Can You Keep a Secret

Chapter Twelve

Being the only girl with seven guys watching a hockey game was turning out to be... Interesting. 

I showed up in Ray's jersey of course after Max had assured me they would all be in really casual apparel, too. Something I didn't expect, though, was that half of them were cheering for the Pens and hated the Canes. 

"Fuck you, Staal! Suck it up!" a guy by the name of Blake yelled at the TV. 

"What the hell was that? Are you trying to score on a net that is five feet in the air? Get your shit together!" Phillip screamed. 

I could tell Eric was having an off game. He knew it, too. At the end of the first period he had thrown his stick down in frustration. I could see his coach giving him a talking to. I watched the camera focus in on the Canes's bench. Eric had his head in his hands while Ray was talking to him. 

"You bitches are going down!" Dan yelled in victory as the score reached 4-0, in favor of the Pens. 

It was hard to watch them struggle so much. Finally, Jeff scored. "Suck it, Pittsburgh!" chorused through the Canes fans in the room. 

"What the hell is wrong with Staal? He's acting like a little bitch," Jacob whined. Max had disappeared in a beer run a few minutes ago. 

"He's just having an off game. It happens," I chimed in. 

Jacob scoffed. "He wasn't even this big of a bitch after Tanya fucked him over! What would be going on now?" he demanded. 

I frowned in confusion. "What happened with Tanya? What do you mean?" I asked curiously. 

Jacob shrugged. "She fucked some guy on another team and he caught her," Dan chimed in smugly. 

I wanted to hit her. That was all I could think about. "He and your little favorite, Miles, tried to play it off, but everyone knows what happened. Heard he's banging Miles's sister now," Rob chimed in. 

I frowned even more. "I heard his sister is fucking hot," Blake commented with a smirk. 

"Excuse me?" I seethed. 

"Yeah, someone said she posed nude once for some magazine. She's probably got diseases or some shit by now," Rob snorted. 

I was livid. "You guys don't know what you're talking about," I snapped. 

They ignored me, though, and continued on. Soon they were back to talking shit about Eric that wasn't true. I wanted to stop it. I didn't want to hear it all. It was like I was stuck in a tornado and couldn't escape it. 

"I hope he ends up like Bourdon so we can get a new captain. I'd route for the Canes then."

"Shut up! All of you!" I screamed out. Everything went silent. "I am not sleeping with Eric; Ray happens to be my brother, hence my jersey; and none of the things you are saying about Eric are true. Grow up a little bit! He isn't some made up person, he's got family and friends like you guys do. He is also a hundred times the man any of you will ever dream of being. He has more skill, respect, and kindness in one hand than any of you will ever have. Leave him alone," I muttered before leaving the house. I slammed the door behind me, fully pissed off. 

He was having a bad game and that's what started all the crap about him. It wasn't even an illegal hit or anything. People didn't take time to see the good side of him. 

I sat in my car in front of Eric's house for several minutes. Some of the rumors they were talking about... They were terrible. I almost wanted to see Eric to just get rid of the bad thoughts in my head. 

Then I remembered the kiss. "Fuck..." I whispered to myself as I finally got out of my small car.

I stopped short of the front door when I noticed something off. Something wasn't right. 

I looked around, but no one was there. I frowned. I looked at the cracked up door. I knew I'd closed it when I left. 

I slowly opened the door so I could see inside. My jaw dropped. This had to be some god awful prank.

I quickly took out myself to call the cops. I didn't want to even look inside. 

I sat on the front step, listening to the person on the other line. They assured me someone would be by as soon as possible. I ran my fingers through my hair. This was not how I wanted my night to go. 

I dialed my brother's number as soon as they hung up. "Hey, how's it going, sis?" Ray greeted happily. 

I let out a sigh. "Shit. Then I got home to find someone had broken into the house," I told him. 

"What? Are you okay? Did you see them? What happened?" Ray demanded. 

"I got home and got a kind of weird feeling. Then I saw the door was open a little so I pushed it the rest of the way open. The inside is trashed, Ray. It's torn apart..." I whispered out. 

"You're okay, though?" he asked. 

"Yeah. I called the cops. They should be here soon."

"Good. I don't want you staying there until Eric gets home, alright? Go stay at my place," he instructed firmly. 

"Okay." My voice was weak. 

Ray paused. "You okay, Ricky?"

"Just... Stressed. I'm fine," I told him. 

"Okay. I'm here for you if you need to talk. Unless it's your sex life, in that case, please go talk to someone else."

I smiled a little. "Thanks Ray. The cops are here so I better go. Love you," I told him. He responded before I hung up. I walked down the driveway to meet the cop. 

"Are you Rebecca Miles?" the cop questioned. 

I nodded. "Yeah."

"Alright. We'll go take a look. Stay here and talk to that officer. He'll get your statement and information," he instructed. 

I folded my arms in front of me. "Alright. Thanks," I mumbled.

Tonight was going to be a long night. 
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I don't edit stuff... Sorry.