Can You Keep a Secret

Chapter Fourteen


I glanced over my shoulder when I heard my name. Max quickly jogged to get to my side. "I heard what happened with my friends and then what happened to your house. I am so sorry. Is there anything I can do to help you out?" he asked.

I waves it off. "I'm doing fine. I'm getting things back together and I'm staying at my brother's house for now. Thank you, though," I responded politely.

He let out a sigh. "I'm sorry for what my friends said-"

"It's fine. Really. It happens," I cut in.

Max gave me a half smile. "Alright then... Well, if it helps any, your computer is updated and running smoothly. Also, your client dropped off a package for you. I put it on your desk."

"You're a mail boy, too?" I asked light heartedly.

He chuckled. "I just wanted to help you out. I know it's been rough lately."

I shrugged. "Well, thank you."

As we walked past the employee's lounge, I saw Shelly walking out. Her eyes drew into slits the moment she saw me with Max. I had a bad feeling about her, but I ignored it.

"Well, I should get to work. I need some time to relax tonight," I said when I got to my office.

Max nodded. "Of course. I'll see you later," he told me. I smiled before hiding away into my office. I opened up the package from my client to find stacks of paper. Here we go.


A knock on my door pulled my attention away from the papers I was pouring over. "Yes?"

The door swung open to reveal Max. "Hey. Want to come get some lunch? Subway," he offered.

I smiled. "Alright," I agreed. I could use some food. I pulled my purse up onto my shoulder and followed Max out of the office's floor. I checked with the secretary to let her know I was leaving for lunch and would be gone.

Max walked beside me as we headed a few blocks down to a Subway. "Busy day so far?" he asked.

I nodded. "Trying to cover what I didn't cover yesterday," I answered.

He nodded. There was a long awkward silence between us. Conversation didn't flow casually, which I hated. It wasn't like when Eric and I hung out...

I stopped my train of thought before I could go down that alley. I didn't want to think about it. I was going to wait until he got back to work on that problem set.

I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket so I pulled it out.

From: Ray
Christmas with Staals? That okay with you?

I smiled to myself.

To: Ray

"What are you smiling over?" Max questioned.

"My brother just texted me about our Christmas plans. We're going to spend them like we used to," I explained.

From: Ray
Jordan, Marc, Mama and Paps are flying down here. Party at Eric's!

I quickly replied to my brother with an okay. "Oh, you're flying home?" he asked.

"Well, no. Everyone is meeting down here this winter. We'll be able to have everyone together for a day or two, at least. It'll be nice."

"Who all is going to be there?" Max asked. I could tell he was just trying to keep the conversation going. He really couldn't care less, I was sure.

"Me, Ray, and the Staals," I answered.

"Why them?" Max asked. I could sense a hint of disgust in his voice.

"They were our family growing up. They raised me for almost half my childhood.  I love them like family," I answered protectively.

Max grimaced. "What, your parents just abandon you with them?"

"Before my parents died, yes. If Ray had something going on, I was left with Linda while my parents catered to my brother," I stated harshly.

He cleared his throat. "Sorry," he mumbled out. I ignored the conversation after that. He wasn't helping my mood.

"You know, I'm not all that hungry. I think I'm just going to go back. Maybe some other time," I told him.

He shrugged. "Alright. Let me know if you want me to bring something back for you," he said.


I buried my hands into my pockets as I walked back to the offices. I knew I was off. I didn't feel right. I was stressing out about everything.

It started off with Eric. All I could think about was what he'd told me. He had kissed me... Eric had kissed me. The thought and memory still hadn't sunk in completely. I didn't know what to think of it. 

My fingers lightly grazed over my lips.

I couldn't date him anyways. He was practically a part of my family. Maybe we didn't really act like family, but we had grown up around each other. We always would be there for each other no matter what. I knew I'd jump through flames to keep him safe from anything. We were close enough for that.

I couldn't even begin to imagine how any of his family or my brother would react if they found out. I could only imagine how mad Ray would be. I had no idea how he would react to Eric. I cringed at the thought. What if they got into a fist fight? It wouldn't be the first time Ray had hit someone. 

There were too many loose ends created by this. "Damnit," I sighed out. I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration. Maybe things would be easier if we did just ignore that night like Eric said. I could just pretend...

I had to laugh at myself. There was no way I would honestly just forget that. Who was I kidding? 

My eyes caught onto the sight of a familiar jersey. I watched the jersey pass me. 




The man wearing the jersey gave me an odd look as I walked by, but I didn't care. 

At the bottom of my gut, I got that feeling. It was the same feeling I got whenever Ray and Eric used to leave when I was younger. I wanted them back. I missed them. I wanted them around while my mind was a wreck.

I was still having an internal panic over everything missing from Eric's house. His gold medal and his Stanley Cup ring... All his trophies... His jerseys...

I was getting sick to my stomach at the though of everything. I had let him down by allowing someone to take everything. How could I do that to him? I knew how much they meant to him. 

I forced the tears away from my eyes. I couldn't cry. I had to stay strong and just push everything. 

That was only made harder as I watched my colleague glare at me as I walked past her.