Status: New ^.^

Remember When

When We First Kissed?

Aren't first kisses so intense? Your palms sweat, you feel dizzy, your stomach hurts. You sweat hard as hell.

Don't you remember out first kiss? Wait! No! You're first kiss. I had my first kiss with Becca in 8th grade. Aren't you jealous?

Anyways, I was your first kiss. That felt nice to write. I stole your first kiss. And you liked it.

Do you remember it? Cause I remember every second of it. After we had finished "studying" in my room, we decided to sit out on my fire escape and just talk.

We were close, weren't we? Everyone knew we would start dating, you just didn't want to admit it.

It was 8:00 p.m when it started getting cool and you were rubbing your arms as if you were cold. As if you wanted me to hold you. You were clever back then, weren't you?

Just like in those sappy movies, I held you in my arms and rubbed your arms until you were warm. Just like those sappy movies, you sat up and our eyes met.

Just like those sappy movies, I had to lean forward and kiss you. I had experience on how to kiss, so I was fine. You, however, were a beginner.

I still remember how your palms were sweating, how your breathing was quick and soft, how you were shaking in my arms.

After I pulled away, your face was red, you were smiling shyly, you were staring at me, wanting more.

I couldn't deny that request, could I?

On that day, I felt as if my stomach was bursting with joy. My lips tingled with happiness, I felt happy just when I held you.

Even now, I feel as if my stomach will burst with joy. My lips still tingle with happiness. I feel happy just holding you.

Just yesterday I kissed you, and you know how I felt?

Like I was on top of the world.
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What's your favorite thing about October?