Can You Keep a Secret

October 11, 1999

With a pout, I stomped my foot. He never let me join him and his friends. He didn't like having me around. What was so bad about me? I just wanted to be with my older brother.

"But why does Marc get to go?" I demanded.

I looked up at my brother, who was seated in the bed of a truck. "He doesn't. You two get to stay here and play with your little kid toys," he snapped.

I continued to pout as he jumped down and got into the cab of the truck. "But Marc is coming! He's still in the truck!" I yelled at him as he started the truck.

"Can't hear you! Bye, Ricky!" he yelled out the window. He fiddled with the radio.

I looked over at Eric, my brother's best friend. He glanced at his brother, whom was seated next to him in the bed of the truck. He glanced back at my brother before holding his hand down to me. I blinked away the tears in my eyes.

He offered a smile before helping me get up into the cab of the truck. He put his finger in front of his lips and smiled. I grinned as I sat down in front of him, hoping my brother wouldn't see me and make me stay behind.

Marc grinned over at me. Ray let out a holler as he started driving off. The truck cruised down the dirty road, headed out to the lake that wasn't far away. I wrapped my arms around my legs as he drove. Eric and Marc talked a little bit on the drive. I was ignored for the majority of the ride.

I was too happy about being with my older brother, though. Finally, I was able to be with them. I had been begging to hang out with Ray and Eric for months and months. Eric never seemed to mind, but Ray never wanted me around them.

"You got the cooler, Eric?" Ray yelled out as he grabbed something out of the cab of the truck.

"Yeah. Sitting on it," Eric responded. He jumped out of the truck before reaching back for the cooler.

Ray turned around smiling, but grimaced as soon as he saw me. "I told you that you couldn't come with us!" he yelled.

"But..." I started.

"Dude, it's fine. She can just hang out with Marc," Eric said calmly. Ray groaned, glaring at me.

"Whatever. Come on," he said. The two older boys left me and Marc behind.

"Wanna go swimming?" Marc asked.

I nodded. We climbed out of the truck before heading to the water. Just as we started to take off our shoes, Eric yelled over. "Can you guys wait to swim until tomorrow? We can watch you then," he asked.

Marc and I sighed. "Guess that means we get to just sit around," he muttered.

"We could skip rocks?" I suggested happily.

He shook his head. "Nah. That's not very fun," he responded.

I kicked a small pebble. "Wanna play hide and seek?" I asked.

He shook his head again. We both looked over when we heard our brothers laughing. "Let's go see what they're doing," Marc suggested happily. He was already walking towards the two before I could respond.

Eric nodded at his brother as we approached. They both had beer bottles in their hands. Marc took another bottle out of the cooler. "Only half," Eric warned him.

Marc nodded. He handed it to Ray to open it. My brother popped off the cap and handed it over. Marc grinned and took a sip. He quickly threw the bottle away and began coughing. "That stuff is nasty!" he cried.

The older two laughed in amusement at his disgusted face. Eric took a large swig of his beer. "It's an acquired taste," he commented.

"Can I have a taste?" I asked Ray.

He glared at me. "No," he stated harshly.

"Please?" I begged.

"No, Rick. I told you that already. Fuck..." he muttered.

Marc continued to sputter and try to get the taste out of his mouth. "Come on. I think I have some gum in my car," he told my friend.

Ray laughed as Marc eagerly followed him. "Can I have a piece?" I asked softly.

"Rick! Gah damn..." Ray muttered.

I looked down at my feet as I heard my brother joke around with Marc. Their voices got softer as they got further away. My attention was taken by the bottle shifting into my view. I looked up at Eric. "Only a small sip," he told me.

I glanced back at Ray before taking a quick sip. I regretted it quickly. Eric chuckled. "You wanted to try it," he reminded me.

I wiped my tongue on my hand. "That's so gross!" I exclaimed.

He laughed harder. He rummaged through his pockets. He pulled out a cough drop and handed it over. I snatched the small morsel out of his hands. "It'll cover up the taste for the most part," he assured me as I popped it into my mouth.

Ray and Marc returned shortly. "What'd you give her?" he questioned.

"Piece of candy I had in my pocket from that substitute at school today," Eric lied smoothly.

Ray didn't question it as he continued to drink. I glanced at Eric. He sent me a quick smile before tilting Ray's bottle up as he was taking a drink. Ray sputtered before laughing.