Can You Keep a Secret

Chapter Nine

"Were you never taught how to dress up?" Eric asked teasingly as I jumped up into his truck. 

I simply glared at him. "It's late and I was going to be asleep by now, but someone insisted on going to a movie."

Eric grinned back at me. "We're helping little Jeffy out. You know you love that little boy. Imagine how happy he will be!"

I sighed, buckling myself in. "I'm doing this for Jeff. Not you," I mumbled tiredly. 

Eric chuckled as he backed the truck out of the driveway and began moving us to the theater. I had a strong feeling I would be asleep half way through the movie as it was. 

"Good game, by the way. Nice goal."

Eric grinned. "You saw the game?"

"Of course. Also watched my brother fight what's-his-face," I added on with a laugh. 

I could tell Eric was almost in tears from how hard he was laughing. "Your brother almost got his ass handed to him on a plate. I don't think I've laughed so hard at him in months."

I smiled. "I called him afterwards to ask him if his ego was sore."

"That would make sense as to why he threw his phone at the floor."

I smiled, picturing that as something my brother would do. 

When we parked outside the theater, I could see Jeff and a girl standing in front of the ticket box. I grinned, I could tell he was nervous just by how he was standing. The girl, however, looked happy and comfortable.

"So, um... About the whole double date thing..." Eric began. He took out the keys and rested his hands in his lap. 

I glanced away from the couple to look at Eric. "I figured what you meant. No worries," I told him with a smile. 

He frowned  in confusion. "Wait, what?" 

I opened my door to jump down. "It's no a real date between us.. Just going with Jeff," I replied with a shrug. I hopped down out of his truck. I looked back up at him. "Right?" I asked slowly. 

He gave me a small, odd smile. "Yeah. Right," he agreed. He quickly got out of his truck to walk with me. 

We walked side by side to meet Jeff. When we got closer, he noticed us. "Ricky!" he greeted happily. I gave him a hug. "How have you been? I haven't seen you at any of the games lately!"

I pulled back and smiled. "Sorry. I've been busy with my new job. Congratulations on the goal tonight," I added. 

He blushed a little. "Thanks. Oh, this is Jenna. Jenna, this is Ricky," he quickly I traduced. 

I smiled politely as I shook the girl's hand. "Nice to meet you. How long have you known Jeff?" I asked. 

"We used to go to school together when we were younger. I've been going to school to school here and just happened to run into him a few weeks ago," she explained. 

I smiled at Jeff. "He's a sweet heart," I told her with a wink. Jenna laughed with me as Jeff blushes.

Eric nudged my arm. I took the ticket he held out to me. I hadn't even realize he'd walked off to get the tickets. "Thank you." 

"Let's go ahead and get into the theater. It's getting cold out," Jeff suggested. As we walked inside, Jeff and Eric separated to get popcorn and drink. 

"How long have you and Eric been together?  Jeff said something about you staying with him," Jenna brought up casually. I could tell she was a sweet girl. She would be good for Jeff. She also seemed more outgoing, which he could use at times. 

I rubbed the back of my neck. "Oh, um... I was just staying with him since I just moved here. I'm sure I'll move out and get my own place, though," I mumbled, purposely ignoring the other question. 

She gave me a curious look. "That's nice of him to let you stay with him."

The guys walked back over. The four of us made our way into the theater that was mostly deserted. "I got you some Dibs," Eric told me, holding out the small red container. 

I grinned. "You know me too well," I commented as I tried to open the container. 

Eric chuckled and draped his arm over my shoulders. "You're easy to read. That's all, Shrimp."

I elbowed him in the side. "Whatever. Is that why my brother still thinks I'm in love with Aaron Carter?" I questioned. 

He chuckled. "Your brother is just stupid. He is the one that thought it was possible to make a dinner smoothie of grilled chicken, salad, and what was it? Apples or pears?"

I giggled. "And you were dumb enough to try it," I mentioned. 

He scoffed. "That was the stupidest thing I've ever done: trust your brother with cooking."

We all filed into a row, Jeff first followed by Jenna, me and finally Eric. As we settled down into our seats, the previews began rolling. I could see Jeff hesitantly move his hand towards Jenna's. I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing when she simply out right held his hand. She was good for him. 

"What movie is this again?" I whispered in Eric's ear.

"Paranormal Activity Three," he whispered back. 

I stared at him while he simply smirked to himself. I was going to kill that man.