Status: done

Am I Crazy?

Am I Crazy?

Rocking back and forth. Screaming on the inside. Crazy on the outside? That's what everyone else thinks. They don't know anything. They don’t WANT to know anything.
Ignorant. Dumb. That’s all they are. That’s all they’ll be. Stupid. Stupid. They won’t learn. They won’t understand.
Listen. They must listen. But they don’t. Why don’t they listen. Their ears work fine! I’ve heard them talk. I’ve heard them whisper. I know they aren’t deaf. Why do they pretend?
Back and forth. Relax. Relax. Breath. Crazy on the outside. Screaming on the inside. Don’t mix them up. Don’t mix them up!
Tap one. Tap two. Tap three. Tap one. Tap two. Tap three. Fingers tap arm. Hand taps leg. Foot taps floor. Fingers tap arm. Hand taps leg. Foot taps floor. Don’t stop. Never stop. Keep going.
Funny looks. I always get funny looks. Maybe I AM crazy on the inside too? Maybe they’re right. Maybe I’m wrong.
ONLY on the outside! Only on the outside!
Not crazy! Not crazy! You lie! I’m perfectly fine! STOP! Stop staring at me!
Why can I hear myself? Wrong, all wrong! Mix up. All mixed up.
Crazy on the inside. Screaming on the outside. I think I’m crazy. I know I’m crazy. They were right. All along I was a lie!
♠ ♠ ♠
(I wrote this for my creative writing class a couple days ago, and I'm posting it on numerous sites for feedback. This isn't my best work, but it is, in my opinion, pretty good.)