a very upsetting day for Tucker.

The blond took his pen out of his mouth and wrote down a vocabulary term along with it's definition on his index card. He was studying for his psychology test, which was going to be a hard test to pass.

His teacher Mr. Markson took his class way too seriously and made the tests really hard when it wasn’t necessary. Mr. Markson used to be a college professor and treated his high school seniors as if they were college graduates.

It was almost 1 o’ clock in the morning, and he had no idea why he was still up studying. If he didn’t know the information now, he certainly wouldn’t know it in less than six hours.

As his tired eyes skimmed through his textbook he felt his pocket vibrate. It was rare for anyone to call him after midnight. He thought it was a wrong number until he pulled out his cell and saw Nate’s name pop up on the screen.

“Hello?” He whispered.

“Tucker. Hi. It’s Kiara. Your friend is practically passed out at my party and he can’t stay here. I called you because you because I didn’t know who else to call. Do you think I should call a taxi for him or something?”

Tucker’s jaw hung open. Nate…passed out? Meaning he drank beer? Tucker was shocked.

“Um. No. No it’s fine, I’ll come get him. Is he okay?”

“Yeah he’s fine. Just drank too much too fast. He’s pretty cool actually. Are you coming now?”

“I’ll leave in two minutes. Thanks for calling me. Bye.”

He hung up and sneaked his way downstairs. If his dad heard him he would be in so much trouble. He was supposed to bed in bed hours ago, and if he caught him going out so late he’d be grounded forever.

The blond made sure he was quiet as a mouse going down the stairs, grabbing his keys, and opening and closing the front door. At that point it didn’t matter if his dad caught him, he was already out and that was that.

He drove with the radio on and loud, in case sleep decided to surprise him on the drive over.

When he arrived at Kiara’s house he called Nate’s phone to let Kiara know that he was there. Kiara helped Nate walk to the front of the house where Tucker parked.

He could hear Nate mumble things that didn’t make sense as they were walking.

“Do you want him in the front or the back?”

Tucker had to think. He’d probably be more comfortable in the back seat but it was best if he was in the front so Tucker could keep a close eye on him. It wasn’t like he could help him if he was driving but he could at least do his best.

“Front. Thanks.”

Kiara opened his car door while Tucker helped him in his seat, and put his seat belt on. Kiara gave Tucker Nate’s phone and said her goodbyes.

“I think I’m wasted, Tucker. I’m not sure though. I mean. I feel wasted. But how would I know for sure?” Nate asked almost inquisitively.

Tucker giggled. “I’m pretty sure you’re drunk, Nate. Just sit back, please. How do you feel, do you feel sick at all?”

Nate moved around in his seat, trying to get situated. “No. I feel dizzy. A little. But that’s it. But hey Tucker are you mad that I’m drunk right now? I don’t want you mad. What if you’re mad…what if you never forgive me?”

Tucker turned to look at Nate for a moment. “I’m not mad at you Nate, don’t worry. I could never be mad. I’m glad you had a good time.”

Nate put his hand on the window. “It was fun. Hey Tucker where are we going?”

The older teen didn’t really think about that. He couldn’t bring Nate home…but then his parents would worry. He could leave them a message on their cell phones and tell them what happened though. Nate’s parents wouldn’t care; they were cool. As long as they knew Nate wasn't hurt or missing they would be fine with him going out drinking and having one too many.

Tucker didn’t think he could bring him to his house either, but that was the only other option.

“To my house I guess. I can’t bring you home now, it’s too late; or early, however you want to think of it.”

Nate laughed. “I get it! It’s late and early at the same time! That’s funny. Okay Tucker, I like your house. That’s a good idea. Hm. Where will I sleep? With you? Can I sleep with you?”

Tucker’s heart started to beat fast and he didn’t know why.

“Um. No…I’ll sleep on the floor and you can have my bed. We don’t have to squeeze in my bed, you can have it.”

Tucker didn’t want Nate to throw up all over him, because that’s what was inevitable unfortunately.

“Oh. But I want to sleep with you. We could cuddle!”

Tucker didn’t know why Nate was acting like that. Sure, he was drunk but he and Tucker never cuddled or anything like that. They were just friends. They acted like friends.

“I don’t think you know what you’re saying Nate. It’s okay, just relax. I’ll put you in my bed and it’ll be fine.”

“You don’t like me. You don’t want to sleep with me. Why? What did I do?”

Tucker pulled into his driveway and sighed.

“Nate, I do like you. You’re my best friend. You didn’t do anything. You’re acting silly. Now here’s what is going to happen. But you have to listen carefully okay?” Tucker waited for Nate to nod his head. “I’m going to help you inside but you’ve got to be quiet. If you’re not quiet I’ll get in big trouble. Understand?”

“Mhm. I’ll be quiet. I think I’m done talking for now. I think that’s a good idea.”

Tucker laughed and shook his head. Nate was funny when he had too much to drink.

“Okay. Come on, let’s get you inside.”
♠ ♠ ♠
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