Can You Keep a Secret

Chapter Ten

If I said I knew how the movie ended, I'd be lying. I I said I knew how any of the movie went, I'd be lying. If I said Eric's shirt smelled down right amazing and was soft, I would be describing my scenery for almost an hour and a half. 

The moment anything creepy started happening, I was instantly hiding in Eric's side. Scary movies were not my thing, especially ghost kinds. 

Eric got a kick out of both the movie and my cowardliness. I think he only laughed during the movie. 

The loud noises surprisingly kept me awake the whole time. Which I was a little disappointed in. 

"You are such a chicken," Eric exclaimed as we walked towards the exit of the building. 

I frowned. "Shut up. I don't like those kinds of movies."

"You aren't alone, don't worry. I jumped at everything," Jenna told me. 

I gave her a smile. Jeff's arm was wrapped around her shoulders and her arm was wrapped around his waist. They were adorable together. 

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow, Jeff. Bright and early take off," Eric said as we reached our splitting point. 

"Alright. Night," he said as he waved. We all waved back before heading our own ways. 

"They're adorable together. I like her a lot," I stated softly as we got to Eric's truck. 

We both climbed inside the large beast before continuing our conversation. "She is nice. I think maybe he's picked someone good for him," Eric replied. 

"Maybe? He definitely has," I corrected with a laugh. 

Things were silent for a long time. I could see things running through his head, but didn't ask. I knew he'd say something if he wanted to talk about it. 

"You ready for your trip up north?" I asked. 


I looked away from him after his small reply. Maybe he just didn't want to talk...

The remainder of our ride home was quiet. We got inside and I was just about ready to go to bed and ignore his quiet brooding state when he spoke again. 

"Do you think he even needs a girlfriend? Especially during the season?" Eric questioned. He had an unhappy tone in his voice. 

I turned around, frowning in confusion. "It's his life. Everyone needs someone. Maybe it will help him. He is kind of here with no family," I answered. 

"What happens when they get in a fight - because you know they will - and his game is affected?" Eric pressed. 

I leaned against the back of the couch. "Well, it's still up to him. Just tell him to put it aside for awhile and get in the game. It happens to everyone-"

"Not if they aren't 19 and going out with some girl who will break his heart," Eric cut in. 

I was getting a little peeved with him now. He had just commented how good they were together and now this. "It happens to everyone. You've even said it. Everyone notices when something is off with players. Whether it be worrying over a pregnant wife that's in the hospital, a family member that's just died-"

"Those things happen sometimes-"

"So does fighting with someone in a relationship! Why do you even care what Jeff is up to? It's not your love life," I snapped. 

"He is on my team and I am his captain, though!" Eric snapped back at me. 

"Why are we even fighting over this?" I demanded. This had to be the stupidest thing to fight over ever. 

He shook his head in agitation. "Nevermind. I'm going to bed," he muttered as he walked past me. 

I gaped at his back as he walked down the hallway. "You picked this argument, Eric Craig Staal. Now finish it!" I yelled at his back. 

"Don't use my full name with me," he snapped as he turned back towards me. "And I did finish it, I was walking away!"

"That isn't finishing it; that's ignoring it," I snapped at him. I walked down the hall to face him. We were just outside my bedroom now. 

"It doesn't matter," he stressed. 

"Tell me why you are trying to pick a fight over a team mate dating." I knew I wasn't being kind or gentle when I was speaking. I didn't care, though. 

Eric shook his head. "I could care less what they do on their own time..." 

I rolled my eyes. "Then why bring it up in the first place?" I snapped. 

"Because I was just... Annoyed..." he sighed out. 

"By what?" I nearly yelled. He wasn't giving me anything here. This was all just out of the blue to me. I hadn't done anything to annoy him, had I?

"I just... I was hoping..." He tugged at his hair in frustration of trying to find words. 

"You were hoping what, Eric?" I snapped. I was tired of just being left out on a limb in a blindfold. 

"I had expectations for tonight-"

I was about to lose it with him. "Well, what were they? Come on, you're freaking leaving me out in the da-"

I stopped in the middle of my words. My breath was in my throat. I didn't know how to react at all. Eric Staal, my brother's best friend, someone I had grown up with, had his lips against mine. 

I stared at him when he pulled away. "I was hoping maybe we could have tried this as a real date between us."

I looked away from him, still in shock. "I better get to bed," I mumbled before quickly escaping into my room. 
♠ ♠ ♠
I wasn't sure on his middle name. That's just what Wikipedia said.