Can You Keep a Secret

September 5, 2001

I rubbed my arm nervously. The first day of high school. I was more terrified than anything. Ray had told me a lot of stories about high school when he was warning me. I had been perfectly comfortable a week ago. Before Ray called me. Now I was a nervous mess.

My eyes scanned the crowds of students, praying I would find the giant red head. Where was he? Marc had promised me that he would be here. We had talked about it last night until almost midnight.

"Move it, freshman," some older girl snapped.

I quickly moved out of the way, causing me to bump into several other students. Why did I have to be so small and in the way? The other kids just pushed me back. I was lucky that I was keeping my balance.

"Come on, you fucking dike, move!" I looked up at the tall brunette. He was glaring at me. He shoved me forward, right into a locker.

"Come on, that's not very nice."

Both of our heads snapped over. I couldn't describe the relief I felt when I recognized the two familiar faces. The tall blonde was glaring down at the brunette. The red head had a frown on his face, as well.

The brunette stumbled over his words. "Uh... Yeah... Uh... Sorry," he muttered. His eyes were still glued to Eric's.

Eric raised his eyebrows expectantly. The older student must have gotten the hint and rushed off. Eric smiled at me. "Hey, shrimp," he greeted.

I grinned up at him. Marc laughed. "You look like we just saved you from the devil," he commented.

I stuck my tongue out at him. "Shut up. It's just..." I began slowly. I simply shrugged my shoulders to end my sentence.

Eric chuckled. "It isn't that bad. You'll like it once you settle in," he assured me.

I let out a sigh, my shoulders relaxing more. I felt more assured hearing that from him. Marc nodded. "I've already made some friends. It doesn't seem so bad," he commented.

Eric rolled his eyes. "That's just because you're oblivious to everything."

Marc stuck his tongue out at his older brother. "Whatever. I'm going to go find my classes," he said. He gave me a side hug before leaving.

"I thought you were in Raleigh already?" I asked.

He nodded. "Yeah, I came back for two days to get the last few things I need. I'm heading back down tomorrow night," he explained. I nodded my head.

"Well, I guess I'll see you later?" I asked.

He nodded. "Yeah, tonight we're having a big dinner."

I smiled before starting to turn to leave. "Hey, Shrimp?" he called.

I turned back around. "If they give you any more trouble, just let me know. I'll take care of them for ya," he promised.