Status: Complete

I Was Made for You

Always you

My name was Lizzie Jay. I’m from a small town in Nevada. I played guitar in my band and sang back-up vocals. A few years ago my band and I went on tour with Panic at the disco. I didn’t know much about them but I was excited. Music was my love and my life.

When I met Brendon Urie no fireworks went off. He was just a guy in the band I happened to be touring with. I was never the girly type. I didn’t care about romance. I wasn’t interested in dating. We barely even got along at first but somehow it all worked out.

I grew to love his cheerfulness, his hyper personality, and his smile. I discovered this of him that you can’t see on stage. He’s smart, kind, caring, talented, and funny. We became great friends. He grew to love my voice, my playfulness, and even my sarcastic comments. We became so comfortable with each other as if we fit together all along.

It started as casual flirting. It was innocent. Then one night we ended up in bed. We didn’t start dating but we did start sleeping together. He was still in a relationship with his girlfriend and we were still on tour when I took a pregnancy test that came up positive.

I wish I could say I was one of those girls who always wanted to be a mom but I never did. I never wanted to get married and I never wanted kids. I cried a lot and Brendon had some long talks with me. For a while I thought I would get an abortion. I didn’t want a baby. I wasn’t ready for one. I didn’t think I could be a mom. I was so busy with the tour and my music. I didn’t think I had time.

I heard the baby’s heartbeat and Brendon was by my side holding my hand. It was then that I decided to keep our baby. I preformed on stage for as long as possible and when our beautiful little girl was born I took her with me on tour. The day she was born Brendon asked me to marry him and I said yes.

My name is now Lizzie Urie. Our daughter is growing up so fast. She’s four and absolutely perfect. We are expecting our second baby soon, a little boy. We could not be happier. I took a break from my band so I could be a full time mom. My family is my life now.

I never expected my life to turn out like this but I am blessed. I know now this is my true purpose in life. I wouldn’t trade being a wife and a mother for the world.
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461 words